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Robert M. Rabin

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Results: Found 114 records (displaying records 1 through 25)

1. Stettner, David; Velden, Christopher; Wanzong, Steve; Daniels, Jaime; Bresky, Wayne; Rabin, Robert and Apke, Jason. Telescoping in to the convective scales: Development of AMV processing strategies and applications. International Winds Workshop, 14th, Jeju City, South Korea, 23-27 April 2018. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), Madison, WI, 2018, PowerPoint presentation. 30 slides,
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2. McaFee, Robert; Fitzgerald, R. M.; William, S. and Rabin, R. M. Obtaining and processing Metops B and NOAA-18/-19 satellite data using a flat panel polar orbiting satellite tracking antenna. Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 22nd, Houston, TX, 7-11 January 2018. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2018, Abstract 629.
3. Velden, Christopher; Rabin, Robert; Mecikalski, John; Bedka, Kristopher; Otkin, Jason; Cecil, Daniel; Jones, Thomas and Lang, Timothy. Investigation of mesoscale flow fields in severe storm environments enabled by the development and multiple-application of high-resolution (space and time), research-quality Atmospheric Motion Vector fields derived from GOES-R multi-spectral imagery. NNX1. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Madison, WI, 2018. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.18.07.V1.
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4. Marquis, James; Wurman, J.; Rasmussen, K. L. and Rabin, R. Numerical analysis of mesoscale shear in convective environments using data assimilation of super-rapid scan GOES-derived wind vectors. Conference on Mesoscale Processes, 17th, San Diego, CA, 24-27 July 2017. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2017, Abstract 32.
5. Velden, Christopher; Rabin, Robert; Mecikalski, John; Bedka, Kristopher; Otkin, Jason; Cecil, Daniel; Jones, Thomas and Lang, Timothy. Investigation of mesoscale flow fields in severe storm environments enabled by the development and multiple-application of high-resolution (space and time), research-quality Atmospheric Motion Vector fields derived from GOES-R multi-spectral imagery. Tec. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Madison, WI, 2017. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.17.05.V1.
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6. Miller, Brian William; David-Chavez, Dominique M.; Elevitch, Craig; Hamilton, Ava; Hatfield, Samantha Chisholm; Jones, Katherine D.; Rabin, Robert; Rosemartin, Alyssa; Souza, M. Kalani and Sparrow, Elena. The indigenous phenology network: Engage, observe, and adapt to change. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 December 2017. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 2017, Abstract PA53A-0259.
7. Schmit, Timothy J.; Lindsey, D. T.; Goodman, S. J.; Gunshor, M. M.; Line, W.; Bachmeier, A. S.; Lindstrom, S.; Alsheimer, F.; Radell, D. B.; Rabin, R. M.; Gravelle, C. M.; Bah, K.; Orrison, Andrew and Nietfeld, Dan. GOES-14 imager 1-minute rapid scan data: How to decide on sector locations. 2016 NOAA Satellite Proving Ground/User Readiness Meeting, Norman, OK, 9-13 May 2016. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2016, PowerPoint presentation.
8. Line, Bill; Calhoun, Kristin; Kingfield, Darrel; Meyer, Tiffany; Garfield, Gabe; Mecikalski, John; Jewett, Chris; Sieglaff, Justin; Cintineo, John; Li, Jun; Stano, Geoffrey; Rabin, Bob; Lindsey, Dan; Pavolonis, Mike; Schimit, Tim; Goodman, Steve; Barnet, Chris and Gambacorta, Antonia. HWT 2016 GOES-R/JPSS spring experiment - Overview and preliminary takeaways through 3 (of 4) weeks. 2016 NOAA Satellite Proving Ground/User Readiness Meeting, Norman, OK, 9-13 May 2016. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2016, PowerPoint presentation.
9. Feltz, Joleen M.; Gunshor, M. M.; Rabin, R. M. and Schmit, T. J. Using McIDAS-V with the next generation of satellite sensors. Conference on Environmental Information Processing Techniques, 32nd, New Orleans, LA, 10-14 January 2016. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2016, Abstract 4.5.
10. Velden, Christopher; Rabin, Robert; Mecikalski, John; Bedka, Kristopher; Otkin, Jason; Cecil, Daniel; Jones, Thomas and Lang, Timothy. Investigation of mesoscale flow fields in severe storm environments enabled by the development and multiple-application of high-resolution (space and time), research-quality Atmospheric Motion Vector fields derived from GOES-R multi-spectral imagery. Tec. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Madison, WI, 2016. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.16.06.V1.
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11. Line, Bill; Schmit, Tim; Lindsey, Dan; Goodman, Steve; Rabin, Bob; Weiss, Steve and Jirak, Israel. Use of 1-min satellite imagery in the Storm Prediction Center. National Weather Association annual meeting, 40th, Oklahoma City, OK. 17-22 October 2015. National Weather Association, Raleigh, NC, 2015, PowerPoint presentation.
12. Gultepe, Ismail; Rabin, Robert; Pavolonis, Michael; Heymsfield, Andrew; Girard, Eric and Burrow, William. Arctic light snow observations: Missing precipitation. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, 12-17 April 2015. Abstracts. European Geosciences Union (EGU), Munich, Germany, 2015, Abstract EUG2015-2654.
