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Verner E. Suomi

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Results: Found 1117 records (displaying records 1 through 25)

1. Sromovsky, L. A.; Anderson, J. R.; Best, F. A.; Boyle, J. P.; Sisko, C. A. and Suomi, V. E. The Skin-layer Ocean Heat Flux Instrument (SOHFI). Part I: Design and laboratory characterization. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 16, Issue 9, 1999, pp.1224-1238. Reprint # 2630.
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2. Sromovsky, L. A.; Anderson, J. R.; Best, F. A.; Boyle, J. P.; Sisko, C. A. and Suomi, V. E. The Skin-layer Ocean Heat Flux Instrument (SOHFI). Part II: Field measurements of surface heat flux and solar irradiance. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 16, Issue 9, 1999, pp.1239-1254. Reprint # 2631.
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3. Suomi, V. E.; Sromovsky, L. A. and Anderson, J. R. Measuring ocean-atmosphere heat flux with a new in-situ sensor. Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, 8th, and Symposium on Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land Systems (GOALS), Atlanta, GA, 28 January-2 February 1996 (preprints). American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 1996, pp.38-42. Reprint # 2102.
4. Smith, William L.; Suomi, Verner E.; Hayden, Christopher M. and Huang, Hung-Lung. Proposal. A demonstration of improved atmospheric sounding using GPS/MET observations A proposal to the National Science Foundation for the period of 1 March 1995-28 February 1996. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Madison, WI, January 1995. 17p, Call Number: SSEC VES No.3099.
5. Suomi, Verner E. RTOP: Tropical heat budget. Block 10 description. [University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center], [Madison, WI], 8 June 1995. 1p., attachment, Call Number: SSEC VES No.2849.
6. Suomi, Verner. Facsimile cover sheet forwarding letter. Madison, WI, 28 March 1995. 1p., attachment, Call Number: SSEC VES No.2856.
7. Suomi, Verner E. Letter discussing details of application of Garand technique of cloud classification to rainfall estimation. Discussion of importance of taking into account the dramatic changes in storm structure and coverage over time to improve rainfall predictors. Madison, WI, 28 March 1995. 1p, Call Number: SSEC VES No.2856, attachment.
8. Ingersoll, Andrew P.; Barnet, Christopher D.; Beebe, Reta F.; Flasar, F. Michale; Hinson, David P.; Limaye, Sanjay S.; Sromovsky, Lawrence A. and Suomi, Verner E. Dynamic meteorology of Neptune. Neptune and Triton. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, AS, 1995, pp.613-682.
9. Suomi, Verner E. Letter praising Geology Museum volunteer Kate Friedberg giving presentation with rotating globe to large group of children. Madison, WI, 28 April 1994. 1p, Call Number: SSEC VES No.3035.
10. Suomi, Verner E. Some famous works on the real global change problems. Quotes from Plato, Thomas Jefferson, Montaigne, old Indian, and Pogo 'we have met the enemy and he is us'. [University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center], [Madison, WI], n.d. [1994?]. 1p, Call Number: SSEC VES No.3036.
11. Suomi, Verner E. Direct heat flux observations for TOGA/COARE. Proposal to NSF Program Announcemnt 'Coupled Ocean-Atmospheric Response Experiment (TOGA?COARE) to add a newly developed ocean heat flux sensor to WOCE/TOGA moored and drifting buoys. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Madison, WI, n.d. [1994?]. unpaged, Call Number: SSEC VES No.3037.
12. Suomi, Verner E. and Kutzbach, Gisela. Interview with Verner Suomi. Tape recorded interview project. Interviewers include Gisela Kutzbach, Bill Smith, Don Johnson and Dave Johnson. Interview on 20 March, 20 April and 14 May 1994. Attachment: CD-ROM of interviews. American Meteorological Society (AMS); and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), 1994. 25p, attachment, Call Number: SSEC VES No.3067.
13. Suomi, Verner E. and Kutzbach, Gisela. Interview with Verner Suomi. Tape recorded interview project. Interviewers include Gisela Kutzbach, Bill Smith, Don Johnson and Dave Johnson. Interview on 20 March, 20 April and 14 May 1994. Attachment: Audio cassette tapes: 3/20/94, 4/20/94, and 5/. American Meteorological Society (AMS); and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), 1994. 3 audio cassette tapes, Call Number: SSEC VES No.3067, attachment.
14. Suomi, Verner E. and Kutzbach, Gisela. Interview with Verner Suomi. Tape recorded interview project. Interviewers include Gisela Kutzbach, Bill Smith, Don Johnson and Dave Johnson. Interview on 20 March, 20 April and 14 May 1994. Attachment: CD-ROM. American Meteorological Society (AMS); and University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), 1994. CD-ROM, Call Number: SSEC VES No.3067, attachment.
15. Suomi, Verner and Morel, Pierre. Conversation in Madison, Wisconsin, USA, with Prof. Pierre Morel, Verner Suomi, and Paul F. Twitchell. Interview. GEWEX News, Volume 4, Issue 3, August 1994, pp.4-6. Call Number: SSEC VES No.4611.
16. Suomi, Verner. Letter explaining deails of heat flux sensor. Quote: 'Finally, FINALLY, someone has asked the right questions! I really appreciate that.' Attachment: Explanation of test and calibration chamber. Attachment: Sromovsky's report. Madison, WI, 5 April 1994. 5p., attachments, Call Number: SSEC VES No.3150.
17. Morel, Pierre; Suomi, Verner and Twitchell, Paul F. Conversation in Madison, Wisconsin. GEWEX News, Volume 4, Issue 3, 1994, pp.4-6. Reprint # 1662.
18. Suomi, Verner A. The utility of small satellites in weather observation. Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium. Proceedings of the Annual Wisconsin Space Conference, 4th, Space: An evolutionary science, Madison, WI, 25-26 August 1994. Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium, Milwaukee, WI, 1994, unpaged. unpaged, Reprint # 3349.
19. Suomi, V. E.; Ackerman, S.; Hinton, B. and Martin, D. TRMM-related research: Tropical Rainfall and Energy Analysis Experiment. TRMM final report for the first three years of NASA grant NAG5-1586. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC), Madison, WI, 1994. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.94.04.S1.
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20. Suomi, Verner E. Proposal. A new ocean heat flux sensor: The Wisconsin Sea Surface Sonde (WSSS). A proposal to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Global Program/Operational Measurements for the period of 1 March 1994 to 28 February 1997. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Madison, WI, August 1993. 21p, Call Number: SSEC VES No.3100.
21. Suomi, Verner E. Biographical sketch: Verner Edward Suomi. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Madison, WI, [1993]. 1p, Call Number: SSEC VES No.3151.
22. Suomi, Verner E. Statement of current and pending support. Table showing supporting agency, project title, award, period, and location of current and pending financial support. [University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center], [Madison, WI], March 1993. 2p, Call Number: SSEC VES No.2854.
23. [Suomi, Verner?]. Handwritten notes. Notes taken on a University of Maryland University College notepad. Pencil and pen. College Park, MD, June 1993. Unpaged, Call Number: SSEC VES No.2860.
24. Suomi, Verner E. Resume. Verner E. Suomi. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, Madison, WI, [1993]. 1p, Call Number: SSEC VES No.3153.
25. Suomi, Verner and Suomi, Paula. Letter thanking Avis for the copy of the memory volume for the Eveleth high school class reunion. Paragraph on his experience with the CCC after Junior College, getting typhoid fever from contaminated water, saving up for college, John A. Blatnik who enc. Madison, WI, 15 June 1993. 1p, Call Number: SSEC VES No.3879, attachment.