1. Le Marshall, John; Howard, David; Wang, Xinbao; Xiao, Yi; Jung, Jim; Daniels, Jaime; Wanzong, Steve; Fernon, Joan; Lim, Agnes; Bresky, Wayne; Bailey, Andrew; Tingwell, Chris; Norman, Robert and Morrow, Tim. Operational generation and assimilation of Himawari-8 Atmospheric Motion Vectors. International Winds Workshop, 14th, Jeju City, South Korea, 23-27 April 2018. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2018, PowerPoint presentation. 36 slides,
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2. Genkova, Iliana; Collard, Andrew; Derber, Joh; Nebuda, Sharon and Jung, Jim. Status of Atmospheric Motion Vectors use in NOAA NCEP weather prediction model. International Winds Workshop, 14th, Jeju City, South Korea, 23-27 April 2018. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2018, PowerPoint presentation. 61 slides,
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3. Le Marshall, John F.; Howard, D.; Norman, R.; Xiao, Y.; Jung, J. A.; Tingwell, C.; Soldatenko, S.; Lehmann, P.; Morrow, T.; Daniels, J.; Wanzong, S.; Wang, X.; Fernon, Fj.; Le, T.; Zhang, K. and Cate, A. Improvements to the specification of the mass and wind field in the Southern Hemisphere from use of Earth observations from space. AMS Symposium on the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation, 6th, Houston, TX, 7-11 January 2018. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2018, Abstract 4.4. |
4. Jung, James A.; Collard, A.; Bathmann, K.; Heidinger, A.; Groff, D. and Goldberg, M. Preparing for CrIS full spectral resolution radiances in the NCEP global forecast system. AMS Symposium on the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation, 6th, Houston, TX, 7-11 January 2018. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2018, Abstract 1201. |
5. Lim, Agnes; Huang, A.; Jung, J. A.; Li, Z.; Nagle, F. W.; Quinn, G.; Woollen, J.; Healy, S. B.; Otkin, J. A.; Goldberg, M. D. and Atlas, R. Impact analysis of LEO hyperspectral sensor IFOV size on the next-generation high-resolution NWP model forecast performance. Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS), 22nd, Houston, TX, 7-11 January 2018. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2018, Abstract 4.3. |
6. Jung, James; Nebuda, Sharon; Lim, Agnes; Daniels, Jamie and Bresky, Wayne. Development of advanced data assimilation techniques for improved use of satellite-derived atmospheric motion vectors. Contract no. NA15NWS4680010 for the period 1 May 2015-30 April 2018. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Madison, WI, 2018. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.18.04.J1.
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7. Bi, Li; Collard, Andrew; Liu, Emily; Jung, James and Derber, John. All-sky infrared radiances assimilation of selected humidity sensitive IASI channels at NCEP/EMC. International TOVS Study Conference, 21st, ITSC-21, Darmstadt, Germany, 29 November-5 December 2017. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2017, poster presentation. 1 page,
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8. Jung, James A.; Collard, Andrew; Bathmann, Kristen; Groff, Dave; Heidinger, Andrew and Goldberg, Mitchell. Preparing for CrIS full spectral resolution radiances in the NCEP global forecast system. International TOVS Study Conference, 21st, ITSC-21, Darmstadt, Germany, 29 November-5 December 2017. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2017, poster presentation. 1 page,
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9. Lim, Agnes; Li, Z.; Jung, J. A.; Huang, A.; Woollen, J.; Nagle, F. W.; Quinn, G.; Healy, S. B.; Otkin, J.; Goldberg, M. D. and Atlas, R. Impact analysis of LEO hyperspectral sensor Ifov size on the next generation high-resolution NWP model forecast performance. Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface, 21st, Seattle, WA, 21-26 January 2017. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2017, Abstract 653. |
10. Lim, Agnes; Jung, J. A.; Nebuda, S.; Bresky, W.; Daniels, J.; Tong, M. and Tallapragada, V. Assimilation of high temporal satellite derived atmospheric motion vectors to improve hurricane forecasts using HWRF. Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface, 21st, Seattle, WA, 21-26 January 2017. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2017, Abstract 13.5. |
11. Lim, Agnes; Huang, Allen; Jung, James; Li, Zhenglong; Woollen, Jack; Nagle, F. W.; Quinn, Greg; Healy, S. B.; Otkin, Jason; Goldberg, Mitch and Atlas, Robert. Impact analysis of LEO hyperspectral sensor IFOV size on next generation NWP model forecast performance. International TOVS Study Conference, 21st, ITSC-21, Darmstadt, Germany, 29 November-5 December 2017. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2017, PowerPoint presentation. 21 slides,
