Revercomb, Henry A.; Smith, William L. Sr.; Tobin, David C.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Best, Fred A.; Taylor, Joe K.; Turner, David; Zhou, Daniel K.; Reisse, Robert A.; Cantwell, Gregory W. and Tansock, Joe. GIFTS radiance validation from ground-based sky-viewing comparison to AERI. Washington, DC, Optical Society of America, 2007, Paper FTuA5. CD-ROM. Reprint # 5501.
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2252. Revercomb, Henry E.; Ackerman, S. A.; Best, F.; Dedecker, R.; Feltz, W.; Garcia, R. K.; Huang, H.-L.; Knuteson, R. O.; Li, J.; Tobin, D.; Velden, C. S. and Smith, W. L.. The path to high spectral resolution IR observing: Looking backward and foreward as a new era begins with AIRS. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2004, Abstract 14.5.
Revercomb, Henry E.; Buijs, H.; Howell, Hugh B.; LaPorte, D. D.; Smith, William L. and Sromovsky, L. A.. Radiometric calibration of IR Fourier transform spectrometers: solution to a problem with the High-resolution Interferometer Sounder. Applied Optics, Volume: 27, Issue: 15, 1988, pp.3210-3218. Reprint # 996.
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2254. Revercomb, Henry E.; Knuteson, R.; Best, F.; LaPorte, D.; Ackerman, S.; Ciganovich, N.; Dedecker, R.; Dirkx, T.; Ellington, S.; Feltz, W.; Herbsleb, R.; Howell, H.; Garcia, R. K.; Short, J.; Tobin, D.; van Delst, P.; Walden, V.; Werner, M.; Woolf, H. and Smith, W.. UW high spectral resolution emission observations for climate and weather research: Part 1, Airborne. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1999, abstract.
Revercomb, Henry E.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Best, Fred A.; Tobin, David C.; Smith, William L.; Feltz, Wayne F.; Petersen, Ralph A.; Antonelli, Paolo; Olson, Erik R.; LaPorte, Daniel D.; Ellington, Scott D.; Werner, Mark W.; Dedecker, Ralph G.; Garcia, Ray K.; Ciganovich, Nick N.; Howell, H. Benjamin; Vinson, Ken and Ackerman, Steven A.. Applications of high spectral resolution FTIR observations demonstrated by radiometrically accurate ground-based AERI and Scanning HIS aircraft instruments. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 2003, pp.11-23. Reprint # 3605.
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(© 2003 Society of Photo Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.)
2256. Revercomb, Henry E.; LaPorte, Daniel D.; Smith, William L.; Buijs, Henry; Murcray, David G.; Murcray, Frank J. and Sromovsky, Lawrence A.. High-altitude aircraft measurements of upwelling IR radiance: Prelude to FTIR from geosynchronous satellite. Mikrochimica Acta (International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, 6th, Vienna, Austria, 24-28 August 1987), Volume: 2, Issue: 1, 1988, pp.439-444. Reprint # 276.
Revercomb, Henry E.; Tobin, David C.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Best, Fred A.; Smith, William L.; van Delst, Paul; LaPorte, Daniel D.; Ellington, Scott D.; Werner, Mark W.; Dedecker, Ralph G.; Garcia, Ray K.; Ciganovich, Nick K.; Howell, H. Benjamin; Dutcher, Steven and Taylor, Joe K.. Validation of Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS) spectral radiances with the Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder (S-HIS) aircraft instrument. Melbourne, Australia, Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, 2003, pp.363-372. Reprint # 4491.
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Revercomb, Henry E.; Tobin, David C.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Best, Fred A.; Smith, William L.; van Delst, Paul; LaPorte, Daniel D.; Ellington, Scott D.; Werner, Mark W.; Dedecker, Ralph G.; Garcia, Ray K.; Ciganovich, Nick N.; Howell, H. Benjamin; Olson, Erik; Dutcher, Steven and Taylor, Joe K.. Highly accurate FTIR observations from the scanning HIS aircraft instrument. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 2005, pp.41-53. Reprint # 4206.
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(© 2005 Society of Photo Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.)
Revercomb, Henry E.; Tobin, David C.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Best, Fred A.; van Delst, Paul; LaPorte, Daniel D.; Ellington, Scott D.; Werner, Mark W.; Dedecker, Ralph G.; Garcia, Ray K.; Ciganovich, Nick N.; Howell, H. Benjamin; Dutcher, Steven and Taylor Joe K.. FTS calibration: Demonstrated absolute accuracy for IR remote sensing and future for monitoring climate. Washington, DC, Optical Society of America, 2005, Paper FMD1. Reprint # 5956.
