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Steven T. Dutcher

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Results: Found 10 records (displaying records 1 through 10)

1. Platnick, Steven; Meyer, Kerry; Wind, Galina; Holz, Robert E.; Amarasinghe, Nandana; Hubanks, Paul A.; Marchant, Benjamin; Dutcher, Steven and Veglio, Paolo. The NASA MODIS-VIIRS continuity cloud optical properties products. Remote Sensing, Volume 13, Issue 1, 2021, pp.2. Reprint # 8629.
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2. Frey, Richard A.; Ackerman, Steven A.; Holz, Robert E.; Dutcher, Steven and Griffith, Zach. The Continuity MODIS-VIIRS Cloud Mask. Remote Sensing, Volume 12, Issue 20, 2020, pp.3334. Reprint # 8592.
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3. Meyer, Kerry; Platnick, Steven; Holz, Robert; Dutcher, Steve; Quinn, Greg and Nagle, Fred. Derivation of shortwave radiometric adjustments for SNPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS for the NASA MODIS-VIIRS continuity cloud products. Remote Sensing, Volume 12, Issue 24, 2020, pp.4096. Reprint # 8627.
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4. Veglio, Paolo; Tobin, David C.; Dutcher, Steve; Quinn, Greg and Moeller, Christopher C. Long-term assessment of Aqua MODIS radiance observation using comparisons with AIRS and IASI. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 121, Issue 14, 2016, 8460–8471. Reprint # 7711.
5. Holz, Robert E.; Platnick, Steven; Meyer, Kerry; Vaughan, Mark; Heidinger, Andrew; Yang, Ping; Wing, Gala; Dutcher, Steven; Ackerman, Steven; Amarasinghe, Nandana; Nagle, Fredrick and Wang, Chenxi. Resolving ice cloud optical thickness biases between CALIOP and MODIS using infrared retrievals. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 16, Issue 8, 2016, pp.5075-5090. Reprint # 7615.
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6. Zhang, Hong; Huang, Hung-Lung; Lim, Agnes; Holz, Robert; Dutcher, Steve; Nagle, Fred; Gumley, Liam; Wang, Jinnian; Shi, Runhe and Gao, Wei. Analysis and characterization of the synergistic AIRS and MODIS cloud-cleared radiances. Frontiers of Earth Science in China, Volume 4, Issue 3, 2010, doi:10.1007/s11707-010-0023-7. Reprint # 6364.
7. Holz, R. E.; Ackerman, S. A.; Nagle, F. W.; Frey, R.; Dutcher, S.; Kuehn, R. E.; Vaughan, M. A. and Baum, B. Global Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) cloud detection and height evaluation using CALIOP. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 113, 2008, doi:10.1029/2008JD009837. Reprint # 5918.
8. Tobin, David C.; Antonelli, Paolo; Revercomb, Henry E.; Dutcher, Steven; Turner, David D.; Taylor, Joe K.; Knuteson, Robert O. and Vinson, Kenneth. Hyperspectral data noise characterization using principle component analysis: Application to the atmospheric infrared sounder. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2007, doi:10.1117/1.2757707. Reprint # 5392.
9. Holz, R.E.; Nagle, F.; Tobin, D.C.; Knuteson, R.O.; Dutcher, S. and Revercomb, H.E. An investigation of the capability of CLARREO to calibrate operational sounders with a focus on both spatial and temporal sampling uncertainties. EOS Transactions, Volume 88, Issue 53, 2007, Abstract A31B-0313.
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10. Tobin, David C.; Revercomb, Henry E.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Best, Fred A.; Smith, William L.; Ciganovich, Nick N.; Dedecker, Ralph G.; Dutcher, Steven; Ellington, Scott D.; Garcia, Raymond K.; Howell, H. Benjamin; LaPorte, Daniel D.; Mango, Stephen A.; Pagano, Thomas S.; Taylor, Joe K.; van Delst, Paul; Vinson, Kenneth H. and Werner, Mark W. Radiometric and spectral validation of Atmospheric Infrared Sounder observations with the aircraft-based Scanning High-Resolution Interferometer Sounder. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 111, 2006, doi:10.1029/2005JD006094. Reprint # 5054.