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12. Le Marshall, John F.; Howard, D.; Norman, R.; Xiao, Y.; Jung, J. A.; Tingwell, C.; Zhang, K.; Lehmann, P.; Morrow, T.; Daniels, J. and Wanzong, S. Recent and impending advances in the use of Earth observations from space for numerical weather prediction. Symposium on the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation, 5th, Seattle, WA, 21-26 January 2017. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2017, Abstract 2.5. |
13. Collard, Andrew; Smith, Fiona; Randriamampianina, Roger; Kazumori, Masahiro; Guidard, Vincent; Lupu, Cristina; Matricardi, Marco; Okamoto, Kozo; Dahoui, Mahamed; Bell< Bill; Benacek, Patrik; Eresmaa, Reima; Carminati, Fabien; Cameron, James; Singh, Sanjeev Kumar; Sharma, Awdhesh; Rani, Indira; Han, Wei; Chen, Keyi; Lawrence, Heather; Garand, Louis; Campbell, Bill; Li, Jun; Liu, Haixia; Vidot, Jerome; Chen, Yong; Wang, Likun; Bormann, Niels; Jung, James; Chung, Chu-Yong; Lu, Qifeng; Lim, Agnes; August, Thomas; Zhu, Yanqiu; Ackermann, Jorg; Johnson, Ben; Eyre, John; Lonitz, Katrin; McCarty, Will; Santek, Dave; Heilliette, Sylvain; Burrows, Chris; Kim, Meeja; Zhao, Qiang; Zhu, Yanqiu; Geer, Alan; Weston, Pete; Taylor, Ruth; Migliorini, Stefano; Candy, Brett; Hultberg, Tim; Park,Seon Ki; Newman, Stu; Tubbs, Bob; Sun, Bomin; Murakimi, Yasutaka; Lara, Allen; Kang, Jeon-Ho; Chun, Hyoung-Wook; Coopmann, Olivier; Suzat, Florian; Kopken-Watts, Christina; Bathmann, Kristen and Lee, Eunhee. ITSC-21 NWP Working Group report. International TOVS Study Conference, 21st, ITSC-21, Darmstadt, Germany, 29 November-5 December 2017. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2017, PowerPoint presentation. 14 slides,
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14. Gumley, Liam; Rattenborg, Mikael; Martin, Graeme; Atkinson, Nigel; Klaes, Dieter; Goldberg, Mitch; Dahoui, Mohamed; Jung, James; Bojinski, Stephan; Huang, Allen; Bearson, Nick; Cureton, Geoff; Strabala, Kathleen; Hirahara, Yoichi; Kamekawa, Norio; Tabata, Tasuku; Bruan, Jessica; Mindock, Scott; Bormann, Niels; Chen, Keyi; Smith, Fiona; Woo, Jin; Elliott, Simon; Brunel, Pascal; Pujol, Gloria and Mitra, Ashim. DBNet and Direct Broadcast Packages Technical Sub-Group. International TOVS Study Conference, 21st, ITSC-21, Darmstadt, Germany, 29 November-5 December 2017. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2017, PowerPoint presentation. 8 slides,
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15. Lim, Agnes; Li, Z.; Jung, J. A.; Huang, A.; Woolen, J.; Quinn, G.; Nagle, F. W.; Healy, S. B.; Otkin, J. A.; Goldberg, M. and Atlas, R. Impact analysis of LEO hyperspectral sensor IFOV size on the next generation high-resolution NWP model forecast performance. Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS), 20th, and Conference on Transition of Research to Operations, 6th, New Orleans, LA, 10-14 January 2016. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2016, Abstract J7.5. |
16. Lim, Agnes; Li, Z.; Jung, J. A.; Huang, A.; Woollen, J.; Quinn, G.; Nagle, F. W.; Healy, S. B.; Otkin, J. A.; Goldberg, M. and Atlas, R. Analysis of CrIS FOV sizes on the next generation high-resolution NWP model forecast performance through an OSSE. AMS Symposium on the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA), 4th, New Orleans, LA, 10-14 January 2016. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2016, Abstract 5.2. |
17. Nebuda, Sharon; Jung, James A.; Daniels, Jaime; Le Marshall, John and Genkova, Iliana. Assimilation of GOES clear air water vapor Atmospheric Motion Vectors in the NCEP global forecast system. International Winds Workshop, 13th, Monterey, CA, 27 June-1 July 2016. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2016, PowerPoint presentation. 25 slides,
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18. Le Marshall, John; Howard, David; Xiao, Yi; Daniels, Jaime; Wanzong, Steve; Jung, Jim; Bresky, Wayne; Bailey, Andrew; Tingwell, Chris; Gregory, Paul; Le, Tan; Morrow, Tim and Margetic, Denis. Himawari-8 derived motion winds - operational generation and assimilation. International Winds Workshop, 13th, Monterey, CA, 27 June-1 July 2016. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2016, PowerPoint presentation. 68 slides,
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19. Lim, Agnes; Li, Z.; Jung, J. A.; Huang, H. L.; Woollen, J.; Nagle, F. W.; Quinn, G.; Healy, S. B.; Otkin, J.; Goldberg, M. and Atlas, A. Impact analysis of LEO hyperspectral sensor IFOV size on the next generation high-resolution NWP model forecast performance. Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology, 21st, Madison, WI, 15-19 August 2016. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2016, Abstract 6.6. |
20. Le Marshall, John; Howard, David; Xiao, Yi; Daniels, Jaime; Wanzong, Steve; Jung, Jim; Bresky, Wayne; Bailey, Andrew; Morrow, Tim; Tingwell, Chris; Le, Tan and Margetic, Denis. Operational generation and assimilation of Himawari-8 Atmospheric Motion Vectors. International Winds Workshop, 13th, Monterey, CA, 27 June-1 July 2016. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2016. Reprint # 8202.
