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Ralph A. Petersen

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Results: Found 34 records (displaying records 1 through 25)

1. Roberts, Rita D.; Goodman, Steven J.; Wilson, James W.; Watkiss, Paul; Powell, Robert; Petersen, Ralph A.; Bain, Caroline; Faragher, John; Chang'a, Ladislaus B.; Kapkwomu, Julius Kiprop; Oloo, Paul N.; Sebaziga, Joseph N.; Hartley, Andrew; Donovan, Timothy; Mittermaier, Marion; Cronce, Lee and Virts, Katrina S. Taking the HIGHWAY to save lives on Lake Victoria. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 103, Issue 2, 2022, E485-E510. Reprint # 8821.
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2. Williams, Skylar S.; Wagner, Timothy J. and Petersen, Ralph A. Examining the compatibility of aircraft moisture observations and operational radiosondes. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 38, Issue 4, 2021, pp.859-872. Reprint # 8675.
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3. Wagner, Timothy J. and Petersen, Ralph A. On the performance of airborne meteorological observations against other in situ measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 38, Issue 6, 2021, pp.1217-1230. Reprint # 8703.
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4. Hoover, Brett T.; Santek, David A.; Daloz, Anne-Sophie; Zhong, Yafang; Dworak, Richard; Petersen, Ralph A. and Collard, Andrew. Forecast impact of assimilating aircraft WVSS-II water vapor mixing radio observations in the Global Data Assimilation System (GDAS). Weather and Forecasting, Volume 32, Issue 4, 2017, pp.1603-1611. Reprint # 8092.
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5. Petersen, Ralph Alvin; Cronce, Lee; Mamrosh, Richard; Baker, Randy and Pauley, Patricia. On the impact and future benefits of AMDAR observations in operational forecasting, part II: Water vapor observations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 97, Issue 11, 2016, 2117–2133. Reprint # 7622.
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6. Gravelle, Chad M.; Mecikalski, John R.; Line, William E.; Bedka, Kristopher M.; Petersen, Ralph A.; Sieglaff, Justin M.; Stano, Geoffrey T. and Goodman, Steven J. Demonstration of a GOES-R satellite convective toolkit to 'bridge the gap' between severe weather watches and warnings: An example from the 20 May 2013 Moore, Oklahoma, tornado outbreak. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 97, Issue 1, 2016, pp.69-84. Reprint # 7564.
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7. Petersen, Ralph Alvin. On the impact and benefits of AMDAR observations in operational forecasting, part 1: A review of the impact of automated aircraft wind and temperature reports. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 97, Issue 4, 2016, 585–602. Reprint # 7594.
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8. Otkin, Jason A.; Hartung, Daniel C.; Turner, David D.; Petersen, Ralph A.; Feltz, Wayne F. and Janzon, Erik. Assimilation of surface-based boundary layer profiler observations during a cool-season event using an observing system simulation experiment, part 1: Analysis impact. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 139, Issue 8, 2011, pp.2309-2326. Reprint # 6492.
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9. Hartung, Daniel C.; Otkin, Jason A.; Turner, David D.; Petersen, Ralph A. and Feltz, Wayne F. Assimilation of surface-based boundary layer profiler observations during a cool-season event using an observing system simulation experiment, part II: Forecast assessment. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 139, Issue 8, 2011, pp.2327-2346. Reprint # 6493.
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10. Bedka, Kristopher M.; Velden, Christopher S.; Petersen, Ralph A.; Feltz, Wayne F. and Mecikalski, John R. Comparisons of satellite-derived atmospheric motion vectors, rawinsondes, and NOAA wind profiler observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 48, Issue 8, 2009, 1542–1561. Reprint # 6108.
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11. Houghton, David D.; Petersen, Ralph A. and Wobus, Richard L. Spatial resolution impacts on National Meteorological Center nested grid model simulations. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 121, Issue 5, 1993, pp.1450-1466. Reprint # 1387.
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12. Dimego, Geofrey J.; Mitchell, Kenneth E.; Petersen, Ralph A.; Hoke, James E.; Gerrity, Joseph P.; Tuccillo, James J.; Wobus, Richard L. and Juang, Hann-Ming H. Changes to NMC's regional analysis and forecast system. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 7, Issue 1, 1992, pp.185-198. Reprint # 4427.
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13. Petersen, Ralph A. Comparisons of LFM and NGM lifted-index calculations. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 7, Issue 3, 1992, pp.536-541. Reprint # 4428.
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14. Petersen, Ralph A.; Dimego, Geoffrey J.; Hoke, James E.; Mitchell, Kenneth E.; Gerrity, Joseph P.; Wobus, Richard L.; Juang, Hann-Ming H. and Pecnick, Michael J. Changes to NMC's regional analysis and forecast system. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 6, Issue 1, 1991, pp.133-141. Reprint # 4432.
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15. Rogers, Eric; Mimego, Geoffrey J.; Ferrity, Joseph P.; Petersen, Ralph A.; Schmidt, Brian D. and Kann, Deirdre M. Preliminary experiments using GALE observations at the National Meteorological Center. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 71, Issue 3, 1990, pp.319-333. Reprint # 4435.
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16. Kann, Deirdre M.; DiMego, Geoffrey J. and Petersen, Ralph A. The effect of surface observations on low-level temperatures in the National Meteorological Center regional analysis scheme. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 118, Issue 3, 1990, pp.772-777. Reprint # 4447.
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17. Petersen, Ralph A. and Homan, Jeffrey H. Short-range forecasting and nowcasting using a simple, isentropic prediction model. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 4, Issue 1, 1989, pp.5-23. Reprint # 4429.
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18. Bonner, William D. and Petersen, Ralph A. Recent changes to NMC's analysis and forecast systems. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 4, Issue 1, 1989, pp.81-82. Reprint # 4430.
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19. Petersen, Ralph A. and Stackpole, John D. Overview of the NMC production suite. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 4, Issue 3, 1989, pp.313-322. Reprint # 4431.
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20. Carr, Frederick H.; Wobus, Ricarhd L. and Petersen, Ralph A. A synoptic evaluation of normal mode initialization experiments with the NMC nested grid model. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 117, Issue 12, 1989, pp.2753-2771. Reprint # 4434.
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21. Petersen, Ralph A. and Hoke, James E. The effect of snow cover on the Regional Analysis and Forecast System( RAFS) low-level forecasts. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 4, Issue 2, 1989, pp.253-257. Reprint # 4442.
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22. Petersen, Ralph A. and Homan, Jeffrey H. Short-range forecasting and nowcasting using a simple, isentropic prediction model. Corrigedum. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 4, Issue 2, 1989, pp.263. Reprint # 4429.
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23. Uccellini, Louis W.; Petersen, Ralph A.; Brill, Keith F.; Kocin, Paul J. and Tuccillo, James J. Synergistic interactions between an upper-level jet streak and diabatic processes that influence the development of a low-level jet and a secondary coastal cyclone. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 115, Issue 10, 1987, pp.2227-2261. Reprint # 4433.
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24. Aune, Robert M.; Uccellini, Louis W.; Petersen, Ralph A. and Tuccillo, James J. A VAS-numerical model impact study using the Gal-Chen variational approach. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 115, Issue 5, 1987, pp.1009-1035. Reprint # 4320.
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25. Petersen, Ralph A. Detailed three-dimensional isentropic analysis using an objective cross-sectional approach. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 114, Issue 4, 1986, pp.719-735. Reprint # 4425.
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