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William L. Smith

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Results: Found 186 records (displaying records 51 through 75)

51. Aumann, Hartmut H.; Chahine, Moustafa T.; Gautier, Catherine; Goldberg, Mitchell D.; Kalnay, Eugenia; McMillin, Larry M.; Revercomb, Hank; Rosenkranz, Philip W.; Smith, William L.; Staelin, David H.; Strow, L. Larrabee and Susskind, Joel. AIRS/AMSU/HSB on the Aqua Mission: Design, science objectives, data products, and processing systems. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 41, Issue 2, 2003, pp.253-264. Reprint # 3497.
52. Fetzer, Eric; McMillin, Larry M.; Tobin, David; Aumann, Hartmut H.; Gunson, Michael R.; McMillan, W. Wallace; Hagan, Denise E.; Hofstadter, Mark D.; Yoe, James; Whiteman, David N.; Barnes, John E.; Bennartz, Ralf; Vomel, Holger; Walden, Von; Newchurch, Michael; Minnet, Peter J.; Atlas, Robert; Schmidlin, Francis; Olsen, Edward T.; Goldberg, Mitchell D.; Zhou, Sisong; Ding, HanJung; Smith, William L. and Revercomb, Hank. AIRS/AMSU/HSB validation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 41, Issue 2, 2003, pp.418-431. Reprint # 3498.
53. Le Marshall, J. F.; Leslie, L. M. and Smith, W. L. Initialisation using high spatial, temporal and spectral resolution satellite observations. Advances in Space Research, Volume 30, Issue 11, 2002, pp.2441-2446. Reprint # 4746.
54. Leslie, L. M.; Le Marshall, J. F. and Smith, W. L. Mesoscale initialisation using advanced sounder data. Advances in Space Research, Volume 30, Issue 11, 2002, pp.2479-2484. Reprint # 4747.
55. Huang, Bormin; Smith, William L.; Huang, Hung-Lung and Woolf, Harold M. Comparison of linear forms of the radiative transfer equation with analytic Jacobians. Applied Optics, Volume 41, Issue 21, 2002, pp.4209-4219. Reprint # 3229.
56. Ho, Shu-Peng; Smith, William L. and Huang, Hung-Lung. Retrieval of atmospheric-temperature and water-vapor profiles by use of combined satellite and ground-based infrared spectral-radiance measurements. Applied Optics, Volume 41, Issue 20, 2002, pp.4057-4069. Reprint # 3503.
57. Zhou, Daniel K.; Smith, William L.; Li, Jun; Howell, Hugh B.; Cantwell, Greg W.; Larar, Allen M.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Robin, David C.; Revercomb, Henry E. and Mango, Stephen A. Thermodynamic product retrieval methodology and validation for NAST-I. Applied Optics, Volume 41, Issue 33, 2002, pp.6957-6967. Reprint # 3244.
58. Nalli, Nicholas R.; Smith, William L. and Huang, Bormin. Quasi-specular model for calculating the reflection of atmospheric-emitted infrared radiation from a rough water surface. Applied Optics, Volume 40, Issue 9, 2001, pp.1343-1353. Reprint # 2915.
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59. Smith, William L.; Feltz, Wayne F.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Revercomb, Henry E.; Woolf, Harold M. and Howell, H. Ben. The retrieval of planetary boundary layer structure using ground-based infrared spectral radiance measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 16, Issue 3, 1999, pp.323-333. Reprint # 2575.
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60. DeSlover, Daniel H.; Smith, William L.; Piironen, Paivi, K. and Eloranta, Edwin W. A methodology for measuring cirrus cloud visible-to-infrared spectral optical depth ratios. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 16, Issue 2, 1999, pp.251-262. Reprint # 2576.
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61. Ma, Xia L.; Schmit, Timothy J. and Smith, William L. A nonlinear physical retrieval algorithm - Its application to the GOES-8/9 sounder. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 38, Issue 5, 1999, pp.501-513. Reprint # 2580.
