Ralph G. Dedecker

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76. Revercomb, Henry E.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Best, Fred A.; Tobin, David C.; Smith, William L.; Feltz, Wayne F.; Petersen, Ralph A.; Antonelli, Paolo; Olson, Erik R.; LaPorte, Daniel D.; Ellington, Scott D.; Werner, Mark W.; Dedecker, Ralph G.; Garcia, Ray K.; Ciganovich, Nick N.; Howell, H. Benjamin; Vinson, Ken and Ackerman, Steven A. Applications of high spectral resolution FTIR observations demonstrated by radiometrically accurate ground-based AERI and Scanning HIS aircraft instruments. Multispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Instruments and Applications, Hangzhou, China, 25-27 October 2002. SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA, 2003, pp.11-23. Reprint # 3605.
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 (© 2003 Society of Photo Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.)
77. Dedecker, R. G.; Quinn, G. M.; Garcia, R. K. and Revercomb, H. E. Introducing WEB_MADS. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 12th, St. Petersburg, FL, 8-12 April 2002. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 2002, abstract.
78. Dedecker, R. G.; Quinn, G. M.; Garcia, R. K. and Revercomb, H. E. Introducing WEB_MADS. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 12th, St. Petersburg, FL, 8-12 April 2002. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 2002, abstract.
79. Knuteson, R. O.; Best, F. A.; Dedecker, R. G.; DeSlover, D. H.; Dirkx, T. P.; Feltz, W. F.; Garcia, R. K.; Howell, H. B.; Revercomb, H. E. and Tobin, D. C. AERIs for ARM: Accuracy and applications. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 10th, San Antonio, TX, 13-17 March 2000. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 2000. Reprint # 3072.
80. Knuteson, R. O.; Best, F. A.; Dedecker, R. G.; DeSlover, D. H.; Dirkx, T. P.; Feltz, W. F.; Garcia, R. K.; Howell, H. B.; Revercomb, H. E. and Tobin, D. C. AERIs for ARM: Accuracy and applications. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 10th, San Antonio, TX, 13-17 March 2000. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 2000. Reprint # 3072.
81. Knuteson, R. O.; Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Dedecker, R. G.; Garcia, R. G.; Howell, H. B.; Tobin, D. C. and Walden, V. P. AERI observations at the ARM SGP, NSA, and TWP CART sites. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 9th, San Antonio, TX, 22-26 March 1999. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 1999. Reprint # 3085.
82. Revercomb, Henry E.; Knuteson, R.; Best, F.; LaPorte, D.; Ackerman, S.; Ciganovich, N.; Dedecker, R.; Dirkx, T.; Ellington, S.; Feltz, W.; Herbsleb, R.; Howell, H.; Garcia, R. K.; Short, J.; Tobin, D.; van Delst, P.; Walden, V.; Werner, M.; Woolf, H. and Smith, W. UW high spectral resolution emission observations for climate and weather research: Part 1, Airborne. Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, 10th: A Symposium with tributes to the works of Verner E. Suomi, Madison, WI, 28 June-2 July 1999 (preprints). American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 1999, abstract.
83. Walden, V. P.; Revercomb, H. E.; Knuteson, R. O.; Best, F. A.; Ciganovich, N.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T.; Garcia, R. K.; Herbsleb, R.; Howell, B.; McRae, D. and Short, J. Variations in Arctic climate using downward longwave radiances. Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, 5th, Dallas, TX, 10-15 January 1999 (preprints). American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 1999, pp.71-76. Reprint # 2526.
84. Revercomb, Henry E.; Knuteson, R.; Best, F.; LaPorte, D.; Ackerman, S.; Ciganovich, N.; Dedecker, R.; Dirkx, T.; Ellington, S.; Feltz, W.; Herbsleb, R.; Howell, H.; Garcia, R. K.; Short, J.; Tobin, D.; van Delst, P.; Walden, V.; Werner, M.; Woolf, H. and Smith, W. UW high spectral resolution emission observations for climate and weather research: Part 1, Airborne. Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, 10th: A Symposium with tributes to the works of Verner E. Suomi, Madison, WI, 28 June-2 July 1999 (preprints). American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 1999, abstract.
