Matthew A. Lazzara

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Results: Found 598 records (displaying records 51 through 75)

51. de Los Milagros Skansi, Maria; King, John; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Derveny, Randall S.; Stella, Jose Luis; Solomon, Susan; Jones, Phil; Bromwich, David; Renwick, James; Burt, Christopher C.; Peterson, Thomas C.; Brunet, Manola; Driouech, Fatima; Vosse, Russell and Krahenbuhl, Daniel. Evaluating highest temperature extremes in the Antarctic. EOS Earth and Space Science News, Volume 98, 2017. Reprint # 7879.
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52. Lazzara, Matthew A. and Mikolajczyk, David E. Collaborative research: Optimized deployment of Antarctic surface weather observations. NSF-OPP Grant #1542789 for the period 1 June 2016 to 31 May 2017. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Madison, WI, 2017. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.17.05.L1.
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53. Nigro, Melissa A.; Cassano, John J.; Wille, Jonathan; Bromwich, David H. and Lazzara, Matthew A. A self-organizing-map-based evaluation of the Antarctic mesoscale prediction system using observations from a 30-m instrumented tower on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 32, Issue 1, 2017, 223–242. Reprint # 7858.
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54. Lazzara, Matthew; Costanza, Carol; Lubin, Dan; Manning, Kevin; Bromwich, David; Carmody, Mike; Cayette, Art; Pundsack, Jonathan; Archer, Andy and Frodge, Jim. United States Antarctic Program Meteorological Cyberinfrastructure Task Force report. National Science Foundation Grant #PLR-1535632. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Antarctic Meteorological Research Center, 2017. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.17.07.L1.
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55. Wille, Jonathan D.; Bromwich, David H.; Cassano, John J.; Nigro, Melissa A.; Mateling, Marian and Lazzara, Matthew A. Evaluation of the AMPS boundary layer simulations on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, with unmanned aircraft observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 56, Issue 8, 2017, pp.2239-2258. Reprint # 8082.
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56. Lazzara, Matthew A.; Kurth, Andrew J.; Limberg-Dzekute, Amy A.; Norton, Taylor P.; Filip, Forbes A.; Folk, Cris C.; Shoemaker, Joel B.; Rodriguez, Alberto; Welhouse, Lee J.; Mikolajczyk, David E.; Costanza, Carol A.; Weidner, George A. and Keller, Linda M. The Madison Antarctic Automatic Weather Station: The next generation polar climate and weather station. Annual Northeastern Storm Conference, 42nd, Saratoga Springs, NY, 4-6 March 2016. Lyndon State College, Student Government Association, Lyndonville, VT, 2017, p60. abstract,
57. Costanza, Carol A.; Welhouse, Lee; Mikolajczyk, David E.; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Weidner, George and Keller, Linda M. The UW-Madison 2016-2017 Antarctic Automatic Weather Station program field season: McMurdo AWS and international collaboration. Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate, 12th, Boulder, CO, 26-28 June 2017. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, CO, 2017. Reprint # 8085.
58. Lazzara, Matthew A.; Welhouse, Lee J.; Mikolajczyk, David E.; Costanza, Carol A.; Mateling, Marian; Kurth, Andrew J. and Hadermenos, George. The future Wisconsin AWS field season plans. Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate, 12th, Boulder, CO, 26-28 June 2017. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, CO, 2017. Reprint # 8086.
59. Lazzara, Matthew A.; Kurth, Andrw J.; Limberg-Dzerkute, Amy A.; Norton, Taylor P.; Filip, Forbes A.; Folk, Cris C.; Shoemaker, Joel B.; Rodriguez, Alberto; Decklever, Rikki; Miller, Joey; L'Ecuyer, Tristan; Welhouse, Lee J.; Mikolajczyk, David E.; Costanza, Carol A.; Weidner, George A. and Keller, Linda M. The Madison Antarctic Weather Station: The next generation polar climate and weather station. Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate, 12th, Boulder, CO, 26-28 June 2017. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, CO, 2017. Reprint # 8087.
60. Norton, Taylor P. and Lazzara, Matthew A. Antarctic extremes: Support for the next generation polar weather and climate station. Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate, 12th, Boulder, CO, 26-28 June 2017. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, CO, 2017. Reprint # 8088.
61. Mikolajczyk, David E.; Welhouse, Lee J.; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Costanza, Carol A.; Weidner, George; Keller, Linda M. and Thom, Jonathan E. Exploring the costs of UHF transmissions in the UW-Madison AWS network. Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate, 12th, Boulder, CO, 26-28 June 2017. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, CO, 2017. Reprint # 8089.
