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Results: Found 8662 records (displaying records 7251 through 7275)

7251. Strow, L. L.; Tobin, D. C.; McMillan, W. W.; Hannon, S. E.; Smith, W. L.; Revercomb, H. E. and Knuteson, R. O.. Impact of a new water vapor continuum and line shape model on observed high resolution infrared radiancesJournal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume: 59, Issue: 3, 1998, pp.303-317. Reprint # 2893. 

7252. Strow, L. Larrabee; Hannon, Scott and Tobin, David. IASI and AIRS validation and intercomparisons with SARTA. Madison, WI, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 2008, PowerPoint presentation. 
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7253. Strow, L. Larrabee; Hannon, Scott E.; De Souza-Machado, Sergio; Motteler, Howard E. and Tobin, David. An overview of the AIRS radiative transfer modelIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume: 41, Issue: 2, 2003, pp.303-313. Reprint # 3559. 

7254. Strow, L. Larrabee; Motteler, H.; Schou, P.; Hannon, S. and Tobin, D.. CrIS calibration and validation. Logan, UT, Space Dynamics Laboratory (SDL), Utah State University, 2012, PowerPoint presentation. 
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7255. Strow, L. Larrabee; Motteler, Howard; Tobin, David; Revercomb, Henry; Hannon, Scott; Buijs, Henry; Predina, Joe; Sowinski, Lawrence and Glumb, Ronald. Spectral calibration and validation of the Cross-track Infrared Sounder on the Suomi NPP satelliteJournal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 118, Issue: 22, 2013, doi:10.1002/2013JD020480. Reprint # 7121. 

7256. Stubenrauch, C. J.; Rossow, W. B.; Kinne, S.; Ackerman, S.; Cesana, G.; Chepfer, H.; Di Girolamo, L.; Getzewish, B.; Guignard, A.; Heidinger, A.; Moddux, B. C.; Menzel, W. P.; Minnis, P.; Pearls, C.; Platnick, S.; Poulsen, C.; Riedi, J.; Sun-Mack, S.; Walther, A.; Winker, D.; Zeng, S. and Zhao, G.. Assessment of global cloud datasets from satellites: Project and database initiated by the GEWEX Radiation PanelBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 94, Issue: 7, 2013. Reprint # 7051. 
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7257. Stubenrauch, Claudia; Rossow, William B.; Kinne, Stefan; Ackerman, Steve; Cesana, Gregory; Chepfer, Helene; Di Girolamo, Larry; Getzewich, Brian; Guignard, Anthony; Heidinger, Andy; Maddux, Brent; Menzel, Paul; Minnis, Patrick; Pearl, Cindy; Platnick, Steven; Poulsen, Caroline; Riedi, Jerome; Sayer, Andrew; Sun-Mack, Sunny; Walther, Andi; Winker, Dave; Zeng, Shen and Zhao, Guangyu. GEWEX cloud assessment: A review. Melville, NY, American Institute of Physics, 2013, pp.404-407. Reprint # 7146. 

7258. Studenrauch, C. J.; Rossow, W. B.; Kinne, S.; Ackerman, S.; Cesana, G.; Chepfer, H.; Di Girolamo, L.; Getzewich, B.; Guignard, A.; Heidinger, A.; Maddux, B. C.; Menzel, W. P.; Minnis, P.; Pearl, C.; Platnick, S.; Poulsen, C.; Riedi, J.; Sun-Mack, S.; Walther, A.; Winker, D.; Zeng, S. and Zhao, G.. Evaluation des climatologies satellitaires globales des nuagesLa Meteorologie, Volume: 8, Issue: 82, 2013, pp.40-55. Reprint # 7215. 

7259. Stuefer, Martin; Egan, Sean; Webley, Peter; Grell, Georg; Freitas, Saulo; Pavolonis, Mike and Dehn, Jonathan. Online-coupled modeling of volcanic ash and SO2 dispersion with WRF-Chem. Munich, Germany, European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2014, Abstract 16167. 
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7260. Stunder, Barbara J. B.; Crawford, A.; Albersheim, S. and Pavolonis, M. J.. R&D to support volcanic ash dispersion forecasting for aviation. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2015, Abstract 1A.4. 

