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Results: Found 427 records (displaying records 326 through 350)

326. Stearns, Charles R.. Computer program for determining surface roughness and displacement height from wind speed and air temperature profiles. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, 1969. Call Number: UW MET Publication No.69.00.S3. 
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327. Stearns, Charles R.. The effect of time-variable fluxes on mean wind and temperature profile structureBoundary-Layer Meteorology, Volume: 1, Issue: 4, 1971, pp.389-398. Reprint # 1528. 

328. Stearns, Charles R.. Conversion of profile difference quotients to true gradients at the geometric mean height in the surface layer. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, 1970, pp.13-23. Call Number: UW MET Publication No.70.07.L1. 
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329. Stearns, Charles R.. The effect of time-variable fluxes on mean wind and temperature profile structure. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, 1970, pp.25-37. Call Number: UW MET Publication No.70.07.L1. 
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330. Stearns, Charles R.. Ross Island area wind fieldAntarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 32, Issue: 5, 1997, pp.181-182. Reprint # 4945. 
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331. Stearns, Charles R.. Antarctic automatic weather stationsAntarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 17, Issue: 5, 1982, pp.217-219. Reprint # 4947. 
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332. Stearns, Charles R.. Conversion of profile difference quotients to true gradients at the geometric mean height in the surface layerBoundary-Layer Meteorology, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, 1970, pp.146-154. Reprint # 473. 

333. Stearns, Charles R.. The Antarctic Meteorological Research Center at the University of Wisconsin and McMurdo, Antarctica. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1995, pp.108. Reprint # 1758. 

334. Stearns, Charles R.. Determining surface roughness and displacement heightBoundary-Layer Meteorology, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, 1970, pp.102-111. Reprint # 475. 

335. Stearns, Charles R.. Automatic weather station projectAntarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 22, Issue: 1, 1987, pp.16-20. Reprint # 2156. 
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336. Stearns, Charles R. and Lazzara, Matthew A.. Antarctic mission: Record for the lowest temperature ever measured!Argos Forum, Volume: 70, 2010, pp.7. Reprint # 6298. 

337. Stearns, Charles R. and Savage, Michael L.. Automatic weather stations: 1980-1981Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 16, Issue: 5, 1981, pp.190-192. Reprint # 2230. 
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338. Stearns, Charles R. and Sinkula, Bruce B.. Antarctic Meteorological Forecasting Center: 1994Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 30, Issue: 5, 1995, pp.385-386. Reprint # 5735. 

339. Stearns, Charles R. and Sinkula, Bruce B.. Antarctic weather forecasting: 1993Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 29, Issue: 5, 1994, pp.284. Reprint # 4937. 
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340. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Climatic differences in Antarctica from Automatic Weather Stations. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1992, pp.111-114. Reprint # 3203. 

341. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Sensible and latent heat flux estimates in Antarctica. Greenbelt, MD, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight Center, 1993, pp.43. Reprint # 1107. 

342. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Sensible and latent heat flux estimates in Antarctica. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 1993, pp.109-138. Reprint # 6317. 

343. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. The polar automatic weather station project of the University of Wisconsin. Fairbanks, AK, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute, 1991, pp.58-62. Reprint # 7158. 

344. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Antarctic automatic weather stations, austral summer 1987-1988Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 23, Issue: 5, 1988, pp.183-186. Reprint # 4924. 

345. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Antarctic automatic weather stations, austral summer 1988-1989Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 24, Issue: 5, 1989, pp.242-243. Reprint # 4925. 

346. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Antarctic automatic weather stations, austral summer 1989-1990Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 25, Issue: 5, 1990, pp.254-258. Reprint # 4926. 

347. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Wind speed events and wind direction at Pegasus site during 1989Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 25, Issue: 5, 1990, pp.258-262. Reprint # 4927. 

348. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Antarctic automatic weather stations, austral summer 1990-1991Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 26, Issue: 5, 1991, pp.247-250. Reprint # 4928. 

349. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Wind speed, wind direction, and air temperature at Pegasus North during 1990Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 26, Issue: 5, 1991, pp.251-253. Reprint # 4929. 

350. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Antarctic automatic weather stations, austral summer 1991-1992Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 27, Issue: 5, 1992, pp.280-282. Reprint # 4930.