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13. Gultepe, Ismail; Rabin, R. M.; Kuhn, T.; Heymsfield, A. J.; Pavolonis, M. J. and Gurka, J. Ice fog and light snow visibility in cold climates: Application to aviation and forecasting. Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, 17th, Phoenix, AZ, 4-8 January 2015. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2015, Abstract 14.4.
14. Schmit, Timothy J,; Goodman, S. J.; Lindsey, D. T.; Rabin, R. M.; Bedka, K.; Cintineo, J. L.; Velden, C.; Bachmeier, A. S.; Lindstrom, S. S.; Gunshor,M. and Schmidt, C. GOES-14 super rapid scan operations to prepare for GOES-R. Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 10th, Atlanta, GA, 2-6 February 2014. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2014, Abstract 4.3.
15. Rabin, Robert M.; Schmit, Tim; Mahani, Shayesteh; Nelson, Jim and Kuligowski, Bob. Exploring issues of parallax correction: Use of GOES data at high latitudes. 2014 NOAA Satellite Science Meeting, 10-14 March 2014. US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2014, PowerPoint presentation.
16. Schmit, Timothy J.; Goodman, Steven J.; Lindsey, Daniel T.; Rabin, Robert M.; Bedka, Kristopher M.; Cintineo, John L.; Velden, Christopher S.; Bachmeier, A. Scott; Lindstrom, Soctt S.; Gunshor, Mathew M. and Schmidt, Christopher C. Imager scan scenarios: What is and what may be. 2014 NOAA Satellite Science Meeting, 10-14 March 2014. US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2014, PowerPoint presentation.
17. Rabin, Robert M.; Xu, Q.; Nai, K.; Albers, S. and Jiang, H. The prestorm environment of the 20 May 2013 Moore Oklahoma supercell estimated from WSR-88D and TDWR radar, and GOES satellite data. Conference on Severe Local Storms, 27th, Madison, WI, 2-7 November 2014. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2014, Paper 11A.2. Reprint # 8050.
18. Schmit, Timothy J.; Gunshor, M. M.; Sieglaff, J.; Line, W.; Bachmeier, A. S.; Lindstrom, S.; Lindsey, D. T.; Alsheimer, F.; Radell, D. B.; Rabin, R. M.; Gravelle, C. M.; Bah, K. and Goodman, S. J. Mesoscale observations: GOES-14 imagers 1-minute rapid scan data. Conference on Severe Local Storms, 27th, Madison, WI, 2-7 November 2014. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2014, Abstract 4A.4A.
19. Jiang, Hongli; Albers, S.; Jankov, I.; Xie, Y.; Toth, Z. and Rabin, R. M. Case studies of severe storms during HWT 2013 using variational LAPS. Special Symposium on Severe Local Storms, Atlanta, GA, 2-6 February 2014. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2014, Abstract 848.
20. Grams, H.; Gourley, J. J.; Rabin, R. and Kirstetter, P. Merging GOES-R ABI and TRMM/GPM observations with MRMS ground-based radar for real-time QPE in complex terrain. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 December 2014. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 2014, Abstract A11A-3008.
21. Saide, Pablo E.; Spak, S.; Pierce, B.; Otkin, J.; Rabin, R. M.; Schaack, T.; Heidinger, A.; Da Silva, A.; Kacenelenbogen, M.; Redemann, J. and Carmichael, G. Role of Central American biomass buring smoke in increasing tornado severity in the US. Symposium on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions, 6th, Atlanta, GA, 2-6 February 2014. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2014, Abstract 4.3.
22. Lindsey, Dan; Grasso, Louie; Mecikalski, John; Walker, John; Schultz, Lori; Rabin, Bob; Velden, Chris; Wanzong, Steve and Vant-Hull, Brian. Convective storm forecasting 1-6 hours prior to initiation. GOES-R Science Seminar, 26 July 2013. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2013, abstract; PowerPoint presentation.
23. Saide, P. E.; Spak, S.; Pierce, R.; Otkin, J.; Rabin, R.; Schaack, T.; Heidinger, A. K.; da Silva, A.; Kacenelenbogen, M. S.; Redemann, J. and Carmichael, G. R. Role of Central American biomass burning smoke in increasing tornado activity serverity in the US. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December 2013. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, 2013, Abstract A23C-0243.
24. Schmit, Timothy J.; Goodman, Steve; Gunshor, Mat; Linsey, Dan; Rabin, Bob; Lindstrom, Scott; Bachmeier, Scott and Velden, Chris. The ABI (Advanced Baseline Imager) on GOES-R. NOAA 2013 Satellite Conference for Direct Readout, GOES/POES, and GOES-R/JPSS Users, College Park, MD, 8-12 April 2013. NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, GOES-R Program Office, Greenbelt, MD, 2013, PowerPoint presentation.
25. Rabin, Robert; Linsey, Dan; Grasso, Louie; Mecikalski, John; Walker, John; Schultz, Lori; Velden, Chris; Wanzong, Steve and Vant-Hull, Brian. GOES-R tools to improve convective storm forecasts 1-6 hours prior to initiation. 2013 NOAA Satellite Science Week, 18-22 March 2013. US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2013, PowerPoint presentation.