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Gregory J. Tripoli

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Results: Found 70 records (displaying records 26 through 50)

26. Lewis, W. E. and Tripoli, G. J. EnKF assimilation of simulated spaceborne Doppler observations of vertical velocity: Impact on the simulation of a supercell thunderstorm and implications for model-based retrievals. Advances in Geosciences, Volume 7, 2006, pp.343-348. Reprint # 5342.
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27. Tao, W. K.; Smith, E. A.; Adler, R. F.; Haddad, Z. S.; Holl, A. Y.; Iguchi, T.; Kakar, R.; Krishnamurti, T. N.; Kummerow, C. D.; Lang, S.; Meneghini, R.; Nakamura, K.; Makazawa, T.; Okamoto, K.; Olson, W. S.; Satch, S.; Shige, S.; Simpson, J.; Takatabu, Y.; Tripoli, G. J. and Yang, S. Retrieval of latent heating from TRMM measurements. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 87, Issue 11, 2006, pp.1555-1572. Reprint # 5244.
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28. Medaglia, C. M.; Adamo, C.; Baordo, F.; Dietrich, S.; Di Michele, S.; Kotroni, V.; Lagouvardos, K.; Mugnai, A.; Pinori, S.; Smith, E. A. and Tripoli, G. J. Comparing microphysical/dynamical outputs by different cloud resolving models: Impact on passive microwave precipitation retrieval from satellite. Advances in Geosciences, Volume 2, 2005, pp.195-199. Reprint # 4886.
29. Tripoli, G. J.; Medaglia, C. M.; Dietrich, S.; Mugnai, A.; Panegrossi, G.; Pinori, S. and Smith, E. A. The 9-10 November 2001 Algerian flood: A numerical study. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 86, Issue 9, 2005, pp.1229-1235. Reprint # 4894.
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30. Tripoli, Gregory J. Numerical study of the 10 January 1998 lake-effect bands observed during Lake-ICE. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 62, Issue 9, 2005, pp.3232-3249. Reprint # 4766.
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31. Buker, M. L.; Hitchman, Matthew H.; Tripoli, Gregory J.; Pierce, R. B.; Browell, E. V. and Avery, M. A. Resolution dependence of cross-tropopause ozone transport over east Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 110, 2005, doi:10.1029/2004JD004739. Reprint # 4351.
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32. Kittaka, C.; Pierce, R. B.; Crawford, J. H.; Hitchman, M. H.; Johnson, D. R.; Tripoli, G. J.; Chin, M.; Bandy, A. R.; Weber, R. J.; Talbot, R. W. and Anderson, B. E. A three-dimensional regional modeling study of the impact of clouds on sulfate distributions during TRACE-P. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 109, 2004, doi:10.1029/2003JD004353. Reprint # 3933.
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33. Hitchman, Matthew H.; Buker, Marcus L.; Tripoli, Gregory J.; Pierce, R. B.; Al-Saadi, J. A.; Browell, E. V. and Avery, Melody A. A modeling study of an East Asian convective complex during March 2001. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 109, 2004, doi:10.1029/2003JD004312. Reprint # 3934.
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34. Mazzolai, B.; Mattoli, V.; Raffa, V.; Tripoli, G.; Accoto, D.; Menciassi, A. and Dario, P. A microfabricated physical sensor for atmospheric mercury monitoring. Sensors and Actuators, A, Volume 113, Issue 3, 2004, pp.282-287. Reprint # 3940.
35. Mecikalski, J. R. and Tripoli, G. J. Influence of upper-tropospheric inertial stability on the convective transport of momentum. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 129, Issue 590, 2003, pp.1537-1563. Reprint # 3441.
36. Hitchman, Matthew H.; Buker, Marcus L.; Tripoli, Gregory J.; Browell, Edward V.; Grant, William B.; McGee, Thomas J. and Burris, John F. Nonorographic generation of Arctic polar stratospheric clouds during December 1999. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 108, 2003, doi:10.29/2001JD001034. Reprint # 3442.
37. Pierce, R. B.; Al-Saadi, J. A.; Schaack, T.; Lenzen, A.; Zapotocny, T.; Johnson, D.; Kittaka, C.; Buker, M.; Hitchman, M. H.; Tripoli, G.; Fairlie, T. D.; Olson, J. R.; Natarajan, M.; Crawford, J.; Fishman, J.; Avery, M.; Browell, E.; Crielson, J.; Kondo, Y. and Sandholm, S. T. Regional Air Quality Modeling System (RAQMS) predictions of the tropospheric ozone budget over east Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 108, 2003, doi:10.1029/2002JD003176. Reprint # 3593.
