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William L. Smith

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Results: Found 186 records (displaying records 176 through 186)

176. Fritz, L.; Hubert, L. F.; McClain, E. P.; Smith, W. L. and Winston, J. S. Meteorological Satellite Program. EOS, Volume 52, 1971, pp.405-410. Reprint # 1153.
177. Shen, William C. and Smith, W. L. On the discrepancy between calculated and observed Nimbus II 6.7 micron water vapor radiation. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 10, Issue 3, 1971, pp.575-581. Reprint # 360.
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178. Smith, William L. and Howell, H. B. Vertical distributions of atmospheric water vapor from satellite infrared spectrometer measurements. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 10, Issue 5, 1971, pp.1026-1034. Reprint # 708.
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179. Smith, William L. Iterative solution of the radiative transfer equation for the temperature and absorbing gas profile of an atmosphere. Applied Optics, Volume 9, Issue 9, 1970, pp.1993-1999. Reprint # 707.
180. Smith, William L.; Woolf, H. M. and Jacobs, W. J. A regression method for obtaining real-time temperature and geopotential height profiles from a satellite spectrometer measurements and its application to Nimbus 3 'SIRS' observations. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 98, Issue 8, 1970, pp.582-603. Reprint # 361.
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181. Smith, W. L.; Rao, P. K.; Koffler, R. and Curtis, W. R. The determination of sea-surface temperature from satellite high resolution infrared window radiation measurements. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 98, Issue 8, 1970, pp.604-611. Reprint # 962.
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182. Smith, W. L. Reply [to F. K. Schwarz's Comments on ' Note on the relationship between total precipitable water and surface dew point']. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 7, Issue 3, 1968, pp.510. Reprint # 4292.
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183. Smith, William L. An improved method for calculating tropospheric temperature and moisture from satellite radiometer measurements. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 96, Issue 6, 1968, pp.387-396. Reprint # 359.
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184. Smith, William L. An iterative method for deducing tropospheric temperature and moisture profiles from satellite radiation measurements. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 95, Issue 6, 1967, pp.363-369. Reprint # 496.
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185. Smith, William L.; Horn, Lyle H. and Johnson, Donald R. On the relation between TIROS radiation measurements and atmospheric infrared cooling. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 5, Issue 4, 1966, pp.526-531. Reprint # 1134.
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186. Smith, W. L. Note on the relationship between total precipitable water and surface dew point. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 5, Issue 5, 1966, pp.726-727. Reprint # 905.
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