1. Limaye, Sanjay S.; Mogul, Rakesh; Baines, Kevin H.; Bullock, Mark A.; Cockell, Charles; Cutts, James A.; Gentry, Diana M.; Grinspoon, David H.; Head, James W.; Jessup, Kandis-Lea; Kompanichenko, Vladimir; Lee, Yeon Joo; Mathies, Richard; Milojevic, Tetyana; Pertzborn, Rosalyn A.; Rothschild, Lynn; Sasaki, Satoshi; Schulze-Makuch, Dirk; Smith, David J. and Way, Michael J. Venus, an astrobiology target. Astrobiology, Volume 21, Issue 10, 2021. Reprint # 8680.
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2. Butterworth, Brian J.; Desai, Ankur R.; Metzger, Stefan; Townsend, Philip A.; Schwartz, Mark D.; Petty, Grant W.; Mauder, Matthias; Vogelmann, Hannes; Andresen, Christian G.; Augustine, Travis J.; Bertram, Timothy H.; Brown, William O. J.; Buban, Michael; Cleary, Patricia; Durden, David J.; Florian, Christopher R.; Iglinski, Trevor J.; Kruger, Eric L.; Lantz, Kathleen; Lee, Temple R.; Meyers, Tilden P.; Mineau, James K.; Olson, Erik R.; Oncley, Steven P.; Paleri, Sreenath; Pertzborn, Rosalyn A.; Pettersen, Claire; Plummer, David M.; Riihimaki, Laura D.; Guzman, Eliceo Ruiz; Sedlar, Joseph; Smith, Elizabeth N.; Speidel, Johannes; Stoy, Paul C.; Suehring, Matthias; Thom, Jonathan E.; Turner, David D.; Vermeuel, Michael P.; Wagner, Timothy J.; Wang, Zhien; Wanner, Luise; White, Loren D.; Wilczak, James M.; Wright, Daniel B. and Zheng, Ting. Connecting land-atmosphere interactions to surface heterogeneity in CHEESEHEAD19. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 102, Issue 2, 2021, E421-E445. Reprint # 8670.
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3. Pertzborn, R. A. Science, mathematics and technology education in the US: A perspective from the 'frontlines of the classroom to national policy'. Advances in Geosciences, Volume 3, 2005, pp.9-13. Reprint # 4885.
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4. Crosby, N. B.; Pertzborn, R. A. and Rosmordue, V. Preface: Education, outreach and defining users (geo- and space-physical sciences). Advances in Geosciences, Volume 3, 2005, pp.1. Reprint # 4884.
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5. Rosendhal, J.; Sakimoto, P.; Pertzborn, R. and Cooper, L. The NASA Office of Space Science Education and Public Outreach Program. Advances in Space Research, Volume 34, 2004, pp.2127-2135. Reprint # 5060. |
6. Pertzborn, Rosalyn A. and Achtor, Thomas H. A summer workshop in atmospheric, earth, and space sciences. Space Outlook, Volume 7, Issue 2, 1997, pp.30-31. Reprint # 2424. |