85. Walden, V. P.; Revercomb, H. E.; Knuteson, R. O.; Best, F. A.; Ciganovich, N.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T.; Garcia, R. K.; Herbsleb, R.; Howell, B.; McRae, D. and Short, J. Variations in Arctic climate using downward longwave radiances. Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, 5th, Dallas, TX, 10-15 January 1999 (preprints). American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 1999, pp.71-76. Reprint # 2526.
86. Knuteson, R. O.; Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Dedecker, R. G.; Garcia, R. G.; Howell, H. B.; Tobin, D. C. and Walden, V. P. AERI observations at the ARM SGP, NSA, and TWP CART sites. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 9th, San Antonio, TX, 22-26 March 1999. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 1999. Reprint # 3085.
87. Revercomb, H. E.; Walden, V. P.; Tobin, D. C.; Anderson, J.; Best, F. A.; Ciganovich, N. C.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T.; Ellington, S. C.; Garcia, R. K.; Herbsleb, R.; Knuteson, R. O.; LaPorte, D.; McRae, D. and Werner, M. Recent results from two new aircraft-based fourier-transform interferometers: The Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder and the NPOESS Atmospheric Sounder Testbed Interferometer. International Workshop on Atmospheric Science from Space using Fourier Transform Spectrometry, 8th, ASSFTS8, Meteo-France, Toulouse, 16-18 November 1998. Proceedings.. Meteo-France, Toulouse, France, 1998, Paper D5. Reprint # 6300.
88. Feltz, W. F.; Knuteson, R. O.; Revercomb, H. E.; Woolf, H.; Dedecker, R. D.; Smith, W. L.; Howell, H. B. and Schmit, T. J. Remote sensing of tropospheric temperature and water vapor using a ground based interferometer spectrometer and the Geostationary Operational Evnironmental Satellite (GOES). International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, 4th, Snowmass, CO, 21-25 September 1998. Extended abstracts, v.1. University of Colorado, s.l., 1998, pp.103-105. Reprint # 7021.
89. Revercomb, H. E.; Walden, V. P.; Tobin, D. C.; Anderson, J.; Best, F. A.; Ciganovich, N. C.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T.; Ellington, S. C.; Garcia, R. K.; Herbsleb, R.; Knuteson, R. O.; LaPorte, D.; McRae, D. and Werner, M. Recent results from two new aircraft-based fourier-transform interferometers: The Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder and the NPOESS Atmospheric Sounder Testbed Interferometer. International Workshop on Atmospheric Science from Space using Fourier Transform Spectrometry, 8th, ASSFTS8, Meteo-France, Toulouse, 16-18 November 1998. Proceedings.. Meteo-France, Toulouse, France, 1998, Paper D5. Reprint # 6300.
90. Feltz, W. F.; Knuteson, R. O.; Revercomb, H. E.; Woolf, H.; Dedecker, R. D.; Smith, W. L.; Howell, H. B. and Schmit, T. J. Remote sensing of tropospheric temperature and water vapor using a ground based interferometer spectrometer and the Geostationary Operational Evnironmental Satellite (GOES). International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, 4th, Snowmass, CO, 21-25 September 1998. Extended abstracts, v.1. University of Colorado, s.l., 1998, pp.103-105. Reprint # 7021.
91. Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Knuteson, R. O.; Smith, W. L.; Dirkx, T. P.; Dedecker, R. G.; Feltz, W. F.; Garcia, R. K.; Whitney, B. A. and Howell, H. B. Downwelling IR radiance spectra for the ARM Program: Capabilities and status of the Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI). IRS '96: Current problems in atmospheric radiation. Proceedings of the International Radiation Symposium, Fairbanks, Alaska, 19-24 August 1996. A. Deepak Publishing, Hampton, VA, 1997, pp.353-358. Reprint # 2474.
