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Results: Found 101 records (displaying records 1 through 25)

1. Ackerman, Steven A.; Heidinger, Andrew; Foster, Michael J. and Maddux, Brent. Satellite regional cloud climatology over the Great LakesRemote Sensing, Volume: 5, Issue: 12, 2013, pp.6223-6240. Reprint # 7318. 
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2. Baum, Bryan A.; Menzel, W. Paul; Frey, Richard A.; Tobin, David C.; Holz, Robert E.; Ackerman, Steve A.; Heidinger, Andrew K. and Yang, Ping. MODIS cloud-top property refinements for Collection 6Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume: 51, Issue: 6, 2012, pp.1145-1163. Reprint # 6734. 
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3. Baum, Bryan A.; Yang, Ping; Nasiri, Shaima; Heidinger, Andrew K.; Heymsfield, Andrew and Li, Jun. Bulk scattering properties for the remote sensing of ice clouds, part III: High-resolution spectral models from 100 to 3240 cm-1Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume: 46, Issue: 4, 2007, pp.423-434. Reprint # 5349. 
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4. Bennartz, Ralf; Fan, Jiwen; Rausch, John; Leung, L. Ruby and Heidinger, Andrew K.. Pollution from China increases cloud droplet number, suppresses rain over the East China SeaGeophysical Research Letters, Volume: 38, Issue: 9, 2011, doi:10.1029/2011GL047235. Reprint # 6455. 

5. Cernak, Jan; Wild, Martin; Knutti, Reto; Mishchenko, Michael I. and Heidinger, Andrew K.. Consistency of global satellite-derived aerosol and cloud data sets with recent brightening observationsGeophysical Research Letters, Volume: 37, Issue: 21, 2010, doi:1029/2010GL044632. Reprint # 6374. 

6. Cintineo, John L.; Pavolonis, Michael J.; Sieglaff, Justin M. and Heidinger, Andrew K.. Evolution of severe and nonsevere convection inferred from GOES-derived cloud propertiesJournal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume: 52, Issue: 9, 2013. Reprint # 7077. 
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7. Dim, J. R.; Murakami, H.; Nakajima, T. Y.; Nordell, B.; Heidinger, A. K. and Takamura, T.. The recent state of the climate: Driving components of cloud-type variabilityJournal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 116, 2011, doi:10.1029/2010JD14559. Reprint # 6478. 

8. Ding, Shouguo; Yang, Ping; Baum, Bryan A.; Heidinger, Andrew and Greenwald, Thomas. Development of a GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager solar channel radiance simulator for ice cloudsJournal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume: 52, Issue: 4, 2013. Reprint # 6975. 
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9. Evan, Amato T.; Heidinger, Andrew K. and Vimont, Daniel J.. Arguments against a physical long-term trend in global ISCCP cloud amountsGeophysical Research Letters, Volume: 34, Issue: 4, 2007, doi:10.1029/2006/GL028083. Reprint # 5297. 

10. Feng, Lian; Hu, Chuanmin; Barnes, Brian B.; Mannino, Antonio; Heidinger, Andrew K.; Strabala, Kathleen and Iraci, Laura T.. Cloud and sun-glint statistics derived from GOES and MODIS observations over the Intra-Americas Sea for GEO-CAPE mission planningJournal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 122, Issue: 3, 2017, pp.1725-1745. Reprint # 7878. 

11. Foster, M. H.; Ackerman, S. A.; Bedka, K.; Frey, R. A.; Di Girolamo, L.; Heidinger, A. K.; Sun-Mack, S.; Maddux, B. C.; Menzel, W. P.; Minnis, P.; Stegel, M. and Zhao, G.. State of the climate in 2015: CloudinessBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 97, Issue: 8, 2016, S28-S29. Reprint # 7714. 
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12. Foster, M. J.; Ackerman, S. A.; Bedka, K.; Di Girolamo, L.; Frey, R. A.; Heidinger, A. K.; Sun-Mack, S.; Philips, C.; Menzel, W. P.; Minnis, P. and Zhao, G.. State of the Climate in 2016: CloudinessBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 98, Issue: 8, 2017, S27-S28. Reprint # 8106. 
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13. Foster, M. J.; Ackerman, S. A.; Bennartz, R.; Heidinger, A. K.; Maddux, B. C. and Rossow, W. B.. State of the climate in 2008. Global cloudinessBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 90, Issue: 8, 2009, S29-S30. Reprint # 6114. 
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14. Foster, M. J.; Ackerman, S. A.; Heidinger, A. K. and Maddux, B. C.. State of the climate in 2009: Global cloudinessBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 91, Issue: 7, 2010, S34-S35. Reprint # 6296. 
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15. Foster, M. J.; Ackerman, S. A.; Heidinger, A. K. and Maddux, B. C.. State of the climate in 2012: CloudinessBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 94, Issue: 8, 2013, S21-S22. Reprint # 7314. 
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16. Foster, M. J.; Ackerman, S. A.; Heidinger, A. K. and Maddux, B. C.. State of the climate in 2011: CloudinessBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 93, Issue: 7, 2012, S27-S28. Reprint # 6848. 
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17. Foster, M.; Ackerman, S. A.; Heidinger, A. K. and Maddux, B.. State of the Climate in 2010: Global cloudinessBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 92, Issue: 6, 2011, S45-S46. Reprint # 6485. 
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18. Foster, M.; Ackerman, S. A.; Heidinger, A. K. and Maddux, B. C.. State of the climate in 2014: CloudinessBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 96, Issue: 7, 2015, S24-S26. Reprint # 7453. 
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19. Foster, M.J.; Di Girolamo, L.; Frey, R.A.; Heidinger, A.K.; Sun-Mack, S.; Phillips, C.; Menzel, W.P.; Stengel, M. and Zhao, G.. State of the climate in 2018: CloudinessBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 100, Issue: 9, 2019, S34-S35. Reprint # 8465. 
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20. Foster, Michael J. and Heidinger, Andrew. Entering the era of +30-year satellite cloud climatologies: A North American case studyJournal of Climate, Volume: 27, Issue: 17, 2014, pp.6687-6697. Reprint # 7256. 
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21. Foster, Michael J. and Veron, Dana E.. Employing cluster analysis to detect significant cloud 3D RT effect indicatorsJournal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume: 67, Issue: 7, 2010, pp.2226-2239. Reprint # 7320. 
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22. Foster, Michael J.; Bennartz, Ralf and Heidinger, Andrew. Estimation of liquid cloud properties that conserve total-scene reflectance using satellite measurementsJournal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume: 50, Issue: 1, 2011, pp.96-109. Reprint # 6403. 
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23. Foster, Michael J.; Heidinger, Andrew; Hiley, Michael; Wanzong, Steve; Walther, Andi and Botambekov, Denis. PATMOS-x cloud climate record trend sensitivity to reanalysis productsRemote Sensing, Volume: 8, Issue: 5, 2016, doi:10.3390/rs8050424. Reprint # 7642. 
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24. Foster, Michael J.; Phillips, Coda; Heidinger, Andrew K.; Borbas, Eva E.; Li, Yue; Menzel, W. Paul; Walther, Andi and Weisz, Elisabeth. PATMOS-x version 6.0: 40 years of merged AVHRR and HIRS global cloud dataJournal of Climate, Volume: 36, Issue: 4, 2023, pp.1143-1160. Reprint # 8912. 
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25. Foster, Michael, J. and Heidinger, Andrew. PATMOS-x: Results from a diurnally corrected 30-yr satellite cloud climatologyJournal of Climate, Volume: 26, Issue: 2, 2013. Reprint # 6934. 
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