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Results: Found 3271 records (displaying records 2351 through 2375)

2351. Schmit, Tim; Li, Jun and Schrab, Kevin. The GOES-R ABI (Advanced Baseline Imager) and the continuation of GOES-N class sounder products. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2007, Paper NOAA-WP-07. 23p. Reprint # 5693. 

2352. Schmit, Tim; Li, Jun; Lee, Yong-Keun; Li, Zhenglong; Li, Jinlong; Straka, William; Petersen, Ralph; Martin, Graeme; Xie, Hua; Sampson, Shanna; Pierce, Brad; Rogal, Marek; Smith, Bill and Kireev, Stanislav. GOES-R AWG algorithm development and product validation - current status and future activities: Sounding Application Team. Greenbelt, MD, NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Program Office, 2014, PowerPoint presentation. 64 slides. 
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2353. Schmit, Tim; Li, Jun; Li, Zhenglong; Jin, Xin and Martin, Graeme. GOES-R AWG Land Surface Emissivity: Retrieval of Land Surface Emissivity (LSE) using time continuity. Greenbelt, MD, NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Program Office, 2010, PowerPoint presentation. 

2354. Schmit, Tim; Li, Jun; Li, Zhenglong; Jin, Xin and Martin, Graeme. GOES-R AWG land surface emissivity: Retrieval of Land Surface Emissivity (LSE) using time continuity. Greenbelt, MD, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Series Program Office, 2010, PowerPoint presentation. 

2355. Schmit, Tim; Li, Jun; Li, Zhenglong; Li, Jinlong; Kin, Xin; Gutman, Seth; Borbas, Eva; Feltz, Wayne and Petersen, Ralph. GOES-R AWG product validation tool development: Sounding application team. Greenbelt, MD, NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Program Office, 2011, PowerPoint presentation. 

2356. Schmit, Tim; Li, Jun; Li, Zhenglong; Li, Jinlong; Xin, Jin; Gutman, Seth; Borbas, Eva; Feltz, Wayne and Petersen, Ralph. GOES-R AWG product validation tool development: Sounding Application Team. Greenbelt, MD, NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Program Office, 2011, PowerPoint presentation. 38 slides. 
PPT Document Link to PPT

2357. Schmit, Tim; Menzel, Paul and Antonelli, Paolo. Remote sensing fundamentals, Part I: Radiation and the Planck function. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) with EUMETSAT, 2007, Day 1. PowerPoint presentation. Call Number: G/70.39/R47/G46/2007/DVD. 

2358. Schmit, Tim; Menzel, Paul and Antonelli, Paolo. Remote sensing fundamentals, Part II: Radiation and weighting functions. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) with EUMETSAT, 2007, Day 2. PowerPoint presentation. Call Number: G/70.39/R47/G46/2007/DVD. 

2359. Schmit, Tim; Rink, Tom; Gunshor, Mat; Bah, Kada; Wolf, Walter; Strake, William and Zhang, Wendy. Cloud and moisture imagery. US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2012, PowerPoint presentation. 

2360. Schmit, Timonty J. and Daniels, Jaime. ABI: Product overview. Greenbelt, MD, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Series Program Office, 2017, PowerPoint presentation. 
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2361. Schmit, Timothy J,; Goodman, S. J.; Lindsey, D. T.; Rabin, R. M.; Bedka, K.; Cintineo, J. L.; Velden, C.; Bachmeier, A. S.; Lindstrom, S. S.; Gunshor,M. and Schmidt, C.. GOES-14 super rapid scan operations to prepare for GOES-R. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2014, Abstract 4.3. 

2362. Schmit, Timothy J.. The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on the GOES-R series. Greenbelt, MD, NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Program Office, 2015, PowerPoint presentation. 47 slides. 
PPT Document Link to PPT

2363. Schmit, Timothy J.. ABI and ABS (Advanced Baseline Imager/Sounder): ABI channel selections, ABI simulations (NAST-I and MODIS), ABS 2 vs 3 waveband, ABS vs current capabilities, and ABS data compression roadmap. s.l., n.a., 2002, PowerPoint presentation. 

2364. Schmit, Timothy J.. GOES Super Rapid Scan Operations for GOES-R (SRSOR). Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2015, PowerPoint presentation. 

2365. Schmit, Timothy J.. XGOHI (eXtended GOes High Inclination operations). Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) with EUMETSAT, 2007, Day 3. PowerPoint presentation. Call Number: G/70.39/R47/G46/2007/DVD. 

2366. Schmit, Timothy J.. Future GOES. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) with EUMETSAT, 2007, Day 5. PowerPoint presentation. Call Number: G/70.39/R47/G46/2007/DVD. 

2367. Schmit, Timothy J.. The history and evolution of the ABI (Advanced Baseline Imager) on the GOES-R series. Madison, WI, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 2009, Abstract 39. 
Abstract Document Link to Abstract

2368. Schmit, Timothy J.. GOES N, O, P pre-launch overview. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2005, PowerPoint presentation. 
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2369. Schmit, Timothy J.. Future GOES (XGOHI, GOES-13/O/P, GOES-R+). Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2007, PowerPoint presentation. 
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2370. Schmit, Timothy J.. Report on the NOAA Hyperspectral Workshop, 4th, Madison, WI, 17-19 August 2004. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 2004. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.04.09.S1. 
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2371. Schmit, Timothy J.. The GOES-R series and the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI). Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2012, PowerPoint presentation. 
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2372. Schmit, Timothy J.. NWP opportunities with the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on the GOES-R series. College Park, MD, NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA), 2011, PowerPoint presentation. 

2373. Schmit, Timothy J.. Sounder bias correction of the east-west radiance gradient. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 1996. 630-637. Reprint # 2469. 

2374. Schmit, Timothy J.. The GOES-R/16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI). Greenbelt, MD, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Series Program Office, 2017, PowerPoint presentation. 
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2375. Schmit, Timothy J.. The GOES-R/16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI). Greenbelt, MD, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Series Program Office, 2017, PowerPoint presentation. 
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