92. Smith, William L.; Revercomb, H. E.; Huang, H. L.; Ma, X. L.; Howell, H. B.; Woolf, H. M.; Dedecker, R. G.; Herbsleb, R.; Best, F. and Knuteson, R. O. HIS - Validation of NWP model performance during ASHOE. Global water vapor modeling: Final report for NOAA Grant NA36GP0481 covering the period 9/1/93-2/29/96. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 1997. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.97.12.S1.
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93. Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Knuteson, R. O.; Whitney, B. A.; Dirkx, T. P.; Dedecker, R. G.; Garcia, R. K.; van Delst, P.; Smith, W. L. and Howell, H. B. Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer, part I: Status, basic radiometric accuracy, and unexpected errors and solutions. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 6th, San Antonio, TX, 4-7 March 1996. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 1997, pp.273-278. Reprint # 2378.
94. Smith, William L.; Revercomb, H. E.; Huang, H. L.; Ma, X. L.; Howell, H. B.; Woolf, H. M.; Dedecker, R. G.; Herbsleb, R.; Best, F. and Knuteson, R. O. HIS - Validation of NWP model performance during ASHOE. Global water vapor modeling: Final report for NOAA Grant NA36GP0481 covering the period 9/1/93-2/29/96. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 1997. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.97.12.S1.
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95. Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Knuteson, R. O.; Whitney, B. A.; Dirkx, T. P.; Dedecker, R. G.; Garcia, R. K.; van Delst, P.; Smith, W. L. and Howell, H. B. Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer, part I: Status, basic radiometric accuracy, and unexpected errors and solutions. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 6th, San Antonio, TX, 4-7 March 1996. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 1997, pp.273-278. Reprint # 2378.
96. Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Knuteson, R. O.; Smith, W. L.; Dirkx, T. P.; Dedecker, R. G.; Feltz, W. F.; Garcia, R. K.; Whitney, B. A. and Howell, H. B. Downwelling IR radiance spectra for the ARM Program: Capabilities and status of the Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI). IRS '96: Current problems in atmospheric radiation. Proceedings of the International Radiation Symposium, Fairbanks, Alaska, 19-24 August 1996. A. Deepak Publishing, Hampton, VA, 1997, pp.353-358. Reprint # 2474.
97. Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Knuteson, R. O.; Whitney, B. A.; Dirkx, T. P.; Dedecker, R. G.; Garcia, R. K.; van Delst, P.; Smith, W. L. and Howell, H. B. Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI), part I: Status, radiometric accuracy, and the prototype data correction. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 4-7 March 1996. Abstracts. [Department of Energy], S.l., 1996, pp.66-67. Reprint # 2703.
98. Revercomb, H. E.; Knuteson, R. O.; Best, F. A.; Dirkx, T. P.; Dedecker, R. G.; Garcia, R.; Whitney, B. A.; Smith, W. L. and Howell, H. B. Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI): Status and the aerosol explanation for extra window region emissions. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 5th, San Diego, CA, 20-23 March 1995. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 1996, pp.253-258. Reprint # 3090.
99. Revercomb, H. E.; Smith, W. L.; Best, F. A.; Giroux, J.; LaPorte, D. D.; Knuteson, R. O.; Werner, M. W.; Anderson, J. R.; Ciganovich, N. N.; Cline, R. W.; Ellington, S. D.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T. P.; Garcia, R. K. and Howell, H. B. Airborne and ground-based Fourier transform spectrometers for meteorology: HIS, AERI and the new AERI-UAV. Optical Instruments for Weather Forecasting, Denver, CO, 8-9 August 1996 (proceedings). SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA, 1996, pp.106-117. Reprint # 2718.
100. Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Knuteson, R. O.; Whitney, B. A.; Dirkx, T. P.; Dedecker, R. G.; Garcia, R. K.; van Delst, P.; Smith, W. L. and Howell, H. B. Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI), part I: Status, radiometric accuracy, and the prototype data correction. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 4-7 March 1996. Abstracts. [Department of Energy], S.l., 1996, pp.66-67. Reprint # 2703.