1. Orr, Andrew; Deb, Pranab; Clem, Kyle R.; Gilbert, Ella; Bromwich, David H.; Boberg, Fredrik; Colwell, Steve; Hansen, Nicolaj; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Mooney, Priscilla A.; Mottram, Ruth; Niwano, Masashi; Phillips, Tony; Pishniak, Denys; Reijmer, Carleen H.; Van De Berg, Willem Jan; Webster, Stuart and Zou, Xun. Characteristics of Surface “Melt Potential” over Antarctic Ice Shelves based on Regional Atmospheric Model Simulations of Summer Air Temperature Extremes from 1979/80 to 2018/19. Journal of Climate, Volume 36, Issue 10, 2023, pp.3357-3383. Reprint # 8936.
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2. Wang, Yetang; Zhang, Xueying; Ning, Wentao; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Ding, Minghu; Reijmer, Carleen H.; Smeets, Paul C. J. P.; Grigioni, PaoloHeil, Petra; Thomas, Elizabeth R.; Mikolajczyk, David; Welhouse, Lee J.; Keller, Linda M.; Zhai, Zhaosheng; Sun, Yuqi and Hou, Shugui. The AntAWS dataset: a compilation of Antarctic automatic weather station observations. Earth System Science Data, Volume 15, Issue 1, 2023, pp.411-429. Reprint # 8904.
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3. Tardif, Robert; Hakim, Gregory J.; Bumbaco, Karin A.; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Manning, Kevin W.; Mikolajczyk, David E. and Powers, Jordan G. Assessing observation network design predictions for monitoring Antarctic surface temperature. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 148, Issue 743, 2022, pp.727-746. Reprint # 8764.
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4. Turner, John; Lu, Hua; King, John C.; Carpentier, Scott; Lazzara, Matthew; Phillips, Tony and Wille, Jonathan. An extreme high temperature event in coastal East Antarctica associated with an atmospheric river and record summer downslope winds. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 49, Issue 4, 2022, e2021GL097108. Reprint # 8781.
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5. Keller, Linda M.; Maloney, Kathryn J.; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Mikolajczyk, David E. and Di Battista, Stefano. An investigation of extreme cold events at the South Pole. Journal of Climate, Volume 35, Issue 6, 2022, pp.1761-1772. Reprint # 8815.
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6. Adusumilli, Susheel,; Baiman, Rebecca; Banwell, Alison F; Barreira, Sandra; Beadling, Rebecca L.; Clem, Kyle R.; Colwell, Steve; Coy, Lawrence; Datta, Rajashree T.; De Laat, Jos; Dunmire, Devon; Fogt, Ryan L.; Freeman, Natalie M.; Fricker, Helen Amanda; Gardner, Alex S.; Johnson, Bryan; Keller, Linda M.; Kramarova, Natalya A.; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Lieser, Jan L.; MacFerrin, Michael; MacGilchrist, Graeme A.; MacLennan, Michelle L.; Massom, Robert A.; Mazloff, Matthew R.; Mote, Thomas L.; Nash, Eric R.; Newman, Paul A.; Norton, Taylor; Petropavlovskikh, Irina; Pitts, Michael; Raphael, Marilyn N.; Reid, Phillip; Santee, Michelle L.; Scambos, Ted A.; Shi, Jia-Rui; Stammerjohn, Sharon; Strahan, Susan E.; Thompson, Andrew F.; Wille, Jonathan D. and Wilson, Earle. State of the climate in 2021: Antarctica and the southern ocean. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 103, Issue 8, 2022, S308-S340. Reprint # 8841.
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7. Marcio Rocha, Francelino; Carlos, Schaefer; de Los Milagros Skansi, Maria; Colwell, Steve; Bromwich, David H.; Jones, Phil; King, John C.; Lazzara, Matthew; Renwick, James; Solomon, Susan; Brunet, Manola and Cerveny, Randall S. WMO evaluation of two extreme high temperatures occurring in February 2020 for the Antarctic Peninsula Region. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 102, Issue 11, 2021, E2053–E2061. Reprint #Rerpint # 8695.
