Dan Vimont

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Results: Found 198 records (displaying records 1 through 25)

1. Susong, Katie M.; Tucker, Bradley J.; Bron, Gebienna M.; Irwin, Patrick; Kirsch, John Mitchell; Vimont, Daniel; Stone, Chris; Paskewitz, Susan M. and Bartholomay, Lyric C. Snow-covered tires generate microhabitats that enhance overwintering survival of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Midwest, USA. Environmental Entomology, 2022. Reprint # 8807.
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2. Vimont, Daniel J.; Newman, Matthew; Battisti, David S. and Shin, Sang-Ik. The role of seasonality and the ENSO mode in central and east Pacific ENSO growth and evolution. Journal of Climate, Volume 35, Issue 11, 2022, pp.3195-3209. Reprint # 8811.
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3. Susong, Katie M.; Tucker, Bradley J.; Bron, Gebienna M.; Irwin, Patrick; Kirsch, John Mitchell; Vimont, Daniel; Stone, Chris; Paskewitz, Susan M. and Bartholomay, Lyric C. Snow-covered tires generate microhabitats that enhance overwintering survival of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Midwest, USA. Environmental Entomology, 2022. Reprint # 8807.
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4. Vimont, Daniel J.; Newman, Matthew; Battisti, David S. and Shin, Sang-Ik. The role of seasonality and the ENSO mode in central and east Pacific ENSO growth and evolution. Journal of Climate, Volume 35, Issue 11, 2022, pp.3195-3209. Reprint # 8811.
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5. Power, Scott; Lengaigne, Matthieu; Capotondi, Antonietta; Khodri, Myriam; Vialard, Jerome; Jebri, Beyrem; Guilyardi, Eric; McGregor, Shayne; Kug, Jong-Seong; Newman, Matthew; McPhaden, Michael J.; Meehl, Gerald; Smith, Doug; Cole, Julia; Emile-Geay, Julien; Vimont, Daniel; Wittenberg, Andrew T.; Collins, Mat; Kim, Geon-Il; Cai, Wenju; Okumura, Yuko; Chung, Christine; Cobb, Kim M.; Delage, Francois; Planton, Yann Y.; Levine, Aaron; Zhu, Feng; Sprintall, Janet; Di Lorenzo, Emanuele; Zhang, Xuebin; Luo, Jing-Jia; Lin, Xiaopei; Balmaseda, Magdalena; Wang, Guojian and Henley, Benjamin J. Decadal climate variability in the tropical Pacific: characteristics, causes, predictability, and prospects. Science, Volume 374, Issue 6563, 2021. Reprint # 8737.
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6. Power, Scott; Lengaigne, Matthieu; Capotondi, Antonietta; Khodri, Myriam; Vialard, Jerome; Jebri, Beyrem; Guilyardi, Eric; McGregor, Shayne; Kug, Jong-Seong; Newman, Matthew; McPhaden, Michael J.; Meehl, Gerald; Smith, Doug; Cole, Julia; Emile-Geay, Julien; Vimont, Daniel; Wittenberg, Andrew T.; Collins, Mat; Kim, Geon-Il; Cai, Wenju; Okumura, Yuko; Chung, Christine; Cobb, Kim M.; Delage, Francois; Planton, Yann Y.; Levine, Aaron; Zhu, Feng; Sprintall, Janet; Di Lorenzo, Emanuele; Zhang, Xuebin; Luo, Jing-Jia; Lin, Xiaopei; Balmaseda, Magdalena; Wang, Guojian and Henley, Benjamin J. Decadal climate variability in the tropical Pacific: characteristics, causes, predictability, and prospects. Science, Volume 374, Issue 6563, 2021. Reprint # 8737.
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7. Henderson, Stephanie A.; Vimont, Daniel J. and Newman, Matthew. The critical role of non-normality in partitioning tropical and extratropical contributions to PNA growth. Journal of Climate, Volume 33, Issue 14, 2020, pp.6273-6295. Reprint # 8634.
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8. Henderson, Stephanie A.; Vimont, Daniel J. and Newman, Matthew. The critical role of non-normality in partitioning tropical and extratropical contributions to PNA growth. Journal of Climate, Volume 33, Issue 14, 2020, pp.6273-6295. Reprint # 8634.
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9. Martinez-Villalobos, Cristian; Newman, Matthew; Vimont, Daniel J.; Penland, Cecile and Neelin, J. David. Observed El Nino-La Nina asymmetry in a linear model. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 46, Issue 16, 2019, pp.9909-9919. Reprint # 8463.
