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Results: Found 3271 records (displaying records 1876 through 1900)

1876. Moody, J. L.; Felker, S. R.; Wimmers, A. J.; Avery, M. A.; Fairlie, T. D.; Browell, E. V.; Pierce, R. B.; Osterman, G. and Bowman, K.. Using GOES water vapor to define the tropopause break and detect stratospheric ozone in the upper troposphere. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2007, Abstract A44C-06. 

1877. Moody, Jennie L.; Pierce, R. B.; Wimmers, A. J.; Fairlie, T. D. and Browell, E. V.. Using GOES Layer Average Specific Humidity (GLASH) and Lagrangian reverse domain filling trajectories to forecast Stratospheric/Tropospheric Exchange (STE). Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2004, Abstract P5.14. 

1878. Mooney, Margaret and Schmit, Tim. STEM connections to the GOES-R satellite series. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2015, Abstract ED54A-03. 

1879. Mooney, Margaret; Schmit, T. J. and Ackerman, S.. GOES-R Education Proving Ground. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2015, Abstract TJ5.1. 

1880. Mooney, Margaret; Schmit, T. J. and Gunshor, M.. Galvanizing excitement around GOES-R with science teachers, science centers and TV broadcasters. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2017, Abstract 3.1. 

1881. Mooney, Margaret; Schmit, T. J.; Whittaker, T. M. and Ackerman, S.. GOES-R education proving ground. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2016, Abstract 719. 

1882. Mooney, Margaret; Schmit, Tim and Gunshor, Mat. Galvanizing excitement and awareness around the GOES-R satellite series with science teachers, science centers and TV broadcasters. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2017, Abstract 31. 

1883. Mooney, Margaret; Wade, G. S.; Smith, W. L.; Achtor, T. H.; Ackerman, S.; Avila, L.; Brunner, J. and Pertzborn, R.. The history and sustainability of the CIMSS student workshop on atmospheric, earth, and space science at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2007, Abstract 1.5. 

1884. Moore, John; Schmit, T. and Mooney, M.. Global Weather Watchers Campaign: An Earth SySTEM project. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2016, Abstract 720. 

1885. Morley, B.; Pierce, R.; Hornbrook, S. R. and Eloranta, E. W.. Observations of a large mid-tropospheric aerosol plume: High-Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) optical properties, Real-time Air Quality Modeling System (RAQMS) back trajectory analysis and Trace Organic Gas Analyzer (TOGA) chemical properties. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2013, Abstract A23E-0309. 

1886. Morley, Bruce; Pierce, R. Bardley; Eloranta, Edwin and Spuler, Scott. High-spectral resolution lidar observations of aerosols between Northern California and Hawaii: Their optical properties and possible origins using back trajectory analysis. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2015, Abstract A51I-0193. 

1887. Mosher, Frederick R.; Herbster, Christopher G.; Miller, Steven D.; Zuranski, Mike; Sirvatka, Paul; Kohrs, Richard A.; Hoese, David; Schmit, Timothy J.; Nelson, James P. and Haley, Robert. True-Color Imagery from GOES-A Synopsis of Past and PresentJournal of Operational Meteorology, Volume: 11, Issue: 4, 2023, pp.33-48. Reprint # 8933. 
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1888. Mostek, Anthony; DeMaria, M.; Gurka, J. J. and Schmit, T. J.. NOAA satellite training. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2009, Abstract J11.1. 

1889. Mostek, Anthony; DeMaria, Mark; Gurka, James and Schmit, Tim. Preparing for GOES-R+ user training and education. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2008, PowerPoint presentation. 

1890. Mostek, Anthony; Gurka, J.; Schmit, T. J. and Spayd, L. Jr.. Training in the NOAA satellite proving ground. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2012, Abstract 5.6. 

1891. Mostek, Anthony; Ogren, J.; Motta, B.; Gurka, J. and Schmit, T. J.. Training in the NOAA Satellite Proving Ground - getting users ready for rapid changes. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2013, Abstract 5.5. 

1892. Mostek, Anthony; Siebers, Anthony; Petersen, Ralph; Keyer, Dennis; Hayden, Christopher; Menzel, W. P. and Schreiner, Anthony. VAS Model Impact Studies at NMC. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1988, pp.277-284. Reprint # 110. 

1893. Mostek, Anthony; Siebers, Anthony; Petersen, Ralph; Keyser, Dennis; Hayden, Christopher and Menzel, W. P.. VAS model impact studies at NWC. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1988, pp.222-230. Reprint # 4764. 

1894. Mostek, Anthony; Spayd, LeRoy; Ogren, John; Motta, Brian; Gurka, James; Schmit, Tim; DeMaria, Mark and Abshire, Wendy. Training: Connecting developers with users. US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2012, PowerPoint presentation. 

1895. Motta, Brian; Mostek, Anthony; Gurka, James and Schmit, Timothy J.. Training in the NOAA satellite proving ground - focus on user readiness and decision support services. Greenbelt, MD, NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Program Office, 2011, PowerPoint presentation. 

1896. Moy, Leslie; Tobin, Dave; van Delst, Paul and Woolf, Hal. Clear sky forward model development for GIFTS. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2004, Paper P2.35. Reprint # 3653. 

1897. Murray, John J.; Fairlie, T. D.; Vernier, J. P.; Pavolonis, M. J.; Seiglaff, J.; Prata, F.; Dezitter, F.; Pieri, D.; Lekki, J. and Krotkov, N. A.. Toward an integrated solution to mitigate the impact of volcanic ash to aviation. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2015, Abstract 1A.3. 

1898. Murray, John J.; Green, D. S.; Fairlie, T. D.; Vernier, J. P.; Trepte, C.; Krotkov, N. A. and Pavolonis, M. J.. The NASA Applied Sciences Program: Volcanic ash observations and applications. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2016, Abstract J3.1. 

1899. Murray, John J.; Haynes, J. A.; Vernier, J. P.; Pavolonis, M. J. and Krotkov, N. A.. Optimal use of satellite data applications for the volcanic ash threat to aviation. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2013, Abstract 7.6. 

1900. Murray, John L.; Miner, C.; Tatusuko, R.; Strahan, M.; Mandeville, C.; Guffanti, M.; Holliday, C. R.; Swanson, G.; Kibler, J.; Pavolonis, M. J.; Stunder, B. J. B.; Osiensky, J. M.; Moore, D.; Mastin, L. G.; Murray, T.; Schneider, D. and Neal, C.. The US Interagency Volcanic Hazards Sciences and Services Coordination Group. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2015, Abstract 2.4.