Stefan L. Hastenrath

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Results: Found 470 records (displaying records 151 through 175)

151. Greischar, L. and Hastenrath, S. Prediction of summer rainfall over Eastern South Africa using empirical methods. Experimental Long-lead Forecast Bulletin, Volume 4, Issue 4, 1995, pp.27-28. Reprint # 2305.
152. Greischar, L. and Hastenrath, S. Multiple regression and discriminant analysis to predict Mar-Apr-May-Jun 1995 rainfall in Northeast Brazil. Experimental Long-lead Forecast Bulletin, Volume 4, Issue 1, 1995, pp.32-33. Reprint # 2306.
153. Hastenrath, Stefan; Greischar, Lawrence and Van Heerden, Johan. Prediction of the summer rainfall over South Africa. Journal of Climate, Volume 8, Issue 6, 1995, pp.1511-1518. Reprint # 1958.
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154. Hastenrath, Stefan. Recent advances in tropical climate prediction. Journal of Climate, Volume 8, Issue 6, 1995, pp.1519-1532. Reprint # 1959.
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155. Greischar, L. and Hastenrath, S. Multiple regression and discriminant analysis to predict Indian summer monsoon rainfall, 1995. Experimental Long-lead Forecast Bulletin, Volume 4, Issue 2, 1995, pp.24-25. Reprint # 2309.
156. Greischar, L. and Hastenrath, S. Neural network to predict short rains at the coast of East Africa for boreal autumn 1995. Experimental Long-lead Forecast Bulletin, Volume 4, Issue 3, 1995, pp.16. Reprint # 2310.
157. Hastenrath, Stefan; Rostom, Raouf S. and Hime, Wallis F. Variations of the Lewis and Gregory glaciers, Mount Kenya, 1990-1993. Erdkunde: Archive for Scientific Geography, Volume 49, Issue 1, 1995, 60-62, map. Reprint # 6776.
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158. Rostom, Raouf S. and Hastenrath, Stefan. Mapping the glaciers of Mount Kenya in 1947. Erdkunde: Archive for Scientific Geography, Volume 49, Issue 3, 1995, 244-249, map. Reprint # 6777.
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159. Curtis, Scott and Hastenrath, Stefan. Forcing of anomalous sea surface temperature evolution in the tropical Atlantic during Pacific warm events. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, Volume 100, 1995, pp.15835-15847. Reprint # 2313.
160. Hastenrath, Stefan. Glacier recession on Mount Kenya in the context of the global tropics. Bulletin de I'IFEA [Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Études Andines], Volume 24, Issue 3, 1995, pp.633-638. Reprint # 5897.
161. Hastenrath, Stefan; Greischar, Lawrence and Van Heerden, Johan. Prediction of the summer rainfall over South Africa. Journal of Climate, Volume 8, Issue 6, 1995, pp.1511-1518. Reprint # 1958.
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162. Hastenrath, Stefan. Recent advances in tropical climate prediction. Journal of Climate, Volume 8, Issue 6, 1995, pp.1519-1532. Reprint # 1959.
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163. Rostom, Raouf S. and Hastenrath, Stefan. Variations of Mount Kenya's glaciers, 1987-1993. Erdkunde: Archive for Scientific Geography, Volume 48, Issue 3, 1994, 174-180, map. Reprint # 6775.
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164. Hastenrath, Stefan. Recession of tropical glaciers. Science, Volume 265, Issue 5180, 1994, pp.1790-1791. Reprint # 5128.
165. Druyan, Leonard M. and Hastenrath, Stefan. Tropical impacts of SST forcing: A case study for 1987 versus 1988. Journal of Climate, Volume 7, Issue 9, 1994, pp.1316-1323. Reprint # 2021.
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166. Greischar, L. and Hastenrath, S. Prediction of summer rainfall over Eastern South Africa using empirical methods. Experimental Long-lead Forecast Bulletin, Volume 3, Issue 4, 1994, pp.24. Reprint # 2307.
167. Greischar, L. and Hastenrath, S. Multiple regression and discriminant analysis to predict Indian summer monsoon rainfall, 1994. Experimental Long-lead Forecast Bulletin, Volume 3, Issue 2, 1994, pp.12-13. Reprint # 2308.
168. Greischar, L. and Hastenrath, S. Multiple regression and discriminant analysis to predict Mar-Apr-May-June 1994 rainfall in Northeast Brazil. Experimental Long-lead Forecast Bulletin, Volume 3, Issue 1, 1994, pp.19-20. Reprint # 3761.
169. Hastenrath, Stefan. Recession of tropical glaciers. Science, Volume 265, Issue 5180, 1994, pp.1790-1791. Reprint # 5128.
170. Druyan, Leonard M. and Hastenrath, Stefan. Tropical impacts of SST forcing: A case study for 1987 versus 1988. Journal of Climate, Volume 7, Issue 9, 1994, pp.1316-1323. Reprint # 2021.
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171. Chu, Pau-Shin; Yu, Zhi-Ping and Hastenrath, Stefan. Detecting climate change concurrent with deforestation in the Amazon Basin: Which way has it gone?. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 75, Issue 4, 1994, pp.579-583. Reprint # 1817.
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172. Greischar, L. and Hastenrath, S. Prediction of summer rainfall over Eastern South Africa using empirical methods. Experimental Long-lead Forecast Bulletin, Volume 3, Issue 4, 1994, pp.24. Reprint # 2307.
173. Greischar, L. and Hastenrath, S. Multiple regression and discriminant analysis to predict Indian summer monsoon rainfall, 1994. Experimental Long-lead Forecast Bulletin, Volume 3, Issue 2, 1994, pp.12-13. Reprint # 2308.
174. Greischar, L. and Hastenrath, S. Multiple regression and discriminant analysis to predict Mar-Apr-May-June 1994 rainfall in Northeast Brazil. Experimental Long-lead Forecast Bulletin, Volume 3, Issue 1, 1994, pp.19-20. Reprint # 3761.
175. Rostom, Raouf S. and Hastenrath, Stefan. Variations of Mount Kenya's glaciers, 1987-1993. Erdkunde: Archive for Scientific Geography, Volume 48, Issue 3, 1994, 174-180, map. Reprint # 6775.
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