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8. Ghiz, Madison L.; Scott, Ryan C.; Vogelmann, Andrew M.; Lenaerts, Jan T. M.; Lazzara, Matthew and Lubin, Dan. Energetics of surface melt in West Antarctica. Cryosphere, Volume 15, Issue 7, 2021, pp.3459-3494. Reprint # 8712.
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9. Li, Xichen; Cai, Wenju; Meehl, Gerald A.; Chen, Dake; Yuan, Xiaojun; Raphael, Marilyn; Holland, David M.; Ding, Qinghua; Fogt, Ryan L.; Markle, Bradley R.; Wang, Guojian; Bromwich, David H.; Turner, John; Xie, Shang-Ping; Steig, Eric J.; Gille, Sarah T.; Xiao, Cunde; Wu, Bingyi; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Chen, Xianyao; Stammerjohn, Sharon; Holland, Paul R.; Holland, Marika M.; Cheng, Xiao; Price, Stephen F.; Wang, Zhaomin; Bitz, Cecilia M.; Shi, Jiuxin; Gerber, Edwin P.; Liang, Xi; Goosse, Hugues; Yoo, Changhyun; Ding, Minghu; Geng, Lei; Xin, Meijiao; Li, Chuanjin; Dou, Tingfeng; Liu, Chengyan; Sun, Weijun; Wang, Xinyue and Song, Chentao. Tropical teleconnection impacts on Antarctic climate changes. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, Volume 2, 2021, 680–698. Reprint # 8724.
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10. Morino, Shohei; Kurita, Naoyuki; Hirasawa, Naohiko; Motoyama, Hideaki; Sugiura, Konosuke; Lazzara, Matthew; Mikolajczyk, David; Welhouse, Lee; Keller, Linda and Weidner, George. Comparison of ventilated and unventilated air temperature measurements in inland Dronning Maud Land on the East Antarctic Plateau. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 38, Issue 12, 2021, pp.2061-2070. Reprint # 8766.
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11. Lazzara, Matthew A.; Orendorf, Sophie A.; Norton, Taylor P.; Powers, Jordan G.; Bromwich, David H.; Carpentier, Scott; Cassano, John J.; Colwell, Steven R.; Cayette, Arthur M. and Werner, Kirstin. The 13th and 14th Workshops on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 37, 2020, 423–430. Reprint # 8513.
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12. Weidner, George; King, John; Box, Jason E.; Colwell, Steve; Jones, Phil; Lazzara, Matthew; Cappelen, John; Brunet, Manola and Cerveny, Randall S. WMO evaluation of northern hemispheric coldest temperature: -69.6 degrees C at Klinck, Greenland, 22 December 1991. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2020. Reprint # 8578.
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13. Bromwich, David H.; Werner, Kirstin; Casati, Barbara; Powers, Jordan G.; Gorodetskaya, Irina, V.; Massonnet, Francois; Vitale, Vito; Heinrich, Victoria J.; Liggett, Daniela; Arndt, Stefanie; Barja, Boris; Bazile, Eric; Carpentier, Scott; Carrasco, Jorge F.; Choi, Taejin; Choi, Yonghan; Colwell, Steven R.; Cordero, Raul R.; Gervasi, Massimo; Haiden, Thomas; Hirasawa, Naohiko; Inoue, Jun; Jung, Thomas; Kalesse, Heike; Kim, Seong-Joong; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Manning, Kevin W.; Norris, Kimberley; Park, Sang-Jong; Reid, Phillip; Rigor, Ignatius; Rowe, Penny M; Schmithusen, Holger; Seifert, Patric; Sun, Qizhen; Uttal, Taneil; Zannoni, Mario and Zou, Xun. The year of polar prediction in the southern hemisphere (YOPP-SH). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 101, Issue 10, 2020, E1653-E1676. Reprint # 8610.
