1. Dedecker, Ralph; Knuteson, Robert; Revercomb, Henry; Tobin, David; Ciganovich, Nikola; Dirkx, Timothy; Feltz, Wayne; Garcia, Raymond, Hackel, Denny; Holz, Robert and Turner, David. New AERI deployments and the status of AERI engineering changes. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 15th, Daytona Beach, FL, 14-18 March 2005. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 2005, abstract. |
2. Knuteson, R. O.; Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Ciganovich, N. C.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T. P.; Ellington, S. C.; Feltz, W. F.; Garcia, R. K.; Howell, H. B.; Smith, W. L.; Short, J. F. and Tobin, D. C. Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer, Part II: Instrument performance. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 21, Issue 12, 2004, pp.1777-1789. Reprint # 4083. Link to PDF |
3. Knuteson, R. O.; Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Ciganovich, N. C.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T. P.; Ellington, S. C.; Feltz, W. F.; Garcia, R. K.; Howell, H. B.; Smith, W. L.; Short, J. F. and Tobin, D. C. Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer, Part I: Instrument design. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 21, Issue 12, 2004, pp.1763-1776. Reprint # 4082. Link to PDF |
4. Best, Fred A.; Revercomb, Henry E.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Tobin, Dave C.; Dedecker, Ralph G.; Dirkx, Tim P.; Mulligan, Mark P.; Ciganovich, Nick N. and Te, Yao. Traceability of absolute radiometric calibration for the Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI). CALCON Technical Conference: Conference on Characterization and Radiometric Calibration for Remote Sensing, Logan, UT, 15-18 September 2003. Space Dynamics Laboratory (SDL), Utah State University, Logan, UT, 2003. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.03.09.C1. Link to PDF (Reproduced with permission of SDL ) |
5. Knuteson, R. O.; Best, F. A.; Dedecker, R. G.; DeSlover, D. H.; Dirkx, T. P.; Feltz, W. F.; Garcia, R. K.; Howell, H. B.; Revercomb, H. E. and Tobin, D. C. AERIs for ARM: Accuracy and applications. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 10th, San Antonio, TX, 13-17 March 2000. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 2000. Reprint # 3072. |
6. Revercomb, Henry E.; Knuteson, R.; Best, F.; LaPorte, D.; Ackerman, S.; Ciganovich, N.; Dedecker, R.; Dirkx, T.; Ellington, S.; Feltz, W.; Herbsleb, R.; Howell, H.; Garcia, R. K.; Short, J.; Tobin, D.; van Delst, P.; Walden, V.; Werner, M.; Woolf, H. and Smith, W. UW high spectral resolution emission observations for climate and weather research: Part 1, Airborne. Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, 10th: A Symposium with tributes to the works of Verner E. Suomi, Madison, WI, 28 June-2 July 1999 (preprints). American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 1999, abstract. |
7. Walden, V. P.; Revercomb, H. E.; Knuteson, R. O.; Best, F. A.; Ciganovich, N.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T.; Garcia, R. K.; Herbsleb, R.; Howell, B.; McRae, D. and Short, J. Variations in Arctic climate using downward longwave radiances. Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, 5th, Dallas, TX, 10-15 January 1999 (preprints). American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 1999, pp.71-76. Reprint # 2526. |
8. Revercomb, H. E.; Walden, V. P.; Tobin, D. C.; Anderson, J.; Best, F. A.; Ciganovich, N. C.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T.; Ellington, S. C.; Garcia, R. K.; Herbsleb, R.; Knuteson, R. O.; LaPorte, D.; McRae, D. and Werner, M. Recent results from two new aircraft-based fourier-transform interferometers: The Scanning High-resolution Interferometer Sounder and the NPOESS Atmospheric Sounder Testbed Interferometer. International Workshop on Atmospheric Science from Space using Fourier Transform Spectrometry, 8th, ASSFTS8, Meteo-France, Toulouse, 16-18 November 1998. Proceedings.. Meteo-France, Toulouse, France, 1998, Paper D5. Reprint # 6300. |
9. Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Knuteson, R. O.; Smith, W. L.; Dirkx, T. P.; Dedecker, R. G.; Feltz, W. F.; Garcia, R. K.; Whitney, B. A. and Howell, H. B. Downwelling IR radiance spectra for the ARM Program: Capabilities and status of the Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI). IRS '96: Current problems in atmospheric radiation. Proceedings of the International Radiation Symposium, Fairbanks, Alaska, 19-24 August 1996. A. Deepak Publishing, Hampton, VA, 1997, pp.353-358. Reprint # 2474. |
10. Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Knuteson, R. O.; Whitney, B. A.; Dirkx, T. P.; Dedecker, R. G.; Garcia, R. K.; van Delst, P.; Smith, W. L. and Howell, H. B. Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer, part I: Status, basic radiometric accuracy, and unexpected errors and solutions. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 6th, San Antonio, TX, 4-7 March 1996. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 1997, pp.273-278. Reprint # 2378. |
11. Revercomb, H. E.; Knuteson, R. O.; Best, F. A.; Dirkx, T. P.; Dedecker, R. G.; Garcia, R.; Whitney, B. A.; Smith, W. L. and Howell, H. B. Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI): Status and the aerosol explanation for extra window region emissions. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 5th, San Diego, CA, 20-23 March 1995. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 1996, pp.253-258. Reprint # 3090. |
12. Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Knuteson, R. O.; Whitney, B. A.; Dirkx, T. P.; Dedecker, R. G.; Garcia, R. K.; van Delst, P.; Smith, W. L. and Howell, H. B. Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI), part I: Status, radiometric accuracy, and the prototype data correction. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 4-7 March 1996. Abstracts. [Department of Energy], S.l., 1996, pp.66-67. Reprint # 2703. |
13. Revercomb, H. E.; Smith, W. L.; Best, F. A.; Giroux, J.; LaPorte, D. D.; Knuteson, R. O.; Werner, M. W.; Anderson, J. R.; Ciganovich, N. N.; Cline, R. W.; Ellington, S. D.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T. P.; Garcia, R. K. and Howell, H. B. Airborne and ground-based Fourier transform spectrometers for meteorology: HIS, AERI and the new AERI-UAV. Optical Instruments for Weather Forecasting, Denver, CO, 8-9 August 1996 (proceedings). SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, WA, 1996, pp.106-117. Reprint # 2718. |
14. Revercomb, H. E.; Smith, W. L.; Knuteson, R. O.; Best, F. A.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T. P.; Herbsleb, R. A. and Short, J. F. High spectral resolution Fourier transform infrared instruments for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 3rd, Norman, OK, 1-4 March 1993. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 1994. Reprint # 3065. |
15. Revercomb, H. E.; Smith, W. L.; Knuteson, R. O.; Best, F. A.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T. P.; Herbsleb, R. A.; Buchholtz, G. M.; Short, J. F. and Howell, H. B. AERI - Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer. Conference on Atmospheric Radiation, 8th, Nashville, TN, 23-28 January 1994 (preprints). American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 1994, pp.180-182. Reprint # 1608. |
16. Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T. P.; Herbsleb, R. A.; Knuteson, R. O.; Short, J. F. and Smith, W. L. Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) for ARM. Symposium on Global Change Studies, 4th, Anaheim, CA, 17-22 January 1993 (preprints). American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 1993, pp.46-49. Reprint # 1334. |
17. Revercomb, H. E.; Smith, W. L.; Knuteson, R. O.; Best, F. A.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T. P.; Herbsleb, R. A.; Short, J. R.; Howell, H. B.; Murcray, D. and Murcray, F. High spectral resolution Fourier transform infrared instruments for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, Norman, OK, 1-4 March 1993. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Washington, DC, 1993, pp.267-273. Reprint # 2082. |
18. Revercomb, H. E.; Smith, W. L.; Knuteson, R. O.; Best, F. A.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T. P.; Herbsleb, R. A.; Short, J. F. and Howell, H. B. A ground-bsed system for measuring atmospheric emitted radiance at high spectral resolution. Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere: Summaries of the papers presented at the topical meeting Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Salt Lake City, UT, 8-12 March 1993. 1993 Technical Digest Series v.5. Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 1993, pp.82-85. Reprint # 8024. |
19. Revercomb, H. E.; Best, F. A.; Dedecker, R. G.; Dirkx, T. P.; Herbsleb, R. A.; Knuteson, R. O.; Short, J. F. and Smith, W. L. High spectral resolution Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) instruments for the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program: Focus on the Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 2nd, Denver, CO, 26-30 October 1991. Proceedings. US Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Health and Environmental Research, Environmental Sciences Division, Washington, DC, 1992. Reprint # 3066. |