26. Snow, Julie A.; Heikes, Brian G.; Merrill, John T.; Wimmers, Anthony J.; Moody, Jennie L. and Cantrell, Christopher A. Winter-spring evolution and variability of HOx reservoir species, hydrogen peroxide and methyl hydroperoxide in the northern middle to high latitudes. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 108, 2003, doi:10.1029/2002JD002172. Reprint # 4770. |
27. Wimmers, Anthony J.; Moody, Jennie L.; Browell, Edward V.; Hair, Johnathan W.; Grant, William B.; Butler, Carolyn F.; Fenn, Martha A.; