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Results: Found 97822 records (displaying records 86251 through 86275)

86251. Suomi, Verner E.. Letter to Prof. Maurice Ewing, Lamont Geological Observatory, Columbia University, responding to Ewing's letter of Sept 5 concerning a satellite system for collection data from fixed or free floating automatic oceanography stations. Discusses 'hitch hiki. [Madison, WI], 10 September 1963. 2p., attachment. Call Number: Record #34. 

86252. Suomi, Verner E.. Biographical sketch: Verner Edward Suomi. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, [1991]. 1p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.3152. 

86253. Suomi, Verner E.. Copy of testimony before the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. Editing change of 'Prof' Suomi to 'Mr.' Suomi handwritten in red ink. Washington, DC, US Senate, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, June 1977. pp81-132. Call Number: SSEC VES No.2133, attachment. 

86254. Suomi, Verner E.. US Patent 5,140,336. Non-resonant antenna for wind profilers. Washington, DC, United States Patent Office, 18 August 1992. 15p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.3944. 

86255. Suomi, Verner E.. A proposal to National Environmental Satellite Center, ESSA, for continuation of studies of the atmosphere using aerospace probes, January 1, 1968- December 21, 1970. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, 1 April 1968, pp84-96. 11p. Call Number: in SSEC Publication No.62.00.S1. 

86256. Suomi, Verner E.. Computer printout: Aperture information, bill of materials, component locations, library contents, PCB components, PCB statistics, and Design rule check report. [Madison, WI], [University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center], 22 February 1990. 9p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.3127. 

86257. Suomi, Verner E.. Letter concerning WEATHERNET Program. Requesting continued support to explore transfer of technology to the public good. Involvement of NASA and ESSA technologies, Space Science and Engineering Center research and support by the Wisconsin Alumni Researc. Madison, WI, 11 February 1970. 1p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.1967. 

86258. Suomi, Verner E.. Letter concerning the COPARSS meeting on 18 January 1984. Suomi had thought he could attend because he thought it would be in Washington. He is attending another meeting in Philadelphia on the evening of 17 January and will not be able to reach Pasadena. Madison, WI, 20 December 1983. 1p., attachments. Call Number: SSEC VES No.0237. 

86259. Suomi, Verner E.. Letter offering personal congratulations to Cliff on being selected at the new president of UCAR. Madison, WI, 20 July 1983. 1p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.0390. 

86260. Suomi, Verner E.. Letter giving detailed technical explanation of long life of bearings on the Explorer VII. Quote: 'The bearings on board Explorer VII amaze me too.'. [Madison, WI], 10 April 1961. 1p., attachment. Call Number: SSEC VES No.1907. 

86261. Suomi, Verner E.. Proposal. A proposal to the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant College Program. Feasibility of new method of observing ocean-atmosphere surface fluxes. Handwritten addtion to title: A sea sfc sonde. Funding request for 1989-90. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, n.d.. 1p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.3128. 

86262. Suomi, Verner E.. Letter concerning a conflict in Suomi's schedule for 25-26 October 1983. He is chairman of the Working Group on Satellite Observing Systems for Climate Research which is meeting in Madison on 24-29 October. He will be in Philadelphia on 17 January 1984 a. Madison, WI, 12 September 1983. 1p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.0237, attachment. 

86263. Suomi, Verner E.. Memorandum: CIMSS Council meeting. Reports on luncheon with Joseph Hirschfelder, discussion of the National Institute for Theoretical Physics and applying idea of gathering of scientists to CIMSS. Call for CIMSS Council meetings to discuss idea. Madison, WI, 9 September 1982. 1p., attachments. Call Number: SSEC VES No.1439. 

86264. Suomi, Verner E.. Memorandum: Proposed PhD program and proposed MS degree program in Meteorology Department. Letter forwarding drafts of program for each degree with revisions from the report submitted by Houghton. Attachment: Draft, requirement for the MS degree in Me. Madison, WI, 30 April 1970. 1p., attachment. Call Number: SSEC VES No.2364. 

86265. Suomi, Verner E.. Budget. N/I/Feasibility of new method of observing ocean-atmosphere surface fluxes (R/NI-16). Proposal to UW-Sea Grant Institute budget for 1 September 1990-30 June 1991. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, n.d.. 1p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.3129. 

86266. Suomi, Verner E.. Letter concerning campus visit by Henry Bradick of NASA to renew research grant to University. Gives background on SSEC's contributions to satellite technology. Attachment: Handwritten note and editing comments on annual proposal document for NASA gran. Madison, WI, 14 February 1967. 1p., attachments. Call Number: SSEC VES No.1739. 

86267. Suomi, Verner E.. Letter responding to inquiry about the thermo radiation experiment on Explorer VII. Gives details of bolometer instrument design and suggests visit to the University of Wisconsin. [Madison, WI], 21 February 1961. 1p., attachment. Call Number: SSEC VES No.1908. 

86268. Suomi, Verner E.. Letter concerning the importance of the intensity of the discussion surrounding the degree requirements. States that requirements should encourage interdisciplinary approach. Forwards photocopy of comments by President Pitzer of Stanford University. Madison, WI, 18 May 1970. 1p., attachment. Call Number: SSEC VES No.2365. 

86269. Suomi, Verner E.. Draft. Statement of the program: Observe water and energy fluxes between the ocean and atmosphere ... Second highest priority (after role of clouds) in National Global Change Program. Appears to be draft of document, with handwritten changes. Madison, WI, n.d.. 1p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.3130. 

86270. Suomi, Verner E.. Letter concerning potential elimination of funding for the Pioneer Venus Probe Mission and effect that would have to jeopardize employment of skillful staff members at Space Science and Engineering Center. Gives background on previous space and meteorolo. Madison, WI, 30 June 1975. 2p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.1703, attachment. 

86271. Suomi, Verner E.. Letter request to conduct an Atmospheric Ageostrophic Motions Study using the EOLE spacecraft. Brief explanation of experiment and benefit to Nimbus F TWERLE Experiment. Madison, WI, 13 June 1972. 1p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.2664, attachment. 

86272. Suomi, Verner E.. US Patent 2,521,881. Audio-frequency recorder. Washington, DC, United States Patent Office, 1 December 1944. 6p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.3948. 

86273. Suomi, Verner E.. Letter asking for support of the Earth Energy and Water Cycle Experiment and for meeting in Madison on System Possibility for a Space Based Earth Energy and Water Cycle Experiment. Handwritten postscript on bottom of page. Madison, WI, 10 July 1986. 1p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.2522. 

86274. Suomi, Verner E.. Draft. This proposal is appropriate for the new innovations subprogram. Statement of the problem: Heat and moisture exhange between the ocean and large lakes is a major requirement for the nation's Global Change Program. Appears to be draft of documen. Madison, WI, n.d.. 2p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.3131. 

86275. Suomi, Verner E.. Letter forwarding CNES requested questionnaire for participation in EOLE experiment. Attachment: CNES Questionnaire concerning experiment proposal. Madison, WI, 6 June 1972. 1p. Call Number: SSEC VES No.2664, attachment.