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Results: Found 3271 records (displaying records 801 through 825)

801. Heidinger, Andrew and Evan, Amato. Characteristics of the AVHRR Pathfinder Extended (PATMOS-x) cloud climatology. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2007, poster presentation. 
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802. Heidinger, Andrew and Kopp, Thomas. JPSS Enterprise review: Cloud products. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2016, PowerPoint presentation. 49 slides. 
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803. Heidinger, Andrew and Lindsey, Dan. GOES-R risk reduction status. US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2014, PowerPoint presentation. 

804. Heidinger, Andrew and Straka, William III. Deriving an inter-sensor consistent calibration for the AVHRR solar reflectance data record. Logan, UT, Space Dynamics Laboratory (SDL), Utah State University, 2010, PowerPoint presentation. 

805. Heidinger, Andrew and Walther, Andi. GOES-R AWG Cloud Team: Daytime Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties (DCOMP). Greenbelt, MD, NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Program Office, 2010, PowerPoint presentation. 

806. Heidinger, Andrew and Walther, Andi. Impact of VIIRS DNB on CSPP CLAVR-x cloud products and applications. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 2017, Poster abstract. 
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807. Heidinger, Andrew and Walther, Andi. GOES-R AWG Cloud Team: Daytime Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties (DCOMP). Greenbelt, MD, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Series Program Office, 2010, PowerPoint presentation. 

808. Heidinger, Andrew K.. Applicability of GOES-R AWG cloud algorithms for JPSS/VIIRS. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society (AMS), 2011, Abstract 3.5. 

809. Heidinger, Andrew K.. Rapid daytime estimation of cloud properties over a large area from radiance distributionsJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume: 20, Issue: 9, 2003, pp.1237-1250. Reprint # 3707. 
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810. Heidinger, Andrew K.. Candidate approaches for the real-time generation of cloud properties from GOES-R ABI. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2008, Abstract P1.3. 

811. Heidinger, Andrew K. and Cox, Stephen K.. Finite-cloud effects in longwave radiative transferJournal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume: 53, Issue: 7, 1996, pp.953-963. Reprint # 4414. 
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812. Heidinger, Andrew K. and Pavolonis, Michael J.. Global daytime distribution of overlapping cirrus cloud from NOAA's Advanced Very High Resolution RadiometerJournal of Climate, Volume: 18, Issue: 22, 2005, pp.4772-4784. Reprint # 4904. 
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813. Heidinger, Andrew K. and Pavolonis, Michael J.. Gazing at cirrus clouds for 25 years through a split window, part 1: MethodologyJournal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume: 48, Issue: 6, 2009, pp.1100-1116. Reprint # 6079. 
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814. Heidinger, Andrew K. and Stephens, Graeme L.. Molecular line absorption in a scattering atmosphere. Part II: Application to remote sensing in the O2 A bandJournal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume: 57, Issue: 10, 2000, pp.1615-1634. Reprint # 4411. 
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815. Heidinger, Andrew K. and Stephens, Graeme L.. Molecular line absorption in a scattering atmosphere. Part III: Pathlength characteristics and effects of spatially heterogeneous cloudsJournal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume: 59, Issue: 10, 2002, pp.1641-1654. Reprint # 4412. 
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816. Heidinger, Andrew K. and Stowe, Larry L.. Cloud optical property retrievals from layered-cloud radiances derived from AVHRR data. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1998, pp.12-16. Reprint # 4790. 

817. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Ann, Venkata Rao and Dean, Charles. Using MODIS to estimate cloud contamination of the AVHRR data recordJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume: 19, Issue: 5, 2002, pp.586-601. Reprint # 4413. 
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818. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Baum, B. A.; Platnick, S.; Yang, P. and Berthier, S.. Expected operational cloud observation improvements with VIIRS on NPP/NPOESS. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2010, Abstract 4.4. 

819. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Bearson, Nicholas; Foster, Michael J.; Li, Yue; Wanzong, Steve; Ackerman, Steven; Holz, Robert E.; Platnick, Steven and Meyer, Kerry. Using sounder data to improve cirrus cloud height estimation from satellite imagersJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume: 36, 2019, pp.1331-1342. Reprint # 8399. 
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820. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Cao, Changyong and Sullivan, Jerry T.. Using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) to calibrate advanced very high resolution radiometer reflectance channelsJournal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 107, 2002, doi:10.1029/2001JD002035. Reprint # 4675. 

821. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Evan, Amato T.; Foster, Michael J. and Walther, Andi. A naive Bayesian cloud-detection scheme derived from CALIPSO and applied within PATMOS-xJournal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume: 51, Issue: 6, 2012. Reprint # 6733. 
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822. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Foster, M. J.; Molling, C.; Straka, W. and Walther, A.. Advances in long-term high spatial and temporal resolution cloud climate records from PATMOS-x using NOAA's LEO and GEO imagers. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2012, Abstract 6.6. 

823. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Foster, Michael J.; Walther, Andi and Zhao, Xueping (Tom). The Pathfinder-Atmospheres Extended AVHRR climate datasetBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 95, Issue: 6, 2014, pp.909-922. Reprint # 7316. 
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824. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Frey, Richard and Pavolonis, Michael. Relative merits of the 1.6 and 3.75 micron channels of the AVHRR/3 for cloud detectionCanadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 30, Issue: 2, 2004, pp.182-194. Reprint # 4222. 

825. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Goldberg, M.; Tarpley, D.; Jelenak, A. and Pavolonis, M. J.. Initial trends in cloud amount from the AVHRR Pathfinder atmospheres extended data-set. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2004, Abstract P6.9.