2151. Plokhenko, Youri and Menzel, W. Paul. Accounting for surface reflection in meteorological processing of infrared spectral measurements from the GOES-8 sounder. Volume: 2001, Washington, DC, Optical Society of America, 2001, pp.119-121. Reprint # 3731.
Plokhenko, Youri and Menzel, W. Paul. Mathematical aspects of the meteorological processing of infrared spectral measurements from the GOES sounder, part III: Emissivity estimation in solving the inverse problem of atmospheric remote sensing. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume: 42, Issue: 11, 2003, pp.1533-1546. Reprint # 3586.
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Plokhenko, Youri; Menzel, W. Paul; Bayler, Gail and Schmit, Timothy J.. Mathematical aspects in meteorological processing of infrared spectral measurements from the GOES sounder, part II: Analysis of spatial and temporal continuity of spectral measurements from the GOES-8 sounder. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume: 42, Issue: 6, 2003, pp.671-685. Reprint # 3446.
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Plokhenko, Youri; Menzel, W. Paul; Knuteson, Robert and Revercomb, Henry. Non-linear estimation of carbon dioxide concentrations using the spectral information from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS). Madison, WI, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 2008, PowerPoint presentation.
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2155. Plokhenko, Youri; Menzel, W. Paul; Revercomb, Henry E.; Borbas, Eva; Antonelli, Paolo and Weisz, Elisabeth. Analysis of multispectral fields of satellite IR measurements: Using statistics of second spatial differential of spectral fields for measurement characterization. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 29, Issue: 7, 2008, pp.2105-2125. Reprint # 5715.
2156. Posselt, Derek J.; Olson, Erik; Osborne, Brian; Feltz, Wayne F.; Mecikalski, John R.; Aune, Robert; Knuteson, Robert O.; Revercomb, Hank E. and Smith, William L.. Simulation of an IHOP convective initiation case for GIFTS forward model and algorithm development. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2003, Paper 1.6. Reprint # 3283.
2157. Pougatchev, N. S.; Newport, Christopher; Smith, W. L.; Harrison, F. W.; Larar, A. M.; Bey, Jacob, I.; Field, B. D.; Yantosca, R. M.; Huang-, H.-L. and Nolf, S. R.. Tropospheric chemistry studies using geostationary Fourier transform spectrometer. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 2001, abstract.
2158. Pougatchev, N. S.; Newport, Christopher; Smith, W. L.; Harrison, F. W.; Larar, A. M.; Rinsland, C. P.; Jacob, D. J.; Bey, I.; Field B. D.; Yantosca, R. M.; Huang, A. H.; Nolf, S. R.; Kireev, S. V.; Newport, Christopher; Sokolik, I. N. and Kasibhatla, P.. Tropospheric chemistry study from geostationary orbit: GIFTS-IOMI mission. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 2003, abstract.
2159. Pougatchev, N. S.; Smith, W. L.; Harrison, F. W.; Larar, A. M.; Rinsland, C. P.; Jacob, D. J.; Bey, I.; Field, B. D.; Yantosca, R. M.; Huang, A. H.; Nolf, S. R.; Kireev, S. V.; Sokolik, I. N. and Kasibhatla, P.. Tropospheric chemistry study from geostationary orbit: GIFTS-IOMI mission. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 2002, abstract.
2160. Pougatchev, Nikita S.; Smith, William L.; Harrison, Fenton W.; Larar, Allen M.; Rinsland Curtis P.; Jacob, Daniel J.; Bey, Isabelle; Field, Brendan D.; Yantosca, Robert M.; Huang, Allen; Noft, Scott R. and Kireev, Stanislav V.. Tropospheric carbon monoxide and ozone measurements by geostationary imaging Fourier transform spectrometer. Volume: 2001, Washington, DC, Optical Society of America, 2001, pp.161-163. Reprint # 3728.
2161. Pougatchev, Nikita S.; Smith, William L.; Harrison, Fenton W.; Larar, Allen M.; Rinsland, Curtis P.; Jacob, Daniel J.; Bey, Isabelle; Field, Brendan D.; Yantosca, Robert M.; Huang, Allen; Nolf, Scott R. and Kireev, Stanislav V.. Imaging Geostationary Fourier Transform Spectrometer - Revolutionary tool for tropospheric chemistry. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2001, pp.4/1713-4/1717. Reprint # 3138.
2162. Pouget, S.; Bursik, M. I.; Sparks, R. S.; Hogg, A. J.; Johnson, C. G.; Singh, T. and Pavolonis, M. J.. Gravity current model of the volumetric growth of volcanic clouds: Remote assessment with satellite imagery and estimation of mass eruption rate. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2013, Abstract V23C-2861.
2163. Pouget, Solene; Bursik, Marcus; Webley, Peter; Dehn, Jon and Pavolonis, Michael. Estimation of eruption source parameters from umbrella cloud or downwind plume growth rate. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume: 258, 2013, pp.100-112. Reprint # 8032.
2164. Prata, Fred; Schreiner, Anthony J.; Ellrod, Gary P. and Schmit, Timothy J.. Detection of upper level SO2 via the GOES sounder. National Aviation Weather Program, s.l., 2004, abstract.
2165. Prata, Fred; Schreiner, Tony; Schmit, Tim and Ellrod, Gary. First measurements of volcanic sulphur dioxide from the GOES sounder: Implications for improved aviation safety. US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research, Washington, DC, 2004, pp.35-38. Reprint # 8094.
2166. Prins, E. and Menzel, W. P.. Geostationary satellite detection of biomass burning in South America. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 13, Issue: 15, 1992, pp.2783-2799. Reprint # 1308.
2167. Prins, Elaine and Schmidt, Chris. GOES burns bright. Geospatial Solutions, Volume: 11, Issue: 7, 2001, pp.33. Reprint # 3692.
2168. Prins, Elaine M. and Menzel, W. Paul. Investigation of biomass burning and aerosol loading and transport utilizing geostationary satellite data. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1996, pp.65-72. Reprint # 2423.
2169. Prins, Elaine M. and Menzel, W. Paul. Trends in South American biomass burning detected with the GOES visible infrared spin scan radiometer atmospheric sounder from 1983 to 1991. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 99, 1994, pp.16,719-16,736. Reprint # 1636.
2170. Prins, Elaine M. and Menzel, W. Paul. Trends in South American biomass burning detected with the GOES VAS from 1983-1991. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1994, pp.592-594. Reprint # 1828.
2171. Prins, Elaine M. and Menzel, W. Paul. Monitoring biomass burning and aerosol loading and transport from a geostationary satellite perspective. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1996, pp.160-166. Reprint # 2101.
2172. Prins, Elaine M. and Menzel, W. Paul. Monitoring fire activity in the Western Hemisphere with the new generation of geostationary satellites. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1996, pp.272-275. Reprint # 2104.
2173. Prins, Elaine M.; Feltz, Joleen M. and Schmidt, Chris C.. An overview of active Fire detection and monitoring using meteorological satellites. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2001, pp.1-8. Reprint # 2961.
2174. Prins, Elaine M.; Feltz, Joleen M.; Menzel, W. Paul and Ward, Darold E.. An overview of GOES-8 diurnal fire and smoke results for SCAR-B and 1995 fire season in South America. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 103, 1998, pp.31,821-31,835. Reprint # 2511.
2175. Prins, Elaine M.; McNamara, Donna and Schmidt, Christopher C.. Global geostationary fire monitoring system. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2004, Paper P4.6. Reprint # 3791.