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1559. Mahani, Shayesteh; Luo, Johnny; Rossow, William; Khanbilvardi, Reza; Tesfagiorgis, K.; Rabin, Robert; Heidinger, Andrew and Kuligowski, Robert. Cloud-top relief spatial displacement adjustments of GOES-R images. US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2011, PowerPoint presentation.
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Mateling, Marian E.; Pettersen, Claire; Kulie, Mark S.; Mattingly, Kyle S.; Henderson, Stephanie A. and L'Ecuyer, Tristan S.. The influence of atmospheric rivers on cold-season precipitation in the Upper Great Lakes region. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 126, Issue: 13, 2021, e2021JD034754. Reprint # 8735.
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1575. Mattoo, Shana; Remer, Lorraine A.; Levy, Robert C.; Heidinger, Andrew K.; Pierce, R. Badley and Chin, Mian. Retrieving aerosol in a cloudy environment: Aerosol product availability as a function of spatial resolution. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2012, Abstract A13K-0326.