1. Elsberry, Russell L.; Feldmeier, Joel W.; Hway-Jen, Chen and Velden, Christopher S. High Temporal Resolution Analyses with GOES-16 Atmospheric Motion Vectors of Mesovortex Rapid Intensification in Subtropical Cyclone Henri (2021). Weather and Forecasting, Volume 38, Issue 7, 2023, 1173–1194. Reprint #8974. Link to PDF |
2. Griffin, Sarah M.; Wimmers, Anthony and Velden, Christopher S. Predicting rapid intensification in North Atlantic and eastern North Pacific tropical cyclones using a convolutional neural network. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 37, Issue 8, 2022, pp.1333-1355. Reprint # 8844. Link to PDF |
3. Lewis, William E.; Olander, Timothy L.; Velden, Christopher S.; Rozoff, Christopher and Alessandrini, Stefano. Analog ensemble methods for improving satellite-based intensity estimates of tropical cyclones. Atmosphere, Volume 12, Issue 7, 2021, pp.830. Reprint # 8711. Link to PDF |
4. Ryglicki, David R.; Velden, Christopher S.; Reasor, Paul D.; Hodyss, Daniel and Doyle, James D. Observations of atypical rapid intensification characteristics in Hurricane Dorian (2019). Monthly Weather Review, Volume 149, Issue 7, 2021, pp.2131-2150. Reprint # 8720. Link to PDF |
5. Olander, Timothy; Wimmers, Anthony; Velden, Christopher and Kossin, James P. Investigation of machine learning using satellite-based advanced Dvorak technique analysis parameters to estimate tropical cyclone intensity. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 36, Issue 6, 2021, 2161–2186. Reprint # 8748. Link to PDF |
6. Courtney, J.; Burton, A.; Olander, T.; Ritchie, E.; Velden, C. and Stark, C. Towards an objective historical tropical cyclone dataset for the Australian region. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2020. Reprint # 8475. Link to PDF |
7. Li, Jinlong; Li, Jun; Velden, Christopher; Wang, Pei; Schmit, Timothy J. and Sippel, Jason. Impact of Rapid-Scan-Based Dynamical Information From GOES-16 on HWRF Hurricane Forecasts. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 125, Issue 3, 2020, e2019JD031647. Reprint # 8511. Link to PDF |
8. Elsberry, Russell L.; Buholzer, Natasha; Velden, Christopher S. and Jordan, Mary S. Satellite-based observations of nonlinear relationships between vertical wind shear and intensity changes during the life cycle of Hurricane Joaquin (2015). Weather and Forecasting, Volume 35, Issue 3, 2020, pp.939-958. Reprint # 8531. Link to PDF |
9. Lewis, William E.; Velden, Christopher S. and Stettner, David. Strategies for assimilating high-density atmospheric motion vectors into a regional tropical cyclone forecast model (HWRF). Atmosphere, Volume 11, Issue 6, 2020, pp.673. Reprint # 8569. Link to PDF |
10. Kossin, James P.; Knapp, Kenneth R.; Olander, Timothy L. and Velden, Christopher S. Global increase in major tropical cyclone exceedance probability over the past four decades. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 117, Issue 22, 2020, pp.11975-11980. Reprint # 8535. Link to PDF |
11. Velden, Christopher S. and Herndon, Derrick. A consensus approach for estimating tropical cyclone intensity from meteorological satellites: SATCON. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 35, Issue 4, 2020, pp.1645-1662. Reprint # 8611. Link to PDF |
12. Hoover, Brett T and Velden, Chris S. Adjoint-derived impact of assimilated observations on tropical cyclone intensity forecasts of Hurricane Joaquin (2015) and Hurricane Matthew (2016). Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Volume 37, Issue 8, 2020, pp.1333-1352. Reprint # 8574. Link to PDF |
13. Stettner, David; Velden, Christopher; Rabin, Robert; Wanzong, Steve; Daniels, Jaime and Bresky, Wayne. Development of enhanced vortex-scale atmospheric motion vectors for hurricane applications. Remote Sensing, Volume 11, Issue 17, 2019. Reprint # 8459. Link to PDF |
