4876. Miller, Donald B. and Menzel, W. Paul. Using GOES and METEOSAT in the United States: Assigning cloud heights and inferring winds. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 1992, pp.51-59. Reprint # 3322.
Miller, Douglas; Forsythe, John; Kusselson, Sheldon; Straka, William; Yin, Jifu; Zhan, Xiwu and Ferraro, Ralph. A study of two impactful heavy rainfall events in the southern Appalachian Mountains during early 2020, part I: societal impacts, synoptic overview, and historical context. Remote Sensing, Volume: 13, 2021, pp.2452. Reprint # 8689.
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Miller, N. B.; Gunshor, M. M.; Merrelli, A. J.; L'Ecuyer, T. S.; Schmit, T. J.; Gerth, J. J. and Gordillo, N. J.. Imaging considerations from a geostationary orbit using the short wavelength side of the mid-infrared water vapor absorption band. Earth and Space Science, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, 2022. Reprint # 8767.
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4879. Miller, N. B.; Turner, D. D.; Bennartz, R.; Shupe, M. D.; Kulie, M. S.; Cadeddu, M. P. and Walden, Von P.. Surface-based inversions above central Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 118, Issue: 2, 2013, doi:10.1029/2012JD018867. Reprint # 6942.
Miller, Nathaniel B.; Merrelli, Aronne; L'Ecuyer, Tristan S. and Drouin, Brian J.. Simulated clear-sky water vapor and temperature retrievals from PREFIRE measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume: 40, Issue: 6, 2023, pp.645-659. Reprint # 8959.
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Miller, Nathaniel B.; Shupe, Matthew E.; Lenaerts, Jan. T. M.; Kay, Jennifer E.; de Boer, Gijs and Bennartz, Ralf. Process-based model evaluation using surface energy budget observations in central Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 123, Issue: 10, 2018, pp.4777-4796. Reprint # 8300.
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4882. Miller, Nathaniel; Pettersen, Claire; Walden, Von P.; Turner, David D.; Shupe, Matthew; Bennartz, Ralf; Neff, William D.; Cox, Christopher; Kulie, Mark and Castellani, Benjamin. What triggered the recent melt event at Summit, Greenland? Insights from an integrated suite of ground-based observations. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2012, Abstract A23C-0244.
4883. Miller, Nathaniel; Shupe, M.; Lenaerts, J.; Kay, J. and Bennartz, R.. Model evaluation in central Greenland using a comprehensive set of atmospheric and surface measurements. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2017, Abstract J9.6.
4884. Miller, Nathaniel; Walden, V. P.; Turner, D. D.; Shupe, M.; Bennartz, R.; Pettersen, C.; Kulie, M.; Cox, C. C. and Castellani, B.. Extreme events at Summit, Greeland: 3 days, 3 years, and 33 summers. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2013, Abstract 4.5.
4885. Miller, S. D.; Combs, C.; Wagner, S.; Viticchie, B.; Walther, A. and Solbrig, J.. Validation and refinement of a lunar irradiance model for Suomi NPP VIIRS day-night band quantitative nighttime applications. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2014, Abstract IN12A-03.
4886. Miller, S. D.; Straka, W. III; Mills, S. P.; Elvidge, C. D.; Lee, T. F.; Solbrig, J.; Walther, A.; Heidinger, A. K. and Weiss, S. C.. The VIIRS day/night band lights the way toward a new era in nocturnal environmental characterization. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2014, abstract.
4887. Miller, S. D.; Straka, W.; Bachmeier, A. Scott; Schmit, T. J.; Partain, P. T. and Noh, Y.-J.. Fire on high - Unique perspectives on the Chelyabinsk Meteor from earth-viewing environmental satellites. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2014, abstract.
4888. Miller, Steve; Rogers, Matt; Heidinger, Andy; Laszlo, Istvan and Sengupta, Manajit. Cloud advection schemes for short-term satellite-based insolation forecasts. Boulder, CO, American Solar Energy Society, 2012. Reprint # 7911.
4889. Miller, Steven D.; Combs, C.; Kidder, S.; Heidinger, A. K.; Sengupta, M.; Knaff, J. A.; Hilger, D. W.; Brummer, R. and Laszlo, I.. GOES-based solar energy prediction products for decision makers. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2010, Abstract J12.5.
4890. Miller, Steven D.; Combs, C.; Straka, W. C. III; Seaman, C. J.; Setvak, M.; Heidinger, A.; Walther A.; Noh, Y. J. and Solbrig, J.. Advances in day/night band science and applications: Making good on promises of the Moon. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2016, Abstract J1.3.
Miller, Steven D.; Haddock, Steven H. D.; Straka III, William C.; Seaman, Curtis J.; Combs, Cynthia L.; Wang, Menghua; Shi, Wei and Nam, SungHyun. Honing in on bioluminescent milky seas from space. Scientific Reports, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, 2021, pp.15443. Reprint # 8710.
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4892. Miller, Steven D.; Lindsey, D. T.; Seaman, C. J.; Schmit, T. J.; Gunshor, M. M.; Hillger, D. W.; Sumida, Y. and Grasso, L. D.. Himawari-8 AHI proves 'instrumental' in preparations for enhanced GOES-R ABI imagery applications. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2016, Abstract 8.3.
4893. Miller, Steven D.; Noh, Y. J. and Heidinger, A. K.. Development of a daytime multispectral technique for detecting supercooled liquid water-topped mixed phase clouds. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2010, Abstract P1.8.
4894. Miller, Steven D.; Noh, Yoo-Jeong and Heidinger, Andrew K.. Liquid-top mixed-phase cloud detection from shortwave-infrared satellite radiometer observations. US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2015, poster presentation.
4895. Miller, Steven D.; Noh, Yoo-Yeong and Heidinger, Andrew K.. Liquid-top mixed-phase cloud detection from shortwave-infrared satellite radiometer observations: A physical basis. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 119, Issue: 13, 2014. Reprint # 7249.
Miller, Steven D.; Rogers, Matthew A.; Haynes, John M.; Sengupta, Manajit and Heidinger, Andrew K.. Short-term irradiance forecasting via satellite/model coupling. Solar Energy, Volume: 168, 2018, pp.102-117. Reprint # 8353.
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4897. Miller, Steven D.; Schmidt, Christopher C.; Schmit, Timothy J. and Hillger, Donald W.. A case for natural colour imagery from geostationary satellites, and an approximation for the GOES-R ABI. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 33, Issue: 13, 2012, pp.3999-4028. Reprint # 6636.
4898. Miller, Steven D.; Schmit, T. J.; Seaman, C. J.; Gunshor, M.; Lindsey, D. T.; Hillger, D. W. and Sumida, Y.. The return of true color to geostationary satellites: Transitioning from polar, to Himawari, to GOES-R. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2016, Abstract 7.6.
4899. Miller, Steven D.; Schmit, Tim; Seaman, Curtis; Gunshor, Mat; Lindsey, Dan; Hillger, Don and Sumida, Uasuhiko. Himawari-8 AHI lays a foundation for true color capabilities on GOES-R ABI. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2016, PowerPoint presentation.
Miller, Steven D.; Schmit, Timothy; Seaman, Curtis J.; Lindsey, Daniel T.; Gunshor, Mathew M.; Kohrs, Richard A.; Sumida, Yasuhiko and Hillger, Donald. A sight for sore eyes: The return of true color to geostationary satellites. Supplement. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 97, Issue: 10, 2016, doi/suppl/10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00154.1. Reprint # 7780.
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