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Results: Found 3271 records (displaying records 26 through 50)

26. Ackerman, S.; Frey, R.; Holz, B.; Platnick, S. and Heidinger, Andy. MODIS cloud mask and extension to a MODIS/VIIRS cloud mask. Silver Spring, MD, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight Center, 2015, PowerPoint presentation. 
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27. Satellites see the world's atmosphereMeteorological Monographs, Volume: 59, 2018, pp.4.1-4.53. Reprint # 8340. 
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28. Ackerman, Steve A.; Revercomb, H. E.; Knuteson, R. O.; Moeller, C.; Bumley, L.; Strabala, K.; Frey, R. A.; Menzel, W. P.; van Delst, P.; Walden, V. P.; Spinhirne, J.; Hart, W. and Smith, W. L.. Cloud retrievals from combined observations from the HIS, MAS, and CLS. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1999, abstract. 

29. Ackerman, Steve A.; Strabala, K.; Frey, R. A.; Menzel, W. P.; Gumley, L. and Moeller, C.. Cloud masking with the MODIS. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1999, abstract. 

30. Ackerman, Steve; Baum, Bryan A.; Borbas, Eva E.; Frey, Rich; Gumley, Liam; Heidinger, Andrew; Holz, Robert; Kern< Aniko; Menzel, W. Paul; Maddux, Brent; Moeller, Chris; Smith, Nadia; Strabala, Kathy and Tobin, David. University of Wisconsin-Madison MODIS Team: Cloud mask, cloud top properties, and atmospheric profiles. Silver Spring, MD, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight Center, 2013, PowerPoint presentation. 
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31. Ackerman, Steve; Frey, R.; Menzel, W. P.; Strabala, K.; Moeller, C.; Key, J.; Gumley, L. and Tobin, D.. MODIS cloud mask: Results and validation. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004, pp.99-100. abstract. 
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32. Ackerman, Steve; Frey, Richard; Strabala, Kathleen; Lui, Yinghui; Gumley, Liam; Baum, Bryan and Menzel, Paul. Discriminating clear-sky from cloud with MODIS algorithm theoretical basis document (MOD35). Version 6.1. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, 2010. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.10.10.A1. 
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33. Ackerman, Steve; Holz, Robert E.; Frey, Richard A. and Heidinger, Andrew K.. Evaluation of VIIRS cloud EDRs and extending MODIS cloud data records into the NPP timeframe. Final report on NASA NNX11AL95G for the period 8 July 2011-7 July 2014. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2014. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.14.07.A1. 
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34. Ackerman, Steve; Menzel, W. P. and Frey, R.. MODIS observations of the spectral greenhouse parameter. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2002, Abstract P4.1. 

35. Ackerman, Steve; Moeller, Chris; Strabala, Kathleen; Baum, Bryan; Welch, Ron and Menzel, Paul. Discriminating clear sky from cloud with MODIS algorithm theoretical basis document. Version 1. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, 1994. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.94.04.A1. 
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36. Ackerman, Steve; Strabala, Kathleen; Menzel, Paul; Frey, Richard; Moeller, Chris; Gumley, Liam; Baum, Bryan; Schaaf, Crystal and Riggs, George. Discriminating clear-sky from cloud with MODIS algorithm theoretical basis document (MOD35). Version 3.2. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, CIMSS [Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies], 1997. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.97.11.A1. 
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37. Ackerman, Steve; Strabala, Kathleen; Menzel, Paul; Frey, Richard; Moeller, Chris; Gumley, Liam; Baum, Bryan; Seeman, Suzanne Wetzel and Zhang, Hong. Discriminating clear-sky from cloud with MODIS algorithm theoretical basis document (MOD35). Version 5.0. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, CIMSS [Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies], 2006. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.06.10.A1. 
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38. Ackerman, Steve; Strabala, Kathleen; Menzel, Paul; Frey, Richard; Moeller, Chris; Gumley, Liam; Baum, Bryan; Seeman, Suzanne Wetzel and Zhang, Hong. Discriminating clear-sky from cloud with MODIS algorithm theoretical basis document (MOD35). Version 4.0. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, CIMSS [Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies], 2002. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.02.10.A1. 
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39. Ackerman, Steven A. and Smith, William L.. Passive remote sensing of cirrus clouds and their microphysical properties using 8 and 11 micron channels. Washington, DC, Optical Society of America, 1990, pp.336-339. Reprint # 2775. 

40. Ackerman, Steven A. and Smith, William L.. IR spectral characteristics of cirrus clouds. Hampton, VA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Division, 1990, pp.441-445. Reprint # 1735. 

41. Ackerman, Steven A. and Smith, William L.. Radiative properties of cirrus clouds in the 8-12 micron region: Implications for remote sensing of cloud microphysics. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1989, pp.187-188. Reprint # 1029. 

42. Ackerman, Steven A. and Smith, William L.. Status report for NASA grant NAG1-1177, Participation in the FIRE Phase II Program. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC), Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 1991. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.91.06.A1. 
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43. Ackerman, Steven A.; Chung, Hyosang; Cox, Stephen K.; Herman, Leroy; Smith, William L. and Wylie, Donald P.. Comparison of NOAA-9 ERBE measurements with Cirrus IFO satellite and aircraft measurements. Hampton, VA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Division, 1990, pp.117-121. Reprint # 1731. 

44. Ackerman, Steven A.; Eloranta, Ed W.; Grund, Chris J.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Revercomb, Henry E.; Smith, William L. and Wylie, Donald P.. University of Wisconsin cirrus remote sensing pilot experimentBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 74, Issue: 6, 1993, pp.1041-1049. Reprint # 1842. 
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45. Ackerman, Steven A.; Forster, Michael; Heidinger, Andrew and Platnick, Steven. Estimating uncertainties in MODIS cloud data records. Report on contract no.NNX11AL23A for the period 1 July 2011-30 April 2012. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2012. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.12.04.A1. 
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46. Ackerman, Steven A.; Frey, R. and Key, J.. Interannual variations in HIRS observations of the temperature inversion over the Antarctic Plateau. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2001, Abstract P2.33. 

47. Ackerman, Steven A.; Frey, R.; Heidinger, A.; Holz, R. and Walther, A.. Retrieval studies in support of cloud property products from the PACE ocean color imager. Report on NNX15AD79G for the period 9 January 2016-8 February 2017. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, 2017. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.17.02.A1. 
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48. Ackerman, Steven A.; Frey, Richard A. and Smith, William L.. Radiation budget studies using collocated observations from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer, High-Resolution Infrared Sounder/2, and Earth Radiation Budget Experiment instrumentsJournal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 97, 1992, pp.11,513-11,525. Reprint # 1385. 

49. Ackerman, Steven A.; Frey, Richard and Smith, William L.. Cloud retrieval from collocated infrared sounder data and imaging systems. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1992, pp.1-2. Reprint # 1255. 

50. Ackerman, Steven A.; Frey, Richard and Smith, William L.. Radiative properties of the Earth-atmosphere system from combined AVHRR, HIRS/2 and ERBE observations. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1992, pp.73-74. Reprint # 1257.