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10. Martinez-Villalobos, Cristian; Newman, Matthew; Vimont, Daniel J.; Penland, Cecile and Neelin, J. David. Observed El Nino-La Nina asymmetry in a linear model. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 46, Issue 16, 2019, pp.9909-9919. Reprint # 8463.
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11. Martinez-Villalobos, Cristian; Vimont, Daniel J.; Penland, Cecile; Newman, Matthew and Neelin, J. David. Calculating state-dependent noise in a linear inverse model framework. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 75, Issue 2, 2018, pp.479-496. Reprint # 8291.
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12. Thomas, Erin E.; Vimont, Daniel J.; Newman, Matthew; Penland, Cecile and Martinez-Villalobos, Cristian. The Role of Stochastic Forcing in Generating ENSO Diversity. Journal of Climate, Volume 31, Issue 22, 2018, pp.9125-9150. Reprint # 8433.
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13. Gonzalez, Patrick; Wang, Fuyao; Notaro, Michael; Vimont, Daniel J. and Williams, John W. Disproportionate magnitude of climate change in United States national parks. Environmental Research Letters, Volume 13, Issue 10, 2018. Reprint # 8434.
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14. Martinez-Villalobos, Cristian; Vimont, Daniel J.; Penland, Cecile; Newman, Matthew and Neelin, J. David. Calculating state-dependent noise in a linear inverse model framework. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 75, Issue 2, 2018, pp.479-496. Reprint # 8291.
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15. Larson, Sarah M.; Vimont, Daniel J.; Clement, Amy C. and Kirtman, Ben P. How momentum coupling affects SST variance and large-scale Pacific climate variability in CESM. Journal of Climate, Volume 31, Issue 7, 2018, pp.2927-2944. Reprint # 8247.
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16. Dixon, Ross D.; Vimont, Daniel J. and Daloz, Anne Sophie. The relationship between tropical precipitation biases and the Saharan heat low bias in CMIP5 models. Climate Dynamics, Volume 50, Issue 9, 2018, pp.3729-3744. Reprint # 8267.
17. Larson, Sarah M.; Vimont, Daniel J.; Clement, Amy C. and Kirtman, Ben P. How momentum coupling affects SST variance and large-scale Pacific climate variability in CESM. Journal of Climate, Volume 31, Issue 7, 2018, pp.2927-2944. Reprint # 8247.
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18. Thomas, Erin E.; Vimont, Daniel J.; Newman, Matthew; Penland, Cecile and Martinez-Villalobos, Cristian. The Role of Stochastic Forcing in Generating ENSO Diversity. Journal of Climate, Volume 31, Issue 22, 2018, pp.9125-9150. Reprint # 8433.
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19. Gonzalez, Patrick; Wang, Fuyao; Notaro, Michael; Vimont, Daniel J. and Williams, John W. Disproportionate magnitude of climate change in United States national parks. Environmental Research Letters, Volume 13, Issue 10, 2018. Reprint # 8434.
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20. Dixon, Ross D.; Vimont, Daniel J. and Daloz, Anne Sophie. The relationship between tropical precipitation biases and the Saharan heat low bias in CMIP5 models. Climate Dynamics, Volume 50, Issue 9, 2018, pp.3729-3744. Reprint # 8267.
21. Larson, Sarah M.; Kirtman, Ben P. and Vimont, Daniel J. A framework to decompose wind-driven biases in climate models applied to CCSM/CESM in the Eastern Pacific. Journal of Climate, Volume 30, Issue 21, 2017, pp.8763-8782. Reprint # 8177.
22. Atwood, A. R.; Battisti, D. S.; Wittenberg, A. T.; Roberts, W. H. G. and Vimont, D. J. Characterizing unforced multi-decadal variability of ENSO: A case study with the GFDL CM2.1 coupled GCM. Climate Dynamics, Volume 49, Issue 7, 2017, pp.2845-2862. Reprint # 8290.
23. Vimont, Daniel J.; Lorenz, D. J. and Kirchmeier, M. A probabilistic approach to climate downscaling: Flexibility and realistic representation of extremes. Conference on Climate Variability and Change, 29th, and Conference on Hydrology, 31st, Seattle, WA, 21-26 January 2017. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2017, Abstract J1.4.
24. Dixon, Ross D. and Vimont, D. J. Understanding tropical Atlantic precipitation bias across CMIP5 models. Conference on Climate Variability and Change, 29th, Seattle, WA, 21-26 January 2017. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2017, Abstract 7B.2.
25. Martinez-Villalobos, Cristian and Vimont, D. J. An analytical framework for understanding tropical meridional modes. Conference on Climate Variability and Change, 29th, Seattle, WA, 21-26 January 2017. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2017, Abstract 8.3.