Stearns, Charles R.. Computer program for determining surface roughness and displacement height from wind speed and air temperature profiles. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, 1969. Call Number: UW MET Publication No.69.00.S3. Link to PDF
327. Stearns, Charles R.. The effect of time-variable fluxes on mean wind and temperature profile structure. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Volume: 1, Issue: 4, 1971, pp.389-398. Reprint # 1528.
Stearns, Charles R.. Conversion of profile difference quotients to true gradients at the geometric mean height in the surface layer. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, 1970, pp.13-23. Call Number: UW MET Publication No.70.07.L1. Link to PDF
Stearns, Charles R.. The effect of time-variable fluxes on mean wind and temperature profile structure. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, 1970, pp.25-37. Call Number: UW MET Publication No.70.07.L1. Link to PDF
Stearns, Charles R.. Ross Island area wind field. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 32, Issue: 5, 1997, pp.181-182. Reprint # 4945. Link to PDF
Stearns, Charles R.. Antarctic automatic weather stations. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 17, Issue: 5, 1982, pp.217-219. Reprint # 4947. Link to PDF
332. Stearns, Charles R.. Conversion of profile difference quotients to true gradients at the geometric mean height in the surface layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, 1970, pp.146-154. Reprint # 473.
333. Stearns, Charles R.. The Antarctic Meteorological Research Center at the University of Wisconsin and McMurdo, Antarctica. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1995, pp.108. Reprint # 1758.
334. Stearns, Charles R.. Determining surface roughness and displacement height. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Volume: 1, Issue: 1, 1970, pp.102-111. Reprint # 475.
Stearns, Charles R.. Automatic weather station project. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 22, Issue: 1, 1987, pp.16-20. Reprint # 2156. Link to PDF
336. Stearns, Charles R. and Lazzara, Matthew A.. Antarctic mission: Record for the lowest temperature ever measured!. Argos Forum, Volume: 70, 2010, pp.7. Reprint # 6298.
Stearns, Charles R. and Savage, Michael L.. Automatic weather stations: 1980-1981. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 16, Issue: 5, 1981, pp.190-192. Reprint # 2230. Link to PDF
338. Stearns, Charles R. and Sinkula, Bruce B.. Antarctic Meteorological Forecasting Center: 1994. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 30, Issue: 5, 1995, pp.385-386. Reprint # 5735.
Stearns, Charles R. and Sinkula, Bruce B.. Antarctic weather forecasting: 1993. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 29, Issue: 5, 1994, pp.284. Reprint # 4937. Link to PDF
340. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Climatic differences in Antarctica from Automatic Weather Stations. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1992, pp.111-114. Reprint # 3203.
341. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Sensible and latent heat flux estimates in Antarctica. Greenbelt, MD, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight Center, 1993, pp.43. Reprint # 1107.
342. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Sensible and latent heat flux estimates in Antarctica. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 1993, pp.109-138. Reprint # 6317.
343. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. The polar automatic weather station project of the University of Wisconsin. Fairbanks, AK, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute, 1991, pp.58-62. Reprint # 7158.
344. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Antarctic automatic weather stations, austral summer 1987-1988. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 23, Issue: 5, 1988, pp.183-186. Reprint # 4924.
345. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Antarctic automatic weather stations, austral summer 1988-1989. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 24, Issue: 5, 1989, pp.242-243. Reprint # 4925.
346. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Antarctic automatic weather stations, austral summer 1989-1990. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 25, Issue: 5, 1990, pp.254-258. Reprint # 4926.
347. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Wind speed events and wind direction at Pegasus site during 1989. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 25, Issue: 5, 1990, pp.258-262. Reprint # 4927.
348. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Antarctic automatic weather stations, austral summer 1990-1991. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 26, Issue: 5, 1991, pp.247-250. Reprint # 4928.
349. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Wind speed, wind direction, and air temperature at Pegasus North during 1990. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 26, Issue: 5, 1991, pp.251-253. Reprint # 4929.
350. Stearns, Charles R. and Weidner, George A.. Antarctic automatic weather stations, austral summer 1991-1992. Antarctic Journal of the United States, Volume: 27, Issue: 5, 1992, pp.280-282. Reprint # 4930.