David W. Martin

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Results: Found 108 records (displaying records 51 through 75)

51. Martin, David W. and Howland, M. R. Grid history: A Geostationary satellite technique for estimating daily rainfall in the tropics. Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology, Volume 25, Issue 2, 1986, pp.184-195. Reprint # 717.
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52. Martin, David W. and Howland, M. R. Grid history: A Geostationary satellite technique for estimating daily rainfall in the tropics. Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology, Volume 25, Issue 2, 1986, pp.184-195. Reprint # 717.
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53. Lee, Bonita G.; Chin, R. T. and Martin, D. W. Automated rain-rate classification of satellite images using statistical pattern recognition. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Issue 3, 1985, pp.315-324. Reprint # 627.
54. Lee, Bonita G.; Chin, R. T. and Martin, D. W. Automated rain-rate classification of satellite images using statistical pattern recognition. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Issue 3, 1985, pp.315-324. Reprint # 627.
55. Martin, David W.; Auvine, Brian and Suchman, David. Synoptic forcing and control of deep convection on Day 261 of GATE. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 112, Issue 10, 1984, pp.1936-1959. Reprint # 614.
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56. Mower, R. Neil; Chu, J. H.; Martin, D. W. and Auvine, B. Mean state of the troposphere over south-east Asia and the East Indies, December 1978. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 110, Issue 466, 1984, pp.1023-1033. Reprint # 611.
57. Martin, David W.; Auvine, Brian and Suchman, David. Synoptic forcing and control of deep convection on Day 261 of GATE. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 112, Issue 10, 1984, pp.1936-1959. Reprint # 614.
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58. Mower, R. Neil; Chu, J. H.; Martin, D. W. and Auvine, B. Mean state of the troposphere over south-east Asia and the East Indies, December 1978. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 110, Issue 466, 1984, pp.1023-1033. Reprint # 611.
59. Martin, David W. and Howland, M. R. Daily Arabian Sea rainfall during the onset of the 1979 monsoon: A satellite estimate. Papers in Meteorological Research, Volume 6, Issue 2, 1983, pp.91-100. Reprint # 783.
60. Spencer, Roy W.; Olson, W. S.; Rongzhang, W.; Martin, D. W.; Weinman, J. A. and Santek, D. A. Heavy thunderstorms observed over land by the Nimbus-7 Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer. Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology, Volume 22, Issue 6, 1983, pp.1041-1046. Reprint # 317.
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61. Spencer, Roy W.; Martin, D. W.; Hinton, B. B. and Weinman, J. A. Satellite microwave radiances correlated with radar rain rates over land. Nature, Volume 304, Issue 5922, 1983, pp.141-143. Reprint # 226.
62. Martin, David W. and Howland, M. R. Daily Arabian Sea rainfall during the onset of the 1979 monsoon: A satellite estimate. Papers in Meteorological Research, Volume 6, Issue 2, 1983, pp.91-100. Reprint # 783.
63. Spencer, Roy W.; Olson, W. S.; Rongzhang, W.; Martin, D. W.; Weinman, J. A. and Santek, D. A. Heavy thunderstorms observed over land by the Nimbus-7 Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer. Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology, Volume 22, Issue 6, 1983, pp.1041-1046. Reprint # 317.
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64. Spencer, Roy W.; Martin, D. W.; Hinton, B. B. and Weinman, J. A. Satellite microwave radiances correlated with radar rain rates over land. Nature, Volume 304, Issue 5922, 1983, pp.141-143. Reprint # 226.
65. Martin, David W. and Howland, M. R. Rainfall over the Arabian Sea during the onset of the 1979 monsoon. Nature, Volume 300, Issue 5893, 1982, pp.628-630. Reprint # 205.
66. Lo, Cecil S.; Barchet, Wm. R. and Martin, David W. Vertical mass transport in cumulonimbus clouds on day 261 of GATE. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 110, Issue 12, 1982, pp.1994-2004. Reprint # 289.
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67. Martin, David W. and Howland, M. R. Rainfall over the Arabian Sea during the onset of the 1979 monsoon. Nature, Volume 300, Issue 5893, 1982, pp.628-630. Reprint # 205.
68. Lo, Cecil S.; Barchet, Wm. R. and Martin, David W. Vertical mass transport in cumulonimbus clouds on day 261 of GATE. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 110, Issue 12, 1982, pp.1994-2004. Reprint # 289.
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69. Martin, David W. and Schreiner, Anthony J. Characteristics of West African and East Atlantic cloud clusters: A survey from GATE. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 109, Issue 8, 1981, pp.1671-1688. Reprint # 73.
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70. Martin, David W. and Schreiner, Anthony J. Characteristics of West African and East Atlantic cloud clusters: A survey from GATE. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 109, Issue 8, 1981, pp.1671-1688. Reprint # 73.
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71. Warner, C.; Simpons, J.; Martin, D.; Suchman, D. and Mosher, F. R. Reply [to Margaret A. Lemone's 'On the difficulty of measuring temperature and humidity in cloud: Comments on 'Shallow convection on Day 261 of GATE: Mesoscale arcs']. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 108, Issue 10, 1980, pp.1705-1707. Reprint # 1343.
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72. Norton, Carl C.; Mosher, F. R.; Hinton, B. B.; Martin, D. W.; Santek, D. and Kuhlow, W. A model for calculating desert aerosol turbidity over the oceans from geostationary satellite data. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 19, Issue 6, 1980, pp.633-644. Reprint # 88.
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73. Warner, Charles; Simpson, J.; Van Helvoirt, G.; Martin, D. W.; Suchman, D. and Austin, G. L. Deep convection on day 261 of GATE. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 108, Issue 2, 1980, pp.169-194. Reprint # 143.
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74. Warner, C.; Simpons, J.; Martin, D.; Suchman, D. and Mosher, F. R. Reply [to Margaret A. Lemone's 'On the difficulty of measuring temperature and humidity in cloud: Comments on 'Shallow convection on Day 261 of GATE: Mesoscale arcs']. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 108, Issue 10, 1980, pp.1705-1707. Reprint # 1343.
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75. Warner, Charles; Simpson, J.; Van Helvoirt, G.; Martin, D. W.; Suchman, D. and Austin, G. L. Deep convection on day 261 of GATE. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 108, Issue 2, 1980, pp.169-194. Reprint # 143.
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