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38. Seefeldt, Mark W.; Tripoli, Gregory J. and Stearns, Charles R. A high-resolution numerical simulation of the wind flow in the Ross Island Region, Antarctica. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 131, Issue 2, 2003, pp.435-458. Reprint # 3452.
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39. Mayor, Shane D.; Tripoli, Gregory J. and Eloranta, Edwin W. Evaluating large-eddy simulations using volume imaging lidar data. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 131, Issue 7, 2003, pp.1428-1452. Reprint # 3485.
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40. Mayor, Shane D.; Spalart, Philippe R. and Tripoli, Gregory J. Application of a perturbation recycling method in the large-eddy simulation of a mesoscale convective internal boundary layer. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 59, Issue 15, 2002, pp.2385-2395. Reprint # 3184.
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41. Kristovich, David A. R.; Young, George S.; Verlinde, Johannes; Sousounis, Peter J.; Mourad, Pierre; Lenschow, Donald; Rauber, Robert M.; Ramamurthy, Mohan K.; Jewett, Brian F.; Beard, Kenneth; Cutrim, Elen; DeMott, Paul J.; Eloranta, Edwin W.; Hjelmfelt, Mark R.; Kreidenweis, Sonia M.; Martin, Jon; Moore, James; Ochs, Harry T. III; Rogers, David C.; Scala, John; Tripoli, Gregory and Young, John. The Lake-Induced Convection Experiment and the Snowband Dynamics Project. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 81, Issue 3, 2000, pp.519-542. Reprint # 2679.
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42. Hitchman, Matthew H.; Buker, Marcus L. and Tripoli, Gregory J. Influence of synoptic waves on column ozone during Arctic summer 1997. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 104, 1999, 26,547-26,563. Reprint # 2822.
43. Panegrossi, Giulia; Dietrich, Stefano; Marzano, Frank S.; Mugnal, Alberto; Smith, Eric A.; Xiang, Xuwu; Tripoli, Gregory J.; Wang, Pao K. and Poiares Baptista, J. P. V. Use of cloud model microphysics for passive microwave-based precipitation retrieval: Significance of consistency between model and measurement manifolds. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 55, Issue 9, 1998, pp.1644-1673. Reprint # 2451.
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44. Avissar, Roni; Eloranta, Edwin W.; Gurer, Kemal and Tripoli, Gregory J. An evaluation of the large-eddy simulation option of the regional atmospheric modeling system in simulating a convective boundary layer: A FIFE case study. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 55, Issue 7, 1998, pp.1109-1130. Reprint # 2446.
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45. Mecikalski, John R. and Tripoli, Gregory J. Inertial available kinetic energy and the dynamics of tropical plume formation. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 126, Issue 8, 1998, pp.2200-2216. Reprint # 2542.
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46. Gyakum, John R.; Carrera, Marco; Zhang, Da-Lin; Miller, Steve; Caveen, James; Benoit, Robert; Black, Thomas; Buzzi, Andrea; Chouinard, Clement; Fantini, M.; Folloni, C.; Katzfey, Jack J.; Kuo, Ying-Hwa; Lalaurette, Francois; Low-Nam, Simon; Mailhot, Jocelyn; Malguzzi, P.; McGregor, John L.; Nakamura, Masaomi; Tripoli, Greg and Wilson, Clive. A regional model intercomparison using a case of explosive ocean cyclogenesis. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 11, Issue 4, 1996, pp.521-543. Reprint # 2442.
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47. Pokrandt, Peter J.; Tripoli, Gregory J. and Houghton, David D. Processes leading to the formation of mesoscale waves in the midwest cyclone of 15 December 1987. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 124, Issue 12, 1996, pp.2726-2752. Reprint # 2441.
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48. Smith, E. A.; Xiang, X.; Mugnai, A. and Tripoli, G. J. Design of an inversion-based precipitation profile retrieval algorithm using an explicit cloud model for initial guess microphysics. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Volume 54, Issue 1, 1994, pp.53-78. Reprint # 2016.
49. Mugnai, Alberto; Smith, Eric A. and Tripoli, Gregory J. Foundations for statistical-physical precipitation retrieval from passive microwave satellite measurements. Part II: Emission-source and generalized weighting-function properties of a time-dependent cloud-radiation model. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 32, Issue 1, 1993, pp.17-39. Reprint # 1378.
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50. Tripoli, G. J. An explicit three-dimensional nonhydrostatic numerical simulation of a tropical cyclone. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Volume 49, Issue 1, 1992, pp.229-254. Reprint # 1632.