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21. Nebuda, Sharon; Jung, James A.; Daniels, Jaime; Le Marshall, John and Genkova, Iliana. Assimilation of GOES clear air water vapor Atmospheric Motion Vectors in the NCEP global forecast system. International Winds Workshop, 13th, Monterey, CA, 27 June-1 July 2016. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2016. Reprint # 8208.
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22. Jung, James A.; Collard, Andrew and Goldberg, Mitchell D. Infrared and microwave data addition observing system experiment impacts using the NCEP global forecast system. International TOVS Study Conference, 20th, ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, 28 October-3 November 2015. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2015, poster presentation. 1p,
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23. Lim, Agnes; Li, Zhenglong; Jung, James; Huang, Allen; Woollen, Jack; Nagle, F. W.; Quinn, Greg; Healy, S. B.; Otkin, Jason; Goldberg, Mitch and Atlas, Robert. Impact analysis of LEO hyperspectral sensor IFOV size on the next generation NWP model forecast performance. International TOVS Study Conference, 20th, ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, 28 October-3 November 2015. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2015, PowerPoint presentation. 18 slides,
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24. Smith, Fiona; Collard, Andrew; Randriamampianina, Roger; Kazumori, Masahior; Guidard, Vincent; Lulu, Cristina; Matricardi, Marco; Okamoto, Kozo; Dahoui, Mohamed; Bell, Bill; Benacek, Patrik; Eresmaa, Reima; Andres, Javier Andrey; Carminati, Fabien; Macpherson, Stephen; Cameron, James; Gray, Rory; Yang, Tiger; Singh, Sanjeev Kumar; Sharma, Awdhesh; Rani, Indira; Maurer, Tanya; Han, Wei; Chen, Keyi; Lawrence, Heather; Pellerin, Simon; Garand, Louis; Egawa, Takumu; Campbell, Bill; Faulwetter, Robin; Stiller, Olaf; Li, Jun; Perdina, Joe; Wang, Pei; Li, Jinlong; Liu, Haixia; Vidot, Jerome; Chen, Yong; Wang, Likun; Han, Yong; Bormann, Niels; Song, Yi; Jin, Xin; Jung, James; Zhang, Xiaoyan; Cheng, Chu-Yong; Lee, Eunhee; Lu, Qifeng; Lim, Agnes; August, Thomas; Zhu, Yanqiu; Brunel, Pascal and Ackermann, Jorg. ITSC XX NWP Working Group report. International TOVS Study Conference, 20th, ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, 28 October-3 November 2015. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2015, PowerPoint presentation. 29 slides,
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25. Klaes, Dieter; Smith, William L.; Randriamampianina, Roger; Uspensky, Alexander; Coppens, Dorothee; Guidard, Vincent; Peyre, Myriam; Ackermann, Jorg; Polyacov, Alexander; Lambrigtsen, Bjorn; Benacek, Patrik; Cameron, James; Chen, Kei; Eresmaa, Reima; Baordo, Fabrizio; Dahoui, Mohamed; Tremblay, Denis; Yang, Tiger; English, Stephen; Swadley, Steve; Atkinson, Nigel; Han, Yong; Predina, Joe; Li, Jun; Jung, James; August, Thomas; Lim, Agnes; Li, Jinlong; Chung, Chu-Yong; Garand, Louis; Pequinot, Eric; Song, Yi; Wang, Likun; Goldberg, Mitch; Huang, Allen; Boukabara, Sid; Xiong, Xiaozhen; Sharma, Awdesh; Singh, Sanseev Kumar; Nalli, Nick; Rani, Indira; Han, Wei and Barnet, Chris. Advance sounders: Working Group report. International TOVS Study Conference, 20th, ITSC-20, Lake Geneva, WI, 28 October-3 November 2015. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Cooperative Institute of Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2015, PowerPoint presentation. 13 slides,
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