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Yang, Yang; Anderson, Martha C.; Gao, Feng; Wardlow, Brian; Hain, Christopher R.; Otkin, Jason A.; Alfieri, Joseph; Yang, Yun; Sun, Liang and Dulaney, Wayne. Field-scale mapping of evaporative stress indicators of crop yield: an application over Mead, NE, USA. Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume: 210, 2018, pp.387-402. Reprint # 8365.
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8453. Yang, Yang; Anderson, Martha C.; Gao, Feng; Wardlow, Brian; Hain, Christopher; Otkin, Jason; Sun, Liang and Dulaney, Wayne. Satellite-based mapping of field-scale stress indicators for crop yield forecasting: An application over Mead, NE. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2017, Abstract GC33D-1100.
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Yates, E. L.; Johnson, M. S.; Iraci, L. T.; Ryoo, J.-M.; Pierce, R. B.; Cullis, P. D.; Gore, W.; Ives, M. A.; Johnson, B. J.; Leblanc, T.; Marreo, J. E.; Sterling, C. W. and Tanaka, T.. An assessment of ground level and free tropospheric ozone over California and Nevada. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 122, Issue: 8, 2017, pp.10,089-10,102. Reprint # 8189.
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Yates, Emma L.; Iraci, Laura T.; Austerberry, David; Pierce, R. Bradley; Roby, Matthew C.; Tadic, Jovan M.; Loewenstein, Max and Gore, Warren. Characterizing the impacts of vertical transport and photochemical ozone production on an exceedance area. Atmospheric Environment, Volume: 109, 2015, pp.342-350. Reprint # 7434.
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