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Patrick W. Heck

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Results: Found 8 records (displaying records 1 through 8)

1. Minnis, Patrick; Sun-Mack, Sunny; Smith, William L.; Trepte, Qing Z.; Hong, Gang; Chen, Yan; Yost, Christopher R.; Chang, Fu-Lung; Smith, Rita A.; Heck, Patrick W. and Yang, Ping. VIIRS edition 1 cloud properties for CERES, part 1: algorithm adjustments and results. Remote Sensing, Volume 15, Issue 3, 2023, pp.578. Reprint # 8911.
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2. Minnis, Patrick; Sun-Mack, Szedung; Chen, Yan; Chang, Fu-Lung; Yost, Christopher R.; Smith, William L.; Heck, Patrick W.; Arduini, Robert F.; Bedka, Sarah T.; Yi, Yuhong; Hong, Gang; Jin, Zhonghai; Painemal, David; Palikonda, Rabindra; Scarino, Benjamin R.; Spangenberg, Douglas A.; Smith, Rita A.; Trepte, Qing Z.; Yang, Ping and Xie, Yu. CERES MODIS cloud product retrievals for edition 4-part I: algorithm changes. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 59, Issue 4, 2021, pp.2744-2780. Reprint # 8667.
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3. Sun-Mack, Sunny; Minnis, Patrick; Chen, Yan; Kato, Seiji; Yi, Yuhong; Gibson, Sharon C.; Heck, Patrick W. and Winker, David M. Regional apparent boundary layer lapse rates determined from CALIPSO and MODIS data for cloud-height determination. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 53, Issue 4, 2014, 990–1011. Reprint # 7176.
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4. Minnis, Patrick; Sun-Mack, Szedung; Young, David F.; Heck, Patrick W.; Garber, Donald P.; Chen, Yan; Spangenberg, Douglas A.; Arduini, Robert F.; Trepte, Qing Z.; Smith, William L. Jr.; Ayers, J. Kirk; Bigson, Sharon C.; Miller, Walter F.; Hong, Gang; Chakrapani, Venkatesan; Takano, Yoshihide; Liou, Kuo-Non; Xie, Yu and Yang, Ping. CERES Edition-2 cloud property retrievals using TRMM VIRS and Terra and Aqua MODIS data - Part I: Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 49, Issue 11, 2011, pp.4374-4400. Reprint # 6574.
5. Minnis, Patrick; Sun-Mack, Szedung; Chen, Yan; Khaiyer, Mandana M.; Yi, Yuhong; Ayers, J. Kirk; Brown, Ricky R.; Dong, Xiquan; BIgson, Sharon C.; Heck, Patrick W.; Lin, Bing; Nordeen, Michele L.; Nguyen, Louis; Palikonda, Rabindra; Smith, William L. Jr.; Spangenberg, Douglas A.; Trepte, Qing Z. and Xi, Baike. CERES Edition-2 cloud property retrievals using TRMM VIRS and Terra and Aqua MODIS data - Part II: Examples of average results and comparison with other data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 49, Issue 11, 2011, pp.4401-4430. Reprint # 6575.
6. Minnis, Patrick; Heck, Patrick W. and Young, David F. Inference of cirrus cloud properties using satellite-observed visible and infrared radiances, part II: Verification of theoretical cirrus radiative properties. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 50, Issue 9, 1993, pp.1305-1322. Reprint # 4420.
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7. Minnis, Patrick; Heck, Patrick W.; Young, David F.; Fairall, C. W. and Snider, J. B. Stratocumulus cloud properties derived from simultaneous satellite and island-based intrumentation during FIRE. Journal of the Applied Meteorology, Volume 31, Issue 4, 1992, pp.317-339. Reprint # 4421.
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8. Minnis, Patrick; Heck, Patrick W. and Harrison, Edwin F. The 27-28 October 1986 FIRE IFO cirrus case study: Cloud parameter fields derived from satellite data. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 118, Issue 11, 1990, pp.2426-2447. Reprint # 4419.
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