Olander, Timothy L. and Velden, Christopher S.. AODT - Advanced Objective Dvorak Technique users' guide (McIDAS version 6.1). Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 2003. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.03.06.O1.
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Olander, Timothy L. and Velden, Christopher S.. AODT - Advanced Objective Dvorak Technique users' guide (McIDAS version 6.4.2). Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 2004. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.04.04.O1.
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Olander, Timothy L. and Velden, Christopher S.. AODT - Advanced Objective Dvorak Technique users' guide (X-Windows version 6.3). Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 2003. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.03.12.O1.
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Olander, Timothy L. and Velden, Christopher S.. AODT - Advanced Objective Dvorak Technique users' guide (McIDAS version 6.0). Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 2002. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.02.06.O1.
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5355. Olander, Timothy L. and Velden, Christopher S.. Status of the UW-CIMSS Objective Dvorak Technique (ODT). Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2001, pp.290-291. Reprint # 2969.
Olander, Timothy L. and Velden, Christopher S.. The Advanced Dvorak Technique: Continued development of an objective scheme to estimate tropical cyclone intensity using geostationary infrared satellite imagery. Weather and Forecasting, Volume: 22, Issue: 2, 2007, pp.287-298. Reprint # 5344.
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Olander, Timothy L. and Velden, Christopher S.. The Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADT) for estimating tropical cyclone intensity: update and new capabilities. Weather and Forecasting, Volume: 34, Issue: 4, 2019, pp.905-922. Reprint # 8401.
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5358. Olander, Timothy L.; Kossin, J. P.; Velden, C. S. and Knapp, K. R.. Employing the Advanced Dvorak Technique to deduce historical trends in global tropical cyclone intensity. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2014, Abstract 29.
5359. Olander, Timothy L.; Velden, Christopher S. and Kossin, James P.. The Advanced Objective Dvorak Technique (AODT): Latest upgrades and future directions. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2004, pp.294-295. Reprint # 3979.
5360. Olander, Timothy L.; Velden, Christopher S. and Turk, Michael A.. Development of the Advanced Objective Dvorak Technique (AODT) - Current progress and future directions. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2002, Paper 15A.4. Reprint # 3861.
5361. Olander, Timothy; Velden, Chris; Daniels, Jaime; Wolf, Walter and Qiu, Shuang. GOES-R AWG Winds Team: Hurricane Intensity Estimation (HIE) algorithm. Greenbelt, MD, NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Program Office, 2010, PowerPoint presentation.
Olander, Timothy; Velden, Christopher and Daniels, Jaime. GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for hurricane intensity. Version 2.0. NOAA, NESDIS, Center for Satellite Applications and Research, 2010. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.10.09.O1.
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5363. Olander, Timothy; Velden, Christopher and Spinoso, Connie. Creation of a platform-independent version of the UW-CIMSS geostationary, high-density wind derivation algorithm. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2001, pp.195-200. Reprint # 3031.
5364. Olander, Timothy; Velden, Christopher; Kossin, James; Wimmers, Anthony and Berger, Howard. The CIMSS Advanced Objective Dvorak Technique (AODT) - Latest advancements and implementation status. [Washington, DC], [US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research], 2005, abstract.
Olander, Timothy; Wimmers, Anthony; Velden, Christopher and Kossin, James P.. Investigation of machine learning using satellite-based advanced Dvorak technique analysis parameters to estimate tropical cyclone intensity. Weather and Forecasting, Volume: 36, Issue: 6, 2021. Reprint # 8748.
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5366. Olds, Shelley E.; Dahlman, LuAnn E.; Mooney, Margaret E. and Russell, Randy Michael. Using recreational drones to promote STEM learning. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2017, Abstract ED13E-01.
5367. Olsen, Donald P.; Wang, Charles C.; Sklar, Dean; Huang, Bormin and Ahuja, Alok. Assessment of error propagation in ultraspectral sounder data via JPEG 2000 compression and turbo coding. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2005, Paper 58890E. Reprint # 5536.
5368. Olsen, M. S.; Callaghan, T. V.; Reist, J. D.; Reiersen, L. O.; Dahl-Jensen, D.; Granskog, M. A.; Goodison, B.; Hovelsrud, G. K.; Johansson, M.; Kallenborn, R.; Key, J.; Klepikov, A.; Meier, W.; Overland, J. E.; Prowse, T. D.; Sharp, M.; Vincent, W. F. and Walsh, J.. The changing Arctic cryosphere and likely consequences: An overview. Ambio, Volume: 40, 2011, pp.111-118. Reprint # 6756.
5369. Olson, E. R.; Revercomb, H. E.; Knuteson, R. O.; Howell, H. B.; LaPorte, D. D.; Ellington, S. D.; Werner, M. W.; Garcia, R. K. and Best, F. A.. Vibration induced tilt error model for aircraft interferometer data. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2002, pp.604-615. Reprint # 3187.
5370. Olson, E. R.; Revercomb, H. E.; Knuteson, R. O.; Howell, H. B.; Werner, M. W. and Garcia, R. K.. Vibration induced tilt error model for aircraft interferometer data: Sample position error. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 2005, pp.500-507. Reprint # 4190.
5371. Olson, Erik R.; Ackerman, S. A. and Berger, H. I.. The effect of high cloud variability on ice water path characterization. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2001, Abstract 11.5.
5372. Olson, Erik R.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Revercomb, Hank E.; Li, Jun and Huang, Hung-Lung. Far field diffration and focal plane misalignment effects on simulated GIFTS data from the IHOP field program. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 2004, pp.438-443. Reprint # 4959.
5373. Olson, Erik R.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Revercomb, Hank E.; Li, Jun and Huang, Hung-Lung. Quantization of far field diffraction and focal plane misalignment effects on simulated GIFTS data from the IHOP field experiment. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2004, Paper P2.38. Reprint # 3656.
5374. Olson, Erik R.; Otkin, Jason; Knuteson, Robert; Smuga-Otto, Maciek; Garcia, Raymond K.; Feltz, Wayne; Huang, Hung-Lung; Velden, Christopher and Moy, Leslie. Geostationary interferometer 24-hour simulated dataset for test processing and calibration. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2006, Paper 14.5. Reprint # 4847.
5375. Olson, William S.; La Fontaine, Frank J.; Smith, William L.; Roth, Barry A. and Kummerow, Christian D.. Multispectral retrieval of rainfall rates using the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I). Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1989, pp.263-266. Reprint # 1131.