1. Berger, Howard; Langland, Rolf; Velden, Christopher S. ; Reynolds, Carolyn A. and Pauley, Patricia M. Impact of enhanced satellite-derived atmospheric motion vector observations on numerical tropical cyclone track forecasts in the Western North Pacific during TPARC/TCS-08. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 50, Issue 11, 2011, 2309–2318. Reprint # 6553. Link to PDF |
2. Langland, Rolf H.; Velden, Christopher; Pauley, Patricia M. and Berger, Howard. Impact of satellite-derived rapid-scan wind observations on numerical model forecasts of Hurricane Katrina. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 137, Issue 5, 2009, pp.1615-1622. Reprint # 6059. Link to PDF |
3. Kossin, James P.; Knaff, John A.; Berger, Howard I.; Herndon, Derrick C.; Cram, Thomas A.; Velden, Christopher S.; Murnane, Richard J. and Hawkins, Jeffrey D. Estimating hurricane wind structure in the absence of aircraft reconnaissance. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 22, Issue 1, 2007, pp.89-101. Reprint # 5282. Link to PDF |