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Results: Found 97822 records (displaying records 86001 through 86025)

86001. Suomi, Verner. Meteorology 100. Lecture 8. Overhead transparencies. Some are hand written. Topics include: Pressure; symmetric regimes; satellite imagery; list for next reading assignment. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, 19 September 1980. 9p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4108. 

86002. Suomi, Verner. State of the world, 1990, Chapter 2. The greenhouse effect: What it is and what we can do about it. Lecture print materials, handwritten notes, and overhead transparencies. Topics include: What is the greenhouse effect; what has happened so far; what. [Madison, WI], [University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology], 29 October. 29p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4109. 

86003. Suomi, Verner. A study of the lower atmosphere using microwaves: Project status report and request for additional fund. 1 Decemeber-30 June 1964. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin, Department of Meteorology, 1964. 10p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4054. 

86004. Suomi, Verner. Reply note. Suomi indicates that he does not expect to attend the Geophysics Research Board meeting on 23 June 1981. Madison, WI, 8 June 1981. 1p., attachment. Call Number: SSEC VES No.0131. 

86005. Suomi, Verner. Assorted overhead transparencies. Many are hand written. Topics include: Group of transparencies from NASA on zonal radiation measurements, orbit procession, zonal coverage for two satellites, comparison of satellite coverage; handwritten chart of typ. s.l., n.a., n.d.. 25p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4065. 

86006. Suomi, Verner. Manuscript. Recent developments in satellite techniques for observing the sensing the atmosphere. Paper presented at the AMS/RMS Conference on the Global Circulation of the Atmosphere, London, August 1969. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin, Space Science and Engineering Center, 1969. 17p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.1166. 

86007. Suomi, Verner. Assorted overhead transparencies. Many are hand written. Topics include: Meteorology programs; grants and contracts; SSEC personnel information for FY72-73; problems areas within SSEC to discuss, including finding deputy director to replace Suomi; plan. s.l., n.a., n.d.. 9p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4068. 

86008. Suomi, Verner. Lecture notes. AMS/RMS Conference on the Global Circulation of the Atmosphere, London, August 1969. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin, Space Science and Engineering Center, 1969. 2p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.1167. 

86009. Suomi, Verner. Assorted overhead transparencies. Many are hand written. Topics include: VAS data processing; need for strategy to proceed; List of specific FGGE activites at UW; GARP observation periods; GARP objectives; procedures for proposal submissions in the 19. s.l., n.a., n.d.. 25p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4066. 

86010. Suomi, Verner. Manuscript. Draft of Recent developments in satellite techniques for observing the sensing the atmosphere. Paper presented at the AMS/RMS Conference on the Global Circulation of the Atmosphere, London, August 1969. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin, Space Science and Engineering Center, 1969. Call Number: SSEC VES No.1168. 

86011. Suomi, Verner. Assorted overhead transparencies. Many are hand written. Topics include: FGGE; need for joint AMS/UCAR committee; solar features; general properties of the solar system; observation network; Charles Addmas cartoon from the New Yorker about committees,. s.l., n.a., n.d.. 29p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4067. 

86012. Suomi, Verner. Letter urging continued funding for the Monsoon Experiment (MONEX) of the Global Weather Experiment (GARP) which is a small but important item in the proposed Department of Housing and Urban Development-Independent Agencies Appropriation Bill, 1979. Washington, DC, 12 September 1978. 3p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.0266, attachment. 

86013. Suomi, Verner. Geosynchronous orbit observation results. Abstract. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin, n.d.. 1p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.1133. 

86014. Suomi, Verner. Overhead transparencies used in a meeting with NASA to extend NASA contract NAS5-21798. Overhead transparencies, printed version of transparencies, hand written version of the transparencies. Topics include: Purpose of meeting; common objectives of NAS. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 23 February 1973. 42p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4069. 

86015. Suomi, Verner. McIDAS overhead transparencies. Many are hand written. Topics include: McIDAS capabilities; wind vectors via WINDO TV display system; ATS-3 - we now know how to use it; advanced McIDAS sysem will be ready by SMS launch; wind vectors via McIDAS; McIDAS . Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, n.d.. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4070. 

86016. Suomi, Verner. Documents from Verner Suomi's talk at the FGGE Workshop, NAS Study Center, Woods Hole, MA, 9-20 July 1984. 61 overhead transparencies, many of them hand written. 19 pages of notes including hand written notes, workshop agenda, workshop schedule, and lis. [Madison, WI], [University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center], 1984. 80p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.3882. 

86017. Suomi, Verner. Overhead transparency. The Gospel according to St. Jule. In the beginning Malone created the World Weather Watch and GARP. And the GARP was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the world. And the spirit of Charney moved upon the face. s.l., n.a., n.d.. 1p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4097. 

86018. Suomi, Verner. Overhead transparencies. Assorted transparencies. Many are hand written. Topics include: Summary of OSIP, mission, objectives, VAS composite data, our basic premise, our first task, I propose UW act as meoscale data center; African squall flow; Solar. s.l., n.a., n.d.. 25p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4072. 

86019. Suomi, Verner. Letter agreeing with Gill that data coverage over the Pacific is appalling. Madison, WI, 13 August 1985. 1p., attachment. Call Number: SSEC VES No.2574. 

86020. Suomi, Verner. Overhead transparencies. Assorted transparencies. Many are hand written. Topics include: Navigation output parameters; attitude determination using landmark measurements; advance of squall front; problems areas of radiance, reliability, and cloud heig. s.l., n.a., n.d.. 25p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4073. 

86021. Suomi, Verner. Overhead transparencies. Assorted transparencies. Many are hand written. Topics include: Solar constant; earth radiation budget; drawing of cystal ball with caption 'If there's one around that works, buy it!'; local weather / climate; problem with pre. s.l., n.a., n.d.. 25p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4074. 

86022. Suomi, Verner. Overhead transparencies. Assorted transparencies. Many are hand written. Topics include: satellite / earth diagram; landmark desidual statistics; wind difference; illustrated cross section of mesoscale cellular convection; energy transport; survey of . s.l., n.a., n.d.. 12p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4075. 

86023. Suomi, Verner. Notebook. Computation notebook labeled Heat and Flux. Handwritten notes, illustrations, and graphs. Some materials are glued onto pages. Subjects include: Sea Grant Program; Calibration of pressure amplifier, solar test, National Dat Buoy Center, Tro. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 1993. 151p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.3886. 

86024. Suomi, Verner. Needs of the 1980's: A scientist's view of the next decadeUIR/Research Newsletter, Volume: 7, Issue: 2, 1972, pp.14-15. Reprint # 8249. 

86025. Suomi, Verner. Meteorology 100. Lecture 40. Planets. Overhead transparencies. Topics include: Trajectory of Mariner 10; radiation balance of Venus; density of Martian atmosphere; Viking 1 landing site temperataures; Viking lander 2; Jupiter; Saturn spectra; Titan a. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, n.d.. 17p., journal. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4078.