14. Anthes, Richard A.; Maier, Mark W.; Ackerman, Steve; Atlas, Robert; Callahan, Lisa W.; Dittberner, Gerald; Edwing, Richard; Emch, Pamela G.; Ford, Michael; Gail, William B.; Goldberg, Mitch; Goodman, Steve; Kummerow, Christian; Onsager, Terrance; Schrab, Kevin; Velden, Chris; Vonderhaar, Thomas and Yoe, James G. Developing priority observational requirements from space using multi-attribute utility theory. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 100, Issue 9, 2019, pp.1753-1773. Reprint # 8462. Link to PDF |
15. Posselt, Derek J.; Wu, Longtao; Mueller, Kevin; Huang, Lei; Irion, Fredrick W.; Brown, Shannon; Su, Hui; Santek, David and Velden, Christopher S. Quantitative assessment of state-dependent atmospheric motion vector uncertainties. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 58, Issue 11, 2019, pp.2479-2495. Reprint # 8473. Link to PDF |
16. Griffin, Sarah M. and Velden, Christopher S. Hazard avoidance products for convectively-induced turbulence in support of high-altitude Global Hawk aircraft missions. Pure and Applied Geophysics, Volume 176, Issue 5, 2019, pp.2045-2055. Reprint # 8375. Link to PDF |
17. Wimmers, Anthony; Velden, Christopher and Cossuth, Joshua H. Using deep learning to estimate tropical cyclone intensity from satellite passive microwave imagery. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 147, Issue 6, 2019, pp.2261-2282. Reprint # 8393. Link to PDF |
18. Olander, Timothy L. and Velden, Christopher S. The Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADT) for estimating tropical cyclone intensity: update and new capabilities. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 34, Issue 4, 2019, pp.905-922. Reprint # 8401. Link to PDF |
19. Zhang, Shixuan; Pu, Zhaoxia and Velden, Christopher. Impact of enhanced Atmospheric Motion Vectors in HWRF hurricane analyses and forecasts with different data assimilation configurations. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 146, Issue 5, 2018, pp.1549-1569. Reprint # 8282. Link to PDF |
20. Knapp, Kenneth R.; Velden, Christopher S. and Wimmers, Anthony J. A global climatology of tropical cyclone eyes. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 146, Issue 7, 2018, 2089–2101. Reprint # 8304. Link to PDF |
21. Blackwell, W.J.; Braun, S.; Bennartz, R.; Velden, C.; DeMaria, M.; Atlas, R.; Dunion, J.; Marks, F.; Rogers, R.; Annane, B. and Leslie, R.V. An overview of the TROPICS NASA Earth Venture mission. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 144, 2018, pp.16-26. Reprint # 8325. Link to PDF |
22. Elsberry, Russel L.; Hendricks, Eric A.; Velden, Christopher S.; Bell, Michael M.; Peng, Melinda; Casas, Eleanor and Zhao, Qingyun. Demonstration with special TCI-15 datasets of potential impacts of new-generation satellite atmospheric motion vectors on Navy regional and global models. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 33, 2018, pp.1617-1637. Reprint # 8332. Link to PDF |
23. Mapes, Brian E.; Chung, Eui Seok; Hannah, Walter M.; Masunaga, Hirohiko; Wimmers, Anthony J. and Velden, Christopher S. The meandering margin of the meteorological moist tropics. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 45, Issue 2, 2018, pp.1177-1184. Reprint # 8240. |
24. Emanuel, Kerry; Caroff, Philippe; Delgado, Sandy; Guard, Charles 'Chip'; Guishard, Mark; Hennon, Christopher; Knaff, John; Knapp, Kenneth R.; Kossin, James; Schreck, Carl; Velden, Christopher and Vigh, Jonathan. On the desirability and feasibility of a global reanalysis of tropical cyclones. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 99, Issue 2, 2018, pp.427-429. Reprint # 8244. Link to PDF |
25. Hendricks, Eric A.; Elsberry, Russell L.; Velden, Christopher S.; Jorgensen, Adam C.; Jordan, Mary S. and Creasey, Robert L. Environmental factors and internal processes contributing to the interrupted rapid decay of Hurricane Joaquin (2015). Weather and Forecasting, Volume 33, Issue 5, 2018, pp.1251-1262. Reprint # 8347. Link to PDF |