62. Costanza, Carol A. and Lazzara, Matthew A. Antarctic meteorology broader impacts with students. Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate, 12th, Boulder, CO, 26-28 June 2017. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, CO, 2017. Reprint # 8090.
63. Bromwich, David H.; Wille, Jonathan; Cassano, John J.; Nigro, Melissa A.; Mateling, Marian and Lazzara, Matthew A. Observing and modeling the Antarctic planetary boundary layer. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 December 2017. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 2017, Abstract A53L-02.
64. de Los Milagros Skansi, Maria; King, John; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Derveny, Randall S.; Stella, Jose Luis; Solomon, Susan; Jones, Phil; Bromwich, David; Renwick, James; Burt, Christopher C.; Peterson, Thomas C.; Brunet, Manola; Driouech, Fatima; Vosse, Russell and Krahenbuhl, Daniel. Evaluating highest temperature extremes in the Antarctic. EOS Earth and Space Science News, Volume 98, 2017. Reprint # 7879.
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65. Verezemskyaya, Polina; Tilinina, Natalia; Gulev, Sergey; Renfrew, Ian A. and Lazzara, Matthew. Southern Ocean mesocyclones and polar lows from manually tracked satellite mosaics. Geophysical Research Letter, Volume 44, Issue 15, 2017, pp.7985-7993. Reprint # 8103.
66. Nigro, Melissa A.; Cassano, John J.; Wille, Jonathan; Bromwich, David H. and Lazzara, Matthew A. A self-organizing-map-based evaluation of the Antarctic mesoscale prediction system using observations from a 30-m instrumented tower on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 32, Issue 1, 2017, 223–242. Reprint # 7858.
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67. Mikolajczyk, David E.; Lazzara, M. A.; Kohrs, R. A.; Key, J.; Keller, L. M.; Nettesheim, J. and Tsukernik, M. Polar satellite composite imagery: A useful tool from operations to research. Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology, 21st, Madison, WI, 15-19 August 2016. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2016, Abstract 61.
68. Lindstrom, Scott S.; Lazzara, M. A.; Harkey, M. K. and Lynds, S. A pre- and post-test given to climate students to gauge their learning. Symposium on Education, 25th, New Orleans, LA, 10-14 January 2016. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2016, Abstract 196.
69. Jolly, Ben; McDonald, Adrian J.; Coogins, Jack J. H.; Zawar-Reza, Peyman; Cassano, Joh; Lazzara, Matthew; Graham, Geoffery; Plank, Graeme; Petterson, Orlon and Dale, Ethan. A validation of the Antarctic mesoscale prediction system using self-organizing maps and high-density observations from SNOWWEB. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 144, Issue 9, 2016, 3181–3200. Reprint # 7709.
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70. Jones, R. W.; Renfrew, I. A.; Orr, A.; Webber, B. G. M.; Holland, D. M. and Lazzara, M. A. Evaluation of four global reanalysis products using in situ observations in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 121, Issue 11, 2016, pp.6240-6257. Reprint # 7639.
71. Colwell, S.; Keller, L. M.; Lazzara, M. A.; Setzer, A.; Fogt, R. L. and Scambos, T. State of the climate in 2015: Surface manned and automatic weather station observations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 97, Issue 8, 2016, S157-S159. Reprint # 7715.
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72. Colwell, Steve R.; Cayette, Arthur M.; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Powers, Jordan G.; Bromwich, David H.; Cassano, John J. and Carpenter, Scott. The 10th Antarctic Meteorological Observation, Modeling, and Forecasting Workshop. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 33, Issue 5, 2016, pp.656-658. Reprint # 7572.
73. Cassano, John J.; Nigro, Melissa A. and Lazzara, Matthew A. Characteristics of the near-surface atmosphere over the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 121, Issue 7, 2016, pp.3339-3362. Reprint # 7588.
74. Mikolajczyk, David E.; Lazzara, M. A.; Kohrs, R. A.; Key, J.; Keller, L. M.; Nettesheim, J. and Tsukernik, M. Polar satellite composite imagery: A useful tool from operations to research. Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology, 21st, Madison, WI, 15-19 August 2016. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2016, Abstract 61.
75. Welhouse, Lee J.; Lazzara, Matthew A.; Keller, Linda M.; Tripoli, Gregory J. and Hitchman, Matthew H. Composite analysis of the effects of ENSO events on Antarctica. Journal of Climate, Volume 29, Issue 5, 2016, 1797–1808. Reprint # 7566.
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