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62. Feltz, Wayne F.; Smith, William L.; Knuteson, Robert O.; Revercomb, Henry E.; Woolf, Harold M. and Howell, H. Ben. Meteorological applications of temperature and water vapor retrievals from the ground-based Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI). Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 37, Issue 9, 1998, pp.857-875. Reprint # 2490.
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63. Smith, W. L.; Ackerman, S.; Revercomb, H.; Huang, H.; DeSlover, D. H.; Feltz, W. and Gumley, L. Infrared spectral absorption of nearly invisible cirrus clouds. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 25, Issue 8, 1998, pp.1137-1140. Reprint # 2672.
64. Nalli, Nicholas R. and Smith, William L. Improved remote sensing of sea surface skin temperature using a physical retrieval method. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, Volume 103, 1998, 10,527-10,542. Reprint # 2453.
65. Strow, L. L.; Tobin, D. C.; McMillan, W. W.; Hannon, S. E.; Smith, W. L.; Revercomb, H. E. and Knuteson, R. O. Impact of a new water vapor continuum and line shape model on observed high resolution infrared radiances. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume 59, Issue 3, 1998, pp.303-317. Reprint # 2893.
66. Hicke, Jeffrey; Tuck, Adrian and Smith, William. A comparison of Antarctic stratospheric radiative heating rates calculated from high-resolution interferometer sounder and U.K. Meteorological Office data. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 103, 1998, 19,691-19,707. Reprint # 1311.
67. Tuck, A. F.; Baumgardner, D.; Chan, K. R.; Dye, J. E.; Elkins, J. W.; Hovde, S. J.; Kelly, K. K.; Loewenstein, M.; Margitan, J. J.; May, R. D.; Podolske, J. R.; Proffitt, M. H.; Rosenlof, K. H.; Smith, W. L.; Webster, C. R. and Wilson, J. C. The Brewer-Dobson circulation in the light of high altitude in situ aircraft observations. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 123, Issue 537, 1997, pp.1-69. Reprint # 1003.
68. Wu, Xiangqian and Smith, William L. Emissivity of rough sea surface for 8-13 microns: Modeling and verification. Applied Optics, Volume 36, Issue 12, 1997, pp.2609-2619. Reprint # 2363.
69. McMillan, W. W.; Strow, L. L.; Smith, W. L.; Revercomb, H. E.; Huang, H. L.; Thompson, A. M.; McNamara, D. P. and Ryan, W. F. Remote sensing of carbon monoxide over the continental United States on September 12-13 1993. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 102, 1997, pp.10695-10709. Reprint # 2368.
70. McMillan, W. W.; Strow, L. L.; Smith, W. L.; Revercomb, H. E. and Huang, H. L. The detection of enhanced carbon monoxide abundances in remotely sensed infrared spectra of a forest fire smoke plume. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 23, Issue 22, 1996, pp.3199-3202. Reprint # 1028.
71. Wu, Xiangqian and Smith, William L. Sensitivity of sea surface temperature retrieval to sea surface emissivity. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, Volume 10, Issue 3, 1996, pp.376-384. Reprint # 2279.
72. Smith, William L.; Huang, H. L. and Jenney, Joe A. An advanced sounder cloud contamination study. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 35, Issue 8, 1996, pp.1249-1255. Reprint # 2285.
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73. Smith, William L.; Knuteson, R. O.; Revercomb, H. E.; Feltz, W.; Howell, H. B.; Menzel, W. P.; Nalli, N. R.; Brown, Otis; Brown, James; Minnett, Peter and McKeown, Walter. Observations of the infrared radiative properties of the ocean - Implications for the measurement of sea surface temperature via satellite remote sensing. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 77, Issue 1, 1996, pp.41-51. Reprint # 2112.
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74. Gregory, Terri; Fox, Robert and Smith, William. Verner Edward Suomi, 1915-1995. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 76, Issue 11, 1995, pp.1836-1837. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4607.
75. Gregory, Terri; Fox, Robert and Smith, William. Verner Edward Suomi, 1915-1995. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 76, Issue 11, 1995, pp.1836-1837. Call Number: SSEC VES No.3086.