7261. Su, Xiang; Wu, Jiaji; Huang, Bormin and Wu, Zhensen. GPU-accelerated computation for electromagnetic scattering of a double-layer vegetation modelIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Volume: 6, Issue: 4, 2013, pp.1799-1806. Reprint # 7281. 

7262. Su, Xianyun; Huang, Bormin; Plaza, Antonio; Li, Yunsong and Wu, Chengke. Real-time implementation of the pixel purity index algorithm for endmemeber identification on GPUsIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Volume: 11, Issue: 5, 2014, pp.955-959. Reprint # 7282. 

7263. Su, Xiujuan; Derber, John and Jung, James. Recent works on satellite winds in NCEP data assimilation system (GSI). Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 2012, PowerPoint presentation. 16 slides. 
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7264. Su, Xiujuan; Derber, John and Jung, James. Recent work on satellite Atmospheric Motion Vectors in the NCEP data assimilation system. Darmstadt, Germany, EUMETSAT, 2012. Reprint # 6824. 

7265. Su, Xiujuan; Derber, John; Lord, Stephen; Velden, Christopher and Daniels, Jaime. Toward improved use of GOES satellite-derived winds at the NCEP Environmental Modelling Center (EMC). Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2001, Paper 4.6. Reprint # 3878. 

7266. Su, Xiujuan; Derber, John; Lord, Steve and Velden, Christopher S.. Toward improved use of GOES satellite-derived winds at the NCEP Environmental Modelling Center. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2001, pp.167. Reprint # 3030. 

7267. Su, Yucheng; Yue, Jia; Liu, Xiao; Miller, Steven D.; Straka, William C.; Smith, Steven M.; Guo, Dong and Guo, Shengli. Mesospheric bore observations using Suomi-NPP VIIRS DNB during 2013-2017Remote Sensing, Volume: 10, Issue: 2, 2018. Reprint # 8324. 
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7268. Suchman, David; Auvine, B. and Hinton, B.. The use of an interactive computer system in applied meteorological forecasting. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1976, pp.215-218. Reprint # 501. 

7269. Suchman, David; Auvine, Brian and Hinton, Barry. The use of an interactive computer system in applied meteorological forecasting. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1978, pp.215-218. Reprint # 1806. 

7270. Suchman, David; Auvine, Brian; Goodman, H. Michael; Lord, Raymond and Santek, David. Application of the AVE-SESAME data sets to mesoscale studies. Washington, DC, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Scientific and Technical Information Branch, 1983, pp.96-97. Reprint # 1896. 

7271. Suchman, David; Auvine, Brian; Goodman, H. Michael; Lord, Raymond and Santek, David. Applications of the AVE-SESAME data sets to mesoscale studies (NASA contract no.NAS8-33799). NASA Contractor Report 3819, 1984. 78p., appendix.. Reprint # 3004. 

7272. Suchman, David; Auvine, Brian; Goodman, H. Michael; Lord, Raymond; Santek, David and Thomas, Arthur. Application of the AVE-SESAME data sets to mesoscale studies. Washington, DC, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Scientific and Technical Information Branch, 1981, pp.101-102. Reprint # 1894. 

7273. Sullivan, John T.; McGee, Thomas J.; Thompson, Anne M.; Pierce, R. Bradley; Sumnicht, Grant K.; Twigg, Laurence W.; Eloranata, Edwin and Hoff, Raymond M.. Characterizing the lifetime and occurrence of stratospheric-tropospheric exchange events in the rocky mountain region using high-resolution ozone measurementsJournal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 120, Issue: 24, 2015. Reprint # 7538. 
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7274. Sumida, Yasuhiko; Seko, H.; Hashimoto, A.; Schmit, T. J.; Heidinger, A. and Straka, W. III. Approach for detecting rapidly developing convective clouds with 'HIMAWARI-8'. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2016, Abstract 738. 

7275. Sun, Bormin; Free, Melissa; You, Hye Lim; Foster, Michael J.; Heidinger, Andrew and Karlsson, Karl-Goran. Variability and trends in US cloud cover: ISCCP, PATMOS-x, and CLARA-A1 compared to homogeneity-adjusted weather observationsJournal of Climate, Volume: 28, Issue: 11, 2015. Reprint # 7390. 
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