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14. Choi, Taej In; Kim, Seong-Joong; Kim, Ji Hee; Kwon, Hataek and Lazzara, Matthew A. Characteristics of Surface Meteorology at Lindsey Islands, Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 124, Issue 12, 2019, pp.6294-6306. Reprint # 8437.
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15. Lazzara, Matthew A.; Powers, Jordan G.; Costanza, Carol A.; Bromwich, David H.; Carpenter, Scott and Colwell, Steve R. The 12th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 35, Issue 7, 2018, pp.753-756. Reprint # 8279.
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16. Mateling, Marian E.; Lazzara, Mathew A.; Keller, Linda M.; Weidner, George A. and Cassano, John J. Alexander Tall Tower! A study of the boundary layer on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 57, Issue 2, 2018, pp.421-434. Reprint # 8251.
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17. Wille, Jonathan D.; Bromwich, David H.; Cassano, John J.; Nigro, Melissa A.; Mateling, Marian and Lazzara, Matthew A. Evaluation of the AMPS boundary layer simulations on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, with unmanned aircraft observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 56, Issue 8, 2017, pp.2239-2258. Reprint # 8082.
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18. Verezemskyaya, Polina; Tilinina, Natalia; Gulev, Sergey; Renfrew, Ian A. and Lazzara, Matthew. Southern Ocean mesocyclones and polar lows from manually tracked satellite mosaics. Geophysical Research Letter, Volume 44, Issue 15, 2017, pp.7985-7993. Reprint # 8103. |
19. Keller, L. M.; Colwell, S.; Lazzara, M. A. and Fogt, R. L. State of the Climate in 2016: Surface observations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 98, Issue 8, 2017, S158-S160. Reprint # 8107.
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20. de Los Milagros Skansi, Maria; King, John; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Derveny, Randall S.; Stella, Jose Luis; Solomon, Susan; Jones, Phil; Bromwich, David; Renwick, James; Burt, Christopher C.; Peterson, Thomas C.; Brunet, Manola; Driouech, Fatima; Vosse, Russell and Krahenbuhl, Daniel. Evaluating highest temperature extremes in the Antarctic. EOS Earth and Space Science News, Volume 98, 2017. Reprint # 7879.
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21. Nigro, Melissa A.; Cassano, John J.; Wille, Jonathan; Bromwich, David H. and Lazzara, Matthew A. A self-organizing-map-based evaluation of the Antarctic mesoscale prediction system using observations from a 30-m instrumented tower on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 32, Issue 1, 2017, 223–242. Reprint # 7858.
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22. Jolly, Ben; McDonald, Adrian J.; Coogins, Jack J. H.; Zawar-Reza, Peyman; Cassano, Joh; Lazzara, Matthew; Graham, Geoffery; Plank, Graeme; Petterson, Orlon and Dale, Ethan. A validation of the Antarctic mesoscale prediction system using self-organizing maps and high-density observations from SNOWWEB. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 144, Issue 9, 2016, 3181–3200. Reprint # 7709.
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23. Jones, R. W.; Renfrew, I. A.; Orr, A.; Webber, B. G. M.; Holland, D. M. and Lazzara, M. A. Evaluation of four global reanalysis products using in situ observations in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 121, Issue 11, 2016, pp.6240-6257. Reprint # 7639. |
24. Colwell, S.; Keller, L. M.; Lazzara, M. A.; Setzer, A.; Fogt, R. L. and Scambos, T. State of the climate in 2015: Surface manned and automatic weather station observations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 97, Issue 8, 2016, S157-S159. Reprint # 7715.
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25. Colwell, Steve R.; Cayette, Arthur M.; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Powers, Jordan G.; Bromwich, David H.; Cassano, John J. and Carpenter, Scott. The 10th Antarctic Meteorological Observation, Modeling, and Forecasting Workshop. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 33, Issue 5, 2016, pp.656-658. Reprint # 7572. |