1. Nigro, Melissa; Cassano, John; Wille, Jonathan; Bromwich, David and Lazzara, Matthew. A self-organizing map based evaluation of the Antarctic mesoscale prediction system using observations from a 30-m instrumented tower on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2015, Abstract A33B-0131.
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9. Bromwich, David H.; Nicolas, Julien P.; Hines, Keith M.; Kay, Jennifer E.; Key, Erica L.; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Lubin, Dan; McFarquhar, Greg M.; Gorodetskaya, Irina V.; Grosvenor, Daniel P.; Lachlan-Cope, Thomas and van Lipzig, Nicole P. M.. Tropospheric clouds in Antarctica. Reviews of Geophysics, Volume: 50, Issue: 1, 2012, doi:10.1029/2011RG000363. Reprint # 6616.
Bromwich, David H.; Nicolas, Julien P.; Monaghan, Andrew J.; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Keller, Linda M.; Weidner, George A. and Wilson, Aaron B.. Central West Antarctica among the most rapidly warming regions on Earth. Nature Geoscience, Volume: 6, 2013, pp.139-145. Reprint # 6923. Link to PDF
Bromwich, David H.; Nicolas, Julien P.; Monaghan, Andrew J.; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Keller, Linda M.; Weidner, George A. and Wilson, Aaron B.. Central West Antarctica among the most rapidly warming regions on Earth: Corrigendum. Nature Geoscience, Volume: 7, 2014, pp.76. Reprint # 6923. Link to PDF
12. Bromwich, David H.; Parish, Thomas R.; Pellegrini, Andrea; Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Spatial and temporal characteristics of the intense katabatic winds at Terra Nova Bay, Antarctia. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 1993, pp.47-68. Call Number: QC/994.9/A58/1993.
Bromwich, David H.; Werner, Kirstin; Casati, Barbara; Powers, Jordan G.; Gorodetskaya, Irina, V.; Massonnet, Francois; Vitale, Vito; Heinrich, Victoria J.; Liggett, Daniela; Arndt, Stefanie; Barja, Boris; Bazile, Eric; Carpentier, Scott; Carrasco, Jorge F.; Choi, Taejin; Choi, Yonghan; Colwell, Steven R.; Cordero, Raul R.; Gervasi, Massimo; Haiden, Thomas; Hirasawa, Naohiko; Inoue, Jun; Jung, Thomas; Kalesse, Heike; Kim, Seong-Joong; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Manning, Kevin W.; Norris, Kimberley; Park, Sang-Jong; Reid, Phillip; Rigor, Ignatius; Rowe, Penny M; Schmithusen, Holger; Seifert, Patric; Sun, Qizhen; Uttal, Taneil; Zannoni, Mario and Zou, Xun. The year of polar prediction in the southern hemisphere (YOPP-SH). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 101, Issue: 10, 2020, E1653-E1676. Reprint # 8610. Link to PDF
14. Bromwich, David H.; Wille, Jonathan; Cassano, John J.; Nigro, Melissa A.; Mateling, Marian and Lazzara, Matthew A.. Observing and modeling the Antarctic planetary boundary layer. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2017, Abstract A53L-02.
15. Bywaters, Kenneth; Lazzara, Matthew; Santek, David and Young, J. T.. An Antarctic data archive and access system. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1995, pp.373-375. Reprint # 1770.
16. Campbell, G.; Pope, A.; Lazzara, M. A. and Scambos, T. A.. The coldest place on Earth: -90 degrees C and below in East Antarctica from Landsat-8 and other thermal sensors. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2013, Abstract C21D-0678.
17. Cassano, John J. and Stearns, Charles R.. Evaluation of a method for estimating the surface temperature inversion strength on the South Polar Plateau using slope flow theory. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1995, pp.109-111. Reprint # 1759.
18. Cassano, John J.; Nigro, Melissa A. and Lazzara, Matthew A.. Characteristics of the near-surface atmosphere over the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 121, Issue: 7, 2016, pp.3339-3362. Reprint # 7588.
19. Cassano, John J.; Nigro, Melissa A.; Keller, Linda M.; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Thom, Jonathan E.; Weidner, George A. and Welhouse, Lee J.. Characteristics of the atmospheric surface layer over the Ross Ice Shelf. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2014. 2p. Reprint # 7240.
Choi, Taej In; Kim, Seong-Joong; Kim, Ji Hee; Kwon, Hataek and Lazzara, Matthew A.. Characteristics of Surface Meteorology at Lindsey Islands, Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 124, Issue: 12, 2019, pp.6294-6306. Reprint # 8437. Link to PDF
Colwell, S.; Keller, L. M. and Lazzara, M. A.. State of the climate in 2011: Surface manned and automatic weather station observations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 93, Issue: 7, 2012, S151-S156. Reprint # 6847. Link to PDF
Colwell, S.; Keller, L. M. and Lazzara, M. A.. State of the climate in 2009: Surface manned and automatic weather station observations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 91, Issue: 7, 2010, S128-S129. Reprint # 6297. Link to PDF
Colwell, S.; Keller, L. M. and Lazzara, M. A.. State of the Climate in 2010: Surface manned and automatic weather station observations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 92, Issue: 6, 2011, S163-S164. Reprint # 6484. Link to PDF
Colwell, S.; Keller, L. M.; Lazzara, M. A. and Setzer, A.. State of the climate in 2012: Surface manned and automatic weather station observations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 94, Issue: 8, 2013, S135-S136. Reprint # 7315. Link to PDF
Colwell, S.; Keller, L. M.; Lazzara, M. A.; Setzer, A. and Fogt, R. L.. State of the climate in 2014: Surface staffed and automatic weather station observations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 96, Issue: 7, 2015, S151-S153. Reprint # 7455. Link to PDF