101. Stader, Steve; Finchum, Allen; Robin, Robert; Bothwell, Phillip; Prins, Elaine; Brunner, Jason and Schmidt, Christopher. An exploratory study of Oklahoma's wildfire pattern using spatial databases. Norman, OK, University of Oklahoma, Atmospheric and GeographicSciences, 2006, abstract.
102. Szykman, James; White, John; Pierce, Brad; Al-Saadi, Jassim; Neil, Doreen; Kittaka, Chieko; Chu, Allen; Remer, Lorraine; Gumley, Liam and Prins, Elaine. Utilizing MODIS satellite observations in near-real-time to improve AIRNow next day forecast of fine particulate matter, PM2.5. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2004, Paper 1.2. Reprint # 3630.
103. Tarpley, Dan; Yu, Y.; Romanov, P.; Prins, E.; Gallo, K.; Kogan, F.; Xu, H.; Rama Varma Raja, M K.; Vinnikov, K. Y.; Goldberg, M.; Qiu, S. and Privette, J. L.. Activities of GOES-R land applications working group team. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2008, Abstract P1.55.
104. Wang, J.; Christopher, S. A.; Nair, U. S.; Reid, J. S. and Prins, E. M.. Direct radiative impacts of central American biomass burning smoke aerosols: Analysis from a coupled aerosol-radiation-meteorology model RAMS-AROMA. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2005, Abstract B33B-1027.
105. Wang, Jun; Christopher S. A.; Nair, U. S.; Reid, J. S.; Prins, E.; Szykman, J. and Hand, J. L.. Mesoscale modeling of transport and radiative impacts of Central American smoke aerosols. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2006, Abstract 1.6.
106. Wang, Jun; Christopher, S.; Prins, E.; Reid, J. S. and Liu, X.. Transport of central American biomass burning smoke aerosols in 1979-2005. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2006, Abstract P2.19.
107. Wang, Jun; Christopher, Sunder A.; Nair, U. S.; Beid, Jeffrey S.; Prins, Elaine M.; Szykman, James and Hand, Jenny L.. Mesoscale modeling of Central American smoke transport to the United States. I. 'Top-down' assessment of emission strength and diurnal variation impacts. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 111, 2006, doi:10.1029/2005JD006416. Reprint # 5127.
108. Wang, Jun; Nair, U. S.; Christopher, S. A.; McNider, R. T.; Reid, J. S.; Prins, E. M. and Sykzman, J. J.. An integrated system for studying the effects of Central American smoke aerosols on air quality and climate over the Southeastern United States. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2004, Abstract P3.9.
Weaver, John F.; Lindsey, Dan; Bikos, Dan; Schmidt, Chris C. and Prins, Elaine. Fire detection using GOES rapid scan imagery. Weather and Forecasting, Volume: 19, Issue: 3, 2004, pp.496-510. Reprint # 4373. Link to PDF
110. Zhang, Xiaoyang; Kondragunta, Shobha; Ram, Jessica; Schmidt, Christopher and Hung, Ho-Chun. Near-real-time global biomass burning emissions product from geostationary satellite constellation. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 117, 2012, doi:10.1029/2012JD017459. Reprint # 6789.
111. Zhang, Xiaoyang; Kondragunta, Shobha; Schmidt, Christopher and Kogan, Felix. Near real time monitoring of biomass burning particulate emissions (PM2.5) across contiguous United States using multiple satellite instruments. Atmospheric Environment, Volume: 42, 2008, pp.6959-6972. Reprint # 6021.