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Robert M. Rabin

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Results: Found 60 records (displaying records 26 through 50)

26. Rabin, Robert M. and Schmit, Timothy J. Estimating soil wetness from the GOES sounder. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 23, Issue 7, 2006, pp.991-1003. Reprint # 5198.
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27. Dotzek, Nikolai; Rabin, Robert M.; Carey, Lawrence D.; MacGorman, Donald R.; McCormick, Tracy L.; Demetriades, Nicholas W.; Murphy, Martin J. and Holle, Ronald L. Lightning activity related to satellite and radar observations of a mesoscale convective system over Texas on 7-8 April 2002. Atmospheric Research, Volume 76, Issue 1, 2005, pp.127-166. Reprint # 5101.
28. Rabin, Robert M. and Whittaker, Tom. Tool for storm analysis using multiple data sets. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3804, 2005, pp.571-578. Reprint # 5018.
29. Rabin, Robert M.; Corfidi, Stephen F.; Brunner, Jason C. and Hame, Carl E. Detecting winds aloft from water vapour satellite imagery in the vicinity of storms. Weather, Volume 59, Issue 9, 2004, pp.251-257. Reprint # 4457.
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30. Lewis, J.; Kosacin, D.; Rabin, R. and Businger, J. Sea fog off the California coast: Viewed in the context of transient weather systems. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 108, 2003, doi:10.1029/2002JD002833. Reprint # 3589.
31. Hane, Carl E.; Watts, Jill D.; Andra, David L. Jr.; Hayens, John A.; Berry, Edward; Rabin, Robert M. and Carr, Frederick H. The evolution of morning convective systems over the U.S. Great Plains during the warm season. Part 1: The forecast problem. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 18, Issue 6, 2003, pp.1286-1294. Reprint # 3590.
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32. Setvak, Martin; Rabin, Robert M.; Doswell, Charles A. III and Levizzani, Vincenzo. Satellite observations of convective storm tops in the 1.6, 3.7 and 3.9 micron spectral bands. Atmospheric Research, Volume 67, 2003, pp.607-627. Reprint # 5665.
33. Lakshmanan, V.; Rabin, R. and DeBrunner, V. Multiscale storm identification and forecast. Atmospheric Research, Volume 67, 2003, pp.367-380. Reprint # 5896.
34. Mitchell, David L.; Ivanova, Dorothea; Rabin, Robert; Brown, Timothy J. and Redmond, Kelly. Gulf of California sea surface temperatures and the North American monsoon: Mechanistic implications from observation. Journal of Climate, Volume 15, Issue 17, 2002, pp.2261-2281. Reprint # 3226.
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35. Hane, Carl E.; Rabin, Robert M.; Crawford, Todd M.; Bluestein, Howard B. and Baldwin, Michael E. A case study of severe storm development along a dryline within a synoptically active environment: Part II: Multiple boundaries and convective initiation. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 130, Issue 4, 2002, pp.900-920. Reprint # 3148.
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36. Hane, Carl E.; Baldwin, Howard B.; Bluestein, Howard B.; Crawford, Todd M. and Rabin, Robert M. A case study of severe storm development along a dryline within a synoptically active environment. Part I: Dryline motion and an Eta Model forecast. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 129, Issue 9, 2001, pp.2183-2204. Reprint # 2953.
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37. Rabin, Robert M.; Burns, Barbara A.; Collimore, Chris; Diak, George R. and Raymond, William. Relating remotely-sensed vegetation and soil moisture indices to surface energy fluxes in vicinity of an atmospheric dryline. Remote Sensing Reviews, Volume 18, Issue 1, 2000, pp.53-82. Reprint # 2845.
38. Segal, M.; Anderson, C.; Arritt, R. W.; Rabin, R. M. and Martin, D. W. Some observations of the clearing of cumulus clouds downwind from snow-covered areas. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 127, Issue 7, 1999, pp.1687-1692. Reprint # 2601.
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39. Maddox, R. A.; Zaras, D. X.; MacKeen, P. L.; Gourley, J. J.; Rabin, R. and Howard, K. W. Echo height measurements with the WSR-88D: Use of data from one versus two radars. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 14, Issue 3, 1999, pp.455-460. Reprint # 4372.
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40. Hane, Carl E.; Bluestein, Howard B.; Crawford, Todd M.; Baldwin, Michael E. and Rabin, Robert M. Severe thunderstorm development in relation to along-dryline variability: A case study. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 125, Issue 2, 1997, pp.231-251. Reprint # 4398.
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41. Rabin, Robert M. and Martin, David W. Satellite observations of shallow cumulus coverage over the central United States: An exploration of land use impact on cloud cover. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 101, 1996, pp.7149-7155. Reprint # 2326.
42. Cutrim, Elen; Martin, David W. and Rabin, Robert. Enhancement of cumulus clouds over deforested lands in Amazonia. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 76, Issue 10, 1995, pp.1801-1805. Reprint # 2050.
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43. Diak, George R.; Rabin, Robert M.; Gallo, Kevin P. and Neale, Christopher M. Regional-scale comparisons of vegetation and soil wetness with surface energy budget properties from satellite and in-situ observations. Remote Sensing Reviews, Volume 12, Issue 3, 1995, pp.355-382. Reprint # 1954.
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44. Segal, M.; Arritt, R. W.; Clark, C.; Rabin, R. and Brown, J. Scaling evaluation of the effect of surface characteristics on potential for deep convection over uniform terrain. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 123, Issue 2, 1995, pp.383-400. Reprint # 3499.
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45. Raymond, William H.; Rabin, Robert M. and Wade, Gary S. Evidence of an agricultural heat island in the lower Mississippi River floodplain. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 75, Issue 6, 1994, pp.1019-1025. Reprint # 1567.
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46. McNider, Richard T.; Song, Aaron J.; Casey, Daniel M.; Wetzel, Peter J.; Crosson, William L. and Rabin, Robert M. Toward a dynamic-thermodynamic assimilation of satellite surface temperature in numerical atmospheric models. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 122, Issue 12, 1994, pp.2784-2803. Reprint # 3688.
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47. Rabin, Robert M.; McMurdie, Lynn A.; Hayden, Christopher M. and Wade, Gary S. Evaluation of the atmospheric water budget following an intense cold-air outbreak over the Gulf of Mexico - Application of a regional forecast model and SSM/I observations. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 32, Issue 1, 1993, pp.3-16. Reprint # 1377.
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48. Rabin, Robert M.; McMurdie, Lynn A.; Hayden, Christopher M. and Wade, Gary S. Layered precipitable water from the infrared VAS sounder during a return-flow event over the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 31, Issue 8, 1992, pp.819-830. Reprint # 1313.
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49. Rabin, Robert M.; McMurdie, Lynn A.; Hayden, Christopher M. and Wade, Gary S. Monitoring precipitable water and surface wind over the Gulf of Mexico from microwave and VAS satellite imagery. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 6, Issue 2, 1991, pp.227-243. Reprint # 1216.
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50. Brandes, Edward A. and Rabin, Robert M. Probing a nonprecipitating cold front with doppler weather radar. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 8, Issue 3, 1991, pp.409-421. Reprint # 4294.
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