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2260. Revercomb, Henry; Tobin, David; Knuteson, Robert; Best, Fred; LaPorte, Dan; Ellington, Scott; Werner, Mark; Dedecker, Ralph; Garcia, Raymond; Ciganovich, Nikola; Howell, Ben; Dutcher, Steve; Taylor, Joe; Huang, H.; Li, Jun and Holz, Robert. Scanning high-resolution interferometer sounder (S-HIS) participation in the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment (M-PACE) on the ARM-UAV Proteus aircraft. Washington, DC, US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, 2005, abstract.
2261. Revercomb, Hnery E.; Tobin, D. C.; Knuteson, R. O.; Best, F. A.; LaPorte, D. D.; Elington, S. D.; Werner, M. W.; Dedecker, R. G.; Garcia, R. K.; Diganovich, N. N.; Howell, H. B.; Dutcher, S. and Taylor, J. K.. Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS) radiance validation with the Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder (S-HIS) aircraft instrument. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2005, Abstract 1.2.
2262. Richards, Michael S.; Ackerman, Steven A.; Pavolonis, Michael J.; Feltz, Wayne F. and Tupper, Andrew. Volcanic ash cloud heights using the MODIS CO2-slicing algorithm. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2006, Paper P8.6. Reprint # 4842.
2263. Rihela, Aku; Manninen, Terhikki; Key, Jeffrey; Sun, Quingsong; Sutterlin, Melanie; Lattanzio, Alessio and Schaaf, Crystal. Multisensor albedo retrieval from polar-orbiting satellites. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2017, Abstract 69.
Riihela, Aku; Key, Jeffrey R.; Meirink, Jan Fokke; Munneke, Peter Kuipers; Palo, Timo and Karisson, Karl-Goran. An intercomparison and validation of satellite-based surface radiative energy flux estimates over the Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 122, Issue: 9, 2017, pp.4829-4848. Reprint # 7965.
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Riihela, Aku; Key, Jeffrey; Meirink, Jan Fokke; Munneke, Peter Kuipers; Palo, Timo and Karlsson, Karl-Goran. An intercomparison and validation of satellite-based surface radiative flux estimates over the Arctic. Munich, Germany, European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2017, Abstract 2527.
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Riihela, Aku; Manninen, Terhikki; Key, Jeffrey; Sun, Qingsong; Sutterlin, Melanie; Lattanzio, Alessio and Schaaf, Crystal. Multiplatform observations enabling albedo retrievals with high temporal resolution. Munich, Germany, European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2017, Abstract 6674.
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Riihela, Aku; Manninen, Terhikki; Key, Jeffrey; Sun, Qingsong; Sutterlin, Melanie; Lattanzio, Alessio and Schaaf, Crystal. A multisensor approach to global retrievals of land surface albedo. Remote Sensing, Volume: 10, Issue: 6, 2018. Reprint # 8357.
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Ringerund, Sarah; Kulie, Mark S.; Randel, David L.; Skofronick-Jackson, Gail M. and Kummerow, Christian D.. Effects of ice particle representation on passive microwave precipitation retrieval in a Bayesian scheme. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume: 57, Issue: 6, 2019, pp.3619-3632. Reprint # 8406.
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2269. Rink, Thomas; Menzel, Paul; Achtor, Tom and Whitaker, Tom. HYDRA [Hyper-spectral Data Research Application]. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 2007, Paper 66841D. Reprint # 5785.
2270. Rink, Tom; Menzel, W. Paul; Antonelli, Paolo; Whittaker, Tom; Baggett, Kevin; Gumley, Liam and Huang, Allen. Software tools useful for image enhancement and analysis. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2007, Paper NOAA-WP-08. 22p. Reprint # 5694.
Rink, Tom; Menzel, W. Paul; Antonelli, Paolo; Whittaker, Tom; Baggett,Kevin; Gumley, Liam and Huang, Allen. Introducing HYDRA: A multispectral data analysis toolkit. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 88, Issue: 2, 2007, pp.159-166. Reprint # 5308.
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Rink, Tom; Santek, Dave; Schmit, Tim; Bah, Kaba; Feltz, Joleen; Hiley, Mike and Gunshor, Mat. McIDAS-V analysis and visualization for AWG. Greenbelt, MD, NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Program Office, 2014, PowerPoint presentation. 37 slides.
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2273. Ritchie, E.; Simpson, J.; Pierce, H.; Velden, C. and Brueske, K.. On the genesis of tropical cyclones: Role of mesoscale interactions. Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union, 2000, Abstract A72D-02, 2000.
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Roebeling, R.; Baum, B.; Bennartz, R.; Hamann, U.; Heidinger, A.; Thoss, A. and Walther, A.. Outcome of the Third Cloud Retrieval Evaluation Workshop. Munich, Germany, European Geophysical Union, 2012, Abstract 6173-1.
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