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3127. Woolf, Harold M.; Howell, H. Ben; Smith, William L. and Menzel, W. Paul. A low cost interactive system for processing and displaying direct-readout satellite soundings. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 1985, pp.327-332. Reprint # 5966.
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Woolf, Harold; van Delst, Paul and Zhang, Wenjian. NOAA-15 HIRS/3 and AMSU transmittance model validation. Melbourne, Australia, Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, 1999, pp.564-573. Reprint # 2687.
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3130. Wrotny, Jonathan E.; McWilliams E.; Ken, A.; Morris, B.; Yu, T.; Lu, H.; Sampson, S.; Wolf, W.; Straka, W. C. III; Heidinger, A. K. and Daniels, M.. GOES-R ASSISTT: Updated software algorithm packages for GOES-R operations. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2016, Abstract 353.
Wu, Dong L.; Baum, Bryan A.; Choi, Yong-Sang; Foster, Michael J./Kalsson, Karl-Goran; Heidinger, Andrew; Poulsen, Carolin; Pavolonis, Michael; Riedi, Jerome; Roebeling, Robert; Sherwood, Steven; Thoss, Anke and Watts, Philip. Toward global harmonization of derived cloud products. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 98, Issue: 2, 2017, ES49-ES52. Reprint # 7907.
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3132. Wu, Dong L.; Kelly, M. A.; Yee, J. H.; Demajistre, R.; Reynolds, E.; Tripoli, G. J.; Oman, L.; Prive, N.; Heidinger, A. K. and Wanzong, S.. CubeSat Constellation Cloud Winds (C3Winds): A new wind observing system to study mesoscale cloud dynamics and processes. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2016, Abstract 4.6.
Wu, Dong; Roebeling, Rob and Heidinger, Andrew. Summary report on the International Clouds Working Group (ICWG) activity. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2017, WG II: Satellite data and products. Section 4. Reprint # 8195.
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Wu, Doug; Baum, Bryan; Heidinger, Andrew and Roebeling. Report from the International Clouds Working Group (ICWG). Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 2016. Reprint # 8206.
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Wu, Doug; Roebeling, Rob; Baum, Bryan and Heidinger, Andrew. Report from the International Clouds Working Group (ICWG). Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 2016, PowerPoint presentation. 18 slides.
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3136. Wu, Wan-Shu; Xue, Ming; Schlatter, Thomas W.; Purser, R. James; McAtee, Michael; Gao, Jidong; Devanyi, Dezso; Derber, John C.; Barker, Dale M.; Benjamin, Stanley and Aune, Robert. The WRF 3D-VAR analysis system. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2001, Paper J2.5. Reprint # 3870.
3137. Wu, Wan-Shu; Zue, Ming; Schlatter, Thomas W.; Purser, R. James; McAtee, Michael; Gao, Jidong; Devenyi, Dezso; Derber, John C.; Barker, Dale M.; Benjamin, Stanley and Aune, Robert. The WRF 3D-Var analysis system. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2001, J84-J86. Reprint # 3384.
3138. Wu, X.; Menzel, W. P. and Schmit, T.. Combination of GPS and GOES measurements to improve the depiction of atmospheric profiles. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 1999, abstract.
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3140. Wu, X.; Schmit, T.; Galvin, R.; Gunshor, M.; Hewison, T.; Koenig, M.; Tahara, Y.; Blumstein, D.; Li, Y.; Sohn, S. and Goldberg, M.. Investigation of GOES imager 13 micron channel cold bias. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2008, unpaged. Reprint # 5907.
3141. Wu, Xiangqian and Menzel, W. P.. Diurnal variation of GOES SST. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2001, Abstract P1.6.
3142. Wu, Xiangqian and Menzel, W. Paul. Preliminary study of deriving sea surface temperature from future GOES. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2000, pp.144-146. Reprint # 2657.
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3144. Wu, Xiangqian and Menzel, W. Paul. Stripe in GOES image and its effect on the derived sea surface temperature. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1998, pp.369-372. Reprint # 2608.
3145. Wu, Xiangqian and Schmit, Timothy J.. Validation of GOES-11 data. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2001, pp.391-394. Reprint # 2979.
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Wu, Xiangqian and Smith, William L.. Assimilation of ERBE data with a nonlinear programming technique to improve cloud-cover diagnosis. Monthly Weather Review, Volume: 120, Issue: 9, 1992, pp.2009-2024. Reprint # 1303.
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3148. Wu, Xiangqian and Smith, William L.. Computed and measured sea surface emissivity for 8-13 micron. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1996, pp.527-530. Reprint # 2027.
3149. Wu, Xiangqian and Smith, William L.. Emissivity of rough sea surface for 8-13 microns: Modeling and verification. Applied Optics, Volume: 36, Issue: 12, 1997, pp.2609-2619. Reprint # 2363.
Wu, Xiangqian; Bates, John J. and Khalsa, Siri Jodha Singh. A climatology of the water vapor band brightness temperatures from TOVS. Reading, UK, European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), 1993, pp.555-560. Reprint # 2274.
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