26. Hoffman, Jay P.; Prins, Elaine M.; Schmidt, Christopher C.; Ackerman, Steven A. and Reid, Jeffrey S.. Characterizing and understanding the differences between GOES WF_ABBA and MODIS fire products and implications for data assimilation. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2007, Paper P1.9. Reprint # 5236.
27. Hoffman, Jay P.; Schmidt, C. C. and Prins, E. M.. The GOES-R ABI Wild Fire Automated Biomass Burning Algorithm development activities at CIMSS. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2010, Abstract P8.10.
28. Hoffman, Jay P.; Schmidt, C. C.; Prins, E. M. and Brunner, J. C.. The GOES-R fire detection algorithm from research to operations. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2012, Abstract 498.
29. Hoffman, Jay P.; Schmidt, C. C.; Prins, E. M.; Lindstrom, S. S. and Brunner, J. C.. Recent WF_ABBA fire detection and characterization algorithm validation efforts at CIMSS. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2009, Abstract JP7.10.
30. Hyer, Edward J.; Curtis, C. A.; Hoffman, J. P.; Peterson, D. A.; Prins, E. M.; Reid, J. S. and Schmidt, C. C.. Constructing an improved time series of satellite-retrieved fire radiative power during large wildfires. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2015, Abstract 7.1.
31. Hyer, Edward J.; Reid, Jeffrey S.; Prins, Elaine M.; Hoffman, Jay P.; Schmidt, Christospher C.; Meittinen, Jukka I. and Giglio, Louis. Patterns of fire activity over Indonesia and Malaysia from polar and geostationary satellite observations. Atmospheric Research, Volume: 122, 2013, pp.504-519. Reprint # 6937.
32. Kaufman, Y. J.; Hobbs, P. V.; Kirchhoff, V. W. J. H.; Artoxo, P.; Remer, L. A.; Holben, B. N.; King, M. D.; Ward, D. E.; Prins, E. M.; Longo, K. M.; Mattos, L. F.; Nobre, C. A.; Spinhirne, J. D.; Ji, Q.; Thompson, A. M.; Gleason, J. F.; Christopher, S. A. and Tsay, S. -C.. Smoke, Clouds, And Radiation-Brazil (SCAR-B) experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 103, 1998, pp.31,783-31,808. Reprint # 2510.
33. Kaufman, Yoram J.; Justice, Christopher O.; Flynn, Luke P.; Kendall, Jackie D.; Prins, Elaine M.; Giglio, Louis; Ward, Darold E.; Menzel, W. Paul and Setzer, Alberto W.. Potential global fire monitoring from EOS-MODIS. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 103, 1998, pp.32,215-32,238. Reprint # 2514.
34. Kittaka, Chieko; Szykman, James; Pierce, Brad; Al-Sadi, Jassim; Neil, Doreen; Chu, Allen; Remer, Lorraine; Prins, Elaine and Holdzkom, John. Utilizing MODIS satellite observations to monitor and analyze fine particulate matter, PM2.5, transport event. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2004, Paper 1.3. Reprint # 3631.
35. Koltunov, Alexander; Ustin, Susan L. and Prins, Elaine M.. On timeliness and accuracy of wildfire detection by the GOES WF-ABBA algorithm over California during the 2006 fire season. Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume: 127, 2012, pp.194-209. Reprint # 6935.
36. Lindstrom, Scott S.; Schmidt, C. C.; Prins, E. M.; Hoffman, J.; Brunner, J. and Schmit, T. J.. Proxy ABI datasets relevant for fire detection that are derived from MODIS data. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2008, Abstract P1.35.
