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William L. Smith

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Results: Found 186 records (displaying records 151 through 175)

151. Zandlo, J.A.; Smith, W. L.; Menzel, W. P. and Hayden, C. M. Surface temperature determination from an amalgamation of GOES and TIROS-N radiance measurements. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 21, Issue 1, 1982, pp.44-50. Reprint # 165.
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152. Smith, William L.; Nagle, F. W.; Hayden, C. M. and Woolf, H. M. Vertical mass and moisture structure from TIROS-N. Advances in Space Research, Volume 1, 1981, pp.231-237. Reprint # 4890.
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153. Smith, William L.; Nagle, F. W.; Hayden, C. M. and Woolf, H. M. Vertical mass and moisture structure from TIROS-N. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 62, Issue 3, 1981, pp.388-393. Reprint # 115.
154. Hayden, Christopher M.; Smith, William L. and Woolf, Harold M. Determination of moisture from NOAA polar orbiting satellite sounding radiances. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 20, Issue 4, 1981, pp.450-466. Reprint # 189.
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155. Menzel, W. Paul; Smith, William L. and Herman, Leroy D. Visible infrared spin-scan radiometer atmospheric sounder radiometric calibration: An inflight evaluation from intercomparisons with HIRS and radiosonde measurements. Applied Optics, Volume 20, Issue 20, 1981, pp.3641-3644. Reprint # 78.
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156. Smith, William L.; Suomi, V. E.; Menzel, W. P.; Woolf, H. M.; Sromovsky, L. A.; Revercomb, H. E.; Hayden, C. M.; Erickson, D. N. and Mosher, F. R. First sounding results from VAS-D. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 62, Issue 2, 1981, pp.232-236. Reprint # 108.
157. Smith, W. L.; Suomi, V. E.; Menzel, W. P.; Woolf, H. M.; Sromovsky, L. A.; Revercomb, H. E.; Hayden, C. M.; Erickson, D. N. and Mosher, F. R. First sounding results from VAS-D. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 62, Issue 2, 1981, pp.232-236. Call Number: SSEC VAS #249, v.1.
158. Menzel, Paul; Smith, William L. and Herman, Leroy D. Visible infrared spin-scan radiometer atmospheric sounder radiometric calibrations: An inflight evaluation from intercomparisons with HIRS and radiosonde measurements. Applied Optics, Volume 20, Issue 20, 1981, pp.3641-3644. Call Number: SSEC VAS #249, v.1.
159. Togstad, William E.; Smith, W. L. and Wade, G. S. The April 1980 heat wave as depicted by TIROS-N. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 61, Issue 11, 1980, pp.1406-1407. Reprint # 133.
160. Smith, William L.; Woolf, H. M.; Hayden, C. M.; Wark, D. Q. and McMillin, L. M. The TIROS-N operational vertical sounder. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 60, Issue 10, 1979, pp.1177-1187. Reprint # 113.
161. Smith, William L.; Howell, H. B. and Woolf, H. M. The use of interferometric radiance measurements for sounding the atmosphere. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 36, Issue 4, 1979, pp.566-575. Reprint # 114.
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162. Greaves, James R.; DiMego, G.; Smith, W. L. and Suomi, V. E. A 'special effort' to provide improved sounding and cloud-motion wind data for FGGE. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 60, Issue 2, 1979, pp.124-127. Reprint # 34.
163. Jacobowitz, H.; Smith, W. L.; Howell, H. B.; Nagle, F. W. and Hickey, J. R. The first 18 months of planetary radiation budget measurements from the Nimbus 6 ERB experiment. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 36, Issue 3, 1979, pp.501-507. Reprint # 382.
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164. Kelly, G. A. M.; Mills, G. A. and Smith, W. L. Impact of Nimbus-6 temperature soundings on Australian region forecasts. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 59, Issue 4, 1978, pp.393-405. Reprint # 917.
165. Smith, William L. and Platt, C. M. R. Comparison of satellite-deduced cloud heights with indications from radiosonde and ground-based laser measurements. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 17, Issue 12, 1978, pp.1796-1802. Reprint # 107.
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166. Smith, W. L.; Hickey, J.; Howell, H. B.; Jocobowitz, H.; Hilleary, D. T. and Drummond, A. J. Nimbus-6 earth radiation budget experiment. Applied Optics, Volume 16, Issue 2, 1977, pp.306-318. Reprint # 609.
167. Smith, William L.; Shen, W. C. and Howell, H. B. A radiative heating model derived from the GATE MSR Experiment. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 16, Issue 4, 1977, pp.384-392. Reprint # 582.
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168. Borisenkov, E. P.; Denisov, S. G.; Pokrovskii, O. M. and Smith, W. L. Spatial analysis of the temperature field using measurements from a meteorological satellite. Meteorologiia i Gidrologiia, Issue 9, 1976, pp.22-34. Reprint # 2782.
169. Smith, William L. and Woolf, H. M. The use of eigenvectors of statistical covariance matrices for interpreting satellite sounding radiometer observations. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 33, Issue 7, 1976, pp.1127-1140. Reprint # 705.
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170. Smith, W. L.; Hilleary, D. T.; Fischer, J. C.; Howell, H. B. and Woolf, H. M. Nimbus-5 ITPR Experiment. Applied Optics, Volume 13, March 1974, pp.499-506. Reprint # 936.
171. Shen, William C. and Smith, William L. Statistical estimation of precipitable water with SIRS-B water vapor radiation measurements. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 101, Issue 1, 1973, pp.24-32. Reprint # 364.
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172. Smith, William L.; Woolf, H. M. and Fleming, H. E. Retrieval of atmospheric temperature profiles from satellite measurements for dynamical forecasting. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 11, Issue 1, 1972, pp.113-122. Reprint # 706.
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173. Smith, William L. Satellite techniques for observing the temperature structure of the atmosphere. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 53, Issue 11, 1972, pp.1074-1082. Reprint # 955.
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174. Rao, P. Krishna; Smith, W. L. and Koffler, R. Global sea-surface temperature distribution determined from an environmental satellite. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 100, Issue 1, 1972, pp.10-14. Reprint # 3684.
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175. Smith, W. L. and Wark, D. Q. Meteorological results from Nimbus SIRS observations. Space Research, Volume 11, 1971, pp.556-567. Reprint # 5942.