126. Lazzara, Matthew A.. Antarctic Meteorological Research Center meteorological data archives. Columbus, OH, Ohio State University, Byrd Polar Research Center, Polar Meteorology Group, 2000, pp.17-18. Reprint # 2800.
127. Lazzara, Matthew A.. Advances in satellite applications (for the Antarctic). Columbus, OH, Ohio State University, Byrd Polar Research Center, Polar Meteorology Group, 2000, pp.89. Reprint # 2802.
128. Lazzara, Matthew A.. Status report on the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center: May 2002 to May 2003. [Madison, WI], [University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center], 2003, pp.10p. Reprint # 7612.
129. Lazzara, Matthew A.. A diagnostic study of Antarctic fog. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 2008. Call Number: UW MET Publication No.08.00.L1.
130. Lazzara, Matthew A.. Diagnosing Antarctic fog. Gottingen, Germany, Copernicus Meetings, 2010, Paper FOGDEW2010-150. Reprint # 6322.
131. Lazzara, Matthew A.. Discussion topic: Antarctic observational meteorological data. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2013. Reprint # 7056.
132. Lazzara, Matthew A.. AWS field season plans for 2013-2014 and beyond. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2013. Reprint # 7057.
133. Lazzara, Matthew A.. Meteorological satellite status report. Melbourne, Australia, Bureau of Meteorology, Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research (CAWCR), 2011, unpaged. Reprint # 6580.
Lazzara, Matthew A.. McIDAS Advisory Committee (MAC): Year two. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2009, PowerPoint presentation. Link to PDF
Lazzara, Matthew A.. A McMurdo Station, Antarctica climatology with special emphasis on fog: A report to the Antarctic community. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Antarctic Meteorological Research Center (AMRC), 2006. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.06.06.L1. Link to PDF
Lazzara, Matthew A.. Antarctic meteorological satellite report for SPAWAR Systems Center Charleston, Aviation Technical Services and Engineering Division (Code 67). Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Antarctic Meteorological Research Center, 2004. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.04.09.L1. Link to PDF
Lazzara, Matthew A.. McIDAS Advisory Committee (MAC) sponsored: Group discussion. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2010, PowerPoint presentation. Link to PDF
138. Lazzara, Matthew A.. A diagnostic study of Antarctic fog. Santiago, Chile, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Instituto de Geografia, 2007, pp.9-13. Reprint # 5714.
139. Lazzara, Matthew A.. McMurdo Station fog climatology. s.l., 2004, pp.18. Reprint # 3766.
140. Lazzara, Matthew A.. The Antarctic Internet Data Distribution System 2008. [Madison, WI], [University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Antarctic Meteorological Research Center (AMRC)], 2008, unpaged. Reprint # 5799.
141. Lazzara, Matthew A.. Meteorological satellite status report: A sample of key developments. s.l., 2004, pp.15. Reprint # 3767.
Lazzara, Matthew A.. McIDAS at the AMRC. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2012, PowerPoint presentation. Link to PDF
Lazzara, Matthew A.. Meteorological satellite status report for SPAWAR Systems Center Charleston, Aviation Technical Services and Engineering Division (Code 36), N65236-02-P-1646. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Antarctic Meteorological Research Center, 2002. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.02.06.L1. Link to PDF
Lazzara, Matthew A.. Heterogeneous and homogeneous observing networks: The next challenge for Antarctica. Columbus. OH, Ohio State University, Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center, 2016. Reprint # 7621. Link to PDF
Lazzara, Matthew A.. Polar environmental monitoring, communications, and space weather from pole sitter orbit. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Antarctic Meteorological Research Center (AMRC), 2005. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.05.04.L1. Link to PDF
146. Lazzara, Matthew A.. McMurdo Station, Antarctica fog climatology: 1973-1998. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2005, Paper P1.21. Reprint # 3960.
147. Lazzara, Matthew A. and AWS Team. The rise of the Antarctic Weather Station network: Technology, research, forecasting, and modeling. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2016, Abstract A53I-072.
Lazzara, Matthew A. and Cassano, John J.. Antarctic Automatic Weather Station program 2013-2017: An annual report to the Division of Polar Programs, Geoscience Directorate, National Science Foundation. Annual Project Report: NSF-GEO-DPP Grant #ANT-1245663 and 1245737, 15 April 2013 to 5 March . Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2014. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.14.02.L1. Link to PDF
149. Lazzara, Matthew A. and Hook. S.. Bringing Antarctic atmospheric research into the middle school classroom. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2009, Abstract P1.11.
150. Lazzara, Matthew A. and Keller, L. M.. Fifty-year Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station climatology: Quality control and analysis. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2011, Abstract 7.1.