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Results: Found 8662 records (displaying records 2551 through 2575)

2551. Heidinger, Andrew and Walther, Andi. GOES-R AWG Cloud Team: Daytime Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties (DCOMP). Greenbelt, MD, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Series Program Office, 2010, PowerPoint presentation. 

2552. Heidinger, Andrew K.. Applicability of GOES-R AWG cloud algorithms for JPSS/VIIRS. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society (AMS), 2011, Abstract 3.5. 

2553. Heidinger, Andrew K.. Rapid daytime estimation of cloud properties over a large area from radiance distributionsJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume: 20, Issue: 9, 2003, pp.1237-1250. Reprint # 3707. 
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2554. Heidinger, Andrew K.. Candidate approaches for the real-time generation of cloud properties from GOES-R ABI. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2008, Abstract P1.3. 

2555. Heidinger, Andrew K. and Pavolonis, Michael J.. Global daytime distribution of overlapping cirrus cloud from NOAA's Advanced Very High Resolution RadiometerJournal of Climate, Volume: 18, Issue: 22, 2005, pp.4772-4784. Reprint # 4904. 
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2556. Heidinger, Andrew K. and Pavolonis, Michael J.. Gazing at cirrus clouds for 25 years through a split window, part 1: MethodologyJournal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume: 48, Issue: 6, 2009, pp.1100-1116. Reprint # 6079. 
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2557. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Ann, Venkata Rao and Dean, Charles. Using MODIS to estimate cloud contamination of the AVHRR data recordJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume: 19, Issue: 5, 2002, pp.586-601. Reprint # 4413. 
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2558. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Baum, B. A.; Platnick, S.; Yang, P. and Berthier, S.. Expected operational cloud observation improvements with VIIRS on NPP/NPOESS. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2010, Abstract 4.4. 

2559. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Bearson, Nicholas; Foster, Michael J.; Li, Yue; Wanzong, Steve; Ackerman, Steven; Holz, Robert E.; Platnick, Steven and Meyer, Kerry. Using sounder data to improve cirrus cloud height estimation from satellite imagersJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume: 36, 2019, pp.1331-1342. Reprint # 8399. 
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2560. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Evan, Amato T.; Foster, Michael J. and Walther, Andi. A naive Bayesian cloud-detection scheme derived from CALIPSO and applied within PATMOS-xJournal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume: 51, Issue: 6, 2012. Reprint # 6733. 
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2561. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Foster, M. J.; Molling, C.; Straka, W. and Walther, A.. Advances in long-term high spatial and temporal resolution cloud climate records from PATMOS-x using NOAA's LEO and GEO imagers. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2012, Abstract 6.6. 

2562. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Foster, Michael J.; Walther, Andi and Zhao, Xueping (Tom). The Pathfinder-Atmospheres Extended AVHRR climate datasetBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 95, Issue: 6, 2014, pp.909-922. Reprint # 7316. 
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2563. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Frey, Richard and Pavolonis, Michael. Relative merits of the 1.6 and 3.75 micron channels of the AVHRR/3 for cloud detectionCanadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 30, Issue: 2, 2004, pp.182-194. Reprint # 4222. 

2564. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Goldberg, M.; Tarpley, D.; Jelenak, A. and Pavolonis, M. J.. Initial trends in cloud amount from the AVHRR Pathfinder atmospheres extended data-set. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2004, Abstract P6.9. 

2565. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Goldberg, Mitch D.; Tarpley, Dan; Jelenak, Aleksander and Pavolonis, Michael. A new AVHRR cloud climatology. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2005, pp.197-205. Reprint # 4198. 

2566. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Holz, Robert; Li, Yue; Platnick, Steven E. and Wanzong, Steve. Merging sounder and imager data for improved cloud depiction on SNPP and JPSS. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2017, Abstract IN51D-0045. 

2567. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Laszlo, Istvan; Molling, Christine C. and Tarpley, Dan. Using SURFRAD to verify the NOAA single-channel land surface temperature algorithmJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume: 30, Issue: 12, 2013. Reprint # 7133. 
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2568. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Li, Yue; Baum, Bryan A.; Holz, Robert E.; Platnick, Steven and Yang, Ping. Retrieval of cirrus cloud optical depth under day and night conditions from MODIS Collection 6 cloud property dataRemote Sensing, Volume: 7, Issue: 6, 2015, pp.7257-7271. Reprint # 7400. 
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2569. Heidinger, Andrew K.; O'Dell, Christopher; Bennartz, Ralf and Greenwald, Thomas. The successive-order-of-interaction radiative transfer model. Part I: Model developmentJournal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume: 45, Issue: 10, 2006, pp.1388-1402. Reprint # 5230. 
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2570. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Pavolonis, M. J. and Calven, C. G.. Estimation of cloud height and emissivity from METOP/AVHRR and VIIRS. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2008, Abstract P1.35. 

2571. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Straka, William C. III; Molling, Christine C.; Sullivan, Jerry T. and Wu, Xiangqian. Deriving an inter-sensor consistent calibration for the AVHRR solar reflectance data recordInternational Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 31, Issue: 24, 2010, pp.6493-6517. Reprint # 6393. 

2572. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Walther, Andi; Lindsey, Daniel T.; Li, Yue; Noh, Yoo-Jeong; Botambekov, Denis; Miller, Steven D. and Foster, Michael J.. Improvements in cloud remote sensing from fusing VIIRS and CrIS data. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2016, Abstract IN31A-1741. 

2573. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Wanzong, S. and Walther, A.. Analysis of convective clouds viewed from GOES during DC3. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2014, Abstract 26. 

2574. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Wanzong, Steve and Li, Yue. NOAA GOES-R AWG cloud height algorithm (ACHA). Darmstadt, Germany, EUMETSAT, 2014. Reprint # 7659. 

2575. Heidinger, Andrew; Ackerman, S.; Holz, R.; Baum, B. A.; Meyer, K.; Frey, R. A.; Platnick, S.; Li, Y. and Botambekov, D.. Progress towards MODIS and VIIRS cloud height and IR phase data record continuity. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2017, Abstract 16.2.