Longo, K. M.; Freitas, S. R.; Andreae, M. O.; Setzer, A.; Prins, E. and Artaxo, P.. The Coupled Aerosol and Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CATT-BRAMS) - Part 2: Model sensitivity to the biomass burning inventories. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume: 10, Issue: 13, 2010, pp.5785-5795. Reprint # 5467. Link to PDF
Mecikalski, John R.; Johnson, David B.; Murray, John; Carmichael, Bruce; Achtor, Thomas; Feltz, Wayne; Sharman, Bob; Schmit, Tim; Olander, Timothy; Wetzel-Seemann, Suzanne; Prins, Elaine; Roberts, Rita; Kessinger, Cathy; Politovich, Marcia; Mueller, Cindy; Brown, Barbara; Herzegh, Paul; Feltz, Joleen and Li, Jun. NASA Advanced Satellite Aviation-weather Products (ASAP) study report. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 2002. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.02.08.M1. Link to PDF
Menzel, Paul and Prins, Elaine. Investigation of biomass burning and aerosol loading and transport in South America utilizing Geostationary Satellites: Annual summary report for January - December 1995 (NAGW-3804). Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 1995. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.96.01.M1. Link to PDF
40. Menzel, W. Paul and Prins, Elaine M.. Monitoring biomass burning with the new generation of geostationary satellites. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1996, pp.56-64. Reprint # 2422.
41. Menzel, W. Paul and Prins, Elaine M.. Monitoring biomass burning and aerosol loading and transport using multispectral GOES data. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1996. 50-59. Reprint # 2466.
42. Miller, Steven D.; Turk, F. Joseph; Lee, Thomas F.; Hawkins, Jeffrey D.; Velden, Christopher S.; Schmidt, Christopher C.; Prins, Elaine M. and Haddock, Steven H. D.. The origin of sensors: Evolutionary considerations for next-generation satellite programs. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2006, Paper 10.1. Reprint # 4854.
43. Mu, M.; Randerson, J. T.; van der Werf, G. R.; Giglio, L.; Kasibhatla, P.; Morton, D.; Collatz, G. J.; DeFries, R. S.; Hyer, E. J.; Prins, E. M.; Griffith, D. W. T.; Wunch, D.; Toon, G. C.; Sherlock. V. and Wennberg, P. O.. Daily and 3-hourly variability in global fire emissions and consequences for atmospheric model predictions of carbon monoxide. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 116, 2011, doi:10.1029/2011JD016245. Reprint # 6583.
44. Nelson, James P. III; Wade, Gary S.; Schreiner, Anthony J.; Schmit, Timothy J.; Feltz, Wayne F. and Schmidt, Christopher C.. A study of data and products from the GOES-9 Imager and Sounder over the Western Pacific Ocean. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2004, Paper P2.5. Reprint # 3638.
45. Nepstad, D.; Schwartzman, S.; Bamberger, B.; Santilli, M.; Ray, D.; Schlesinger, P.; Lefebvre, P.; Alencar, A.; Prinz, E.[Prins, E.]; Fiske, Greg and Rolla, Alicia. Inhibition of Amazon deforestation and fire by parks and indigenous lands. Conservation Biology, Volume: 20, Issue: 1, 2006, pp.65-73. Reprint # 5346.
46. Nepstad, Daniel; Carvalho, Georgia; Barros, Ana Cristina; Alencar, Ane; Capobianco, Joao Paulo; Bishop, Josh; Moutinho, Pauol; Lefebvre, Paul; Silva, Urbano Lopes Jr. and Prins, Elaine. Road paving, fire regime feedbacks, and the future of Amazon forests. Forest Ecology and Management, Volume: 154, Issue: 3, 2001, pp.395-407. Reprint # 3059.
47. Prins, E. and Menzel, W. P.. Geostationary satellite detection of biomass burning in South America. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 13, Issue: 15, 1992, pp.2783-2799. Reprint # 1308.
48. Prins, E. M. and Schmetz, J.. Diurnal active fire detection using a suite of international geostationary satellites. Italy, Euopean Commission Joint Research Centre, 2000, pp.139-148. Reprint # 7165.
49. Prins, E. M.; Menzel, W. P.; Feltz, J. M. and Ward, D. E.. An overview of GOES-8 ABBA results for SCAR-B: diurnal rire activity and regional smoke coverage. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 1997, Abstract A31B-02.
50. Prins, E. M.; Schmidt, C. C. and Feltz, J. M.. An overview of recent geostationary fire monitoring activities and applications in the Western Hemisphere. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2002, Abstract A31D-03.