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Results: Found 17234 records (displaying records 16226 through 16250)

16226. Whitney, B. A.; Revercomb, H. E.; Knuteson, R. O.; Best, F. A. and Smith, W. L.. Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer, part II: Water vapor and atmospheric aerosols. Washington, DC, US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, 1997, pp.353-360. Reprint # 2379. 

16227. Whitney, Linwood F. and Herman, Leroy D.. The nature of intermediate-scale cloud spirals. Washington, DC, US Department of Commerce, Environmental Science Services Administration (ESSA), National Environmental Satellite Center, 1968. Various paging. Call Number: C 55.13:NESS 45. 

16228. Whitney, Linwood F. and Herman, Leroy D.. The nature of intermediate-scale cloud spirals. Washington, DC, US Department of Commerce, Environmental Science Services Administration (ESSA), National Environmental Satellite Center, 1968. Various paging. Call Number: C 55.13:NESS 45. 

16229. Whitney, Linwood F. Jr. and Herman, L. D.. A statistical approach to rainfall estimation using satellite data. Minneapolis, MN, American Water Resource Association, 1981, pp.139-143. Reprint # 781. 

16230. Whitney, Linwood F. Jr. and Herman, L. D.. A statistical approach to rainfall estimation using satellite data. Minneapolis, MN, American Water Resource Association, 1981, pp.139-143. Reprint # 781. 

16231. Whittaker, T.. VISITview -- A package for remote collaborations and training. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2007, Abstract IN32A-07. 

16232. Whittaker, T.. VISITview -- A package for remote collaborations and training. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2007, Abstract IN32A-07. 

16233. Whittaker, Thomas M. and Ackerman, Steven A.. Interactive web-based learning with JavaBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 83, Issue: 7, 2002, pp.970-975. Reprint # 3658. 
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16234. Whittaker, Thomas M. and Ackerman, Steven A.. Interactive web-based learning with JavaBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 83, Issue: 7, 2002, pp.970-975. Reprint # 3658. 
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16235. Whittaker, Thomas M. and Dedecker, Ralph. Processing and display of satellite and convential meteorological data for the classroom. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1976, pp1304. Program listing. 

16236. Whittaker, Thomas M. and Dedecker, Ralph. Processing and display of satellite and convential meteorological data for the classroom. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1976, pp1304. Program listing. 

16237. Whittaker, Thomas M.; Ackerman, S. A. and Jasmin, T.. From Java to Flash to HTML5: Chasing technologies for interactive applets. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2012, Abstract J2.3. 

16238. Whittaker, Thomas M.; Ackerman, S. A. and Jasmin, T.. From Java to Flash to HTML5: Chasing technologies for interactive applets. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2012, Abstract J2.3. 

16239. Whittaker, Thomas M.; Bachmeier, Scott; Mostek, Tony and Motta, Brian. VISITview - A collaborative distance learning tool for the Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training (VISIT) Program. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1999, pp.60-62. Reprint # 2518. 

16240. Whittaker, Thomas M.; Bachmeier, Scott; Mostek, Tony and Motta, Brian. VISITview - A collaborative distance learning tool for the Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training (VISIT) Program. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1999, pp.60-62. Reprint # 2518. 

16241. Whittaker, Thomas M.; Grant, Bradford; Bachmeier, Scott; Mostek, Tony; Motta, Brian; Schrab, Kevin and Wade, Gary. Using VISITview for real-time collaborations. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2001, J11-J12. Reprint # 2837. 

16242. Whittaker, Thomas M.; Grant, Bradford; Bachmeier, Scott; Mostek, Tony; Motta, Brian; Schrab, Kevin and Wade, Gary. Using VISITview for real-time collaborations. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2001, J11-J12. Reprint # 2837. 

16243. Whittaker, Tom. Using McIDAS-V for direct processing of GEONETCast/EUMETCast data stream satellite data. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2012, poster presentation. 

16244. Whittaker, Tom. McIDAS-V: Why it's based on VisAD and IDV. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2007, PowerPoint presentation. 
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16245. Whittaker, Tom. Distance learning in satellite meteorology using VISITview. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2008, PowerPoint presentation. 

16246. Whittaker, Tom. The next generation of McIDAS: McIDAS-V. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2008, PowerPoint presentation. 

16247. Whittaker, Tom. Data file formats: netCDF. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2009, PowerPoint presentation. 
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16248. Whittaker, Tom. Visualization in training and instruction. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1999. unpaged. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.99.01.S1. 

16249. Whittaker, Tom. McIDAS-V: Why it's based on VisAD and IDV. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2007, PowerPoint presentation. 
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16250. Whittaker, Tom. Data file formats: netCDF. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2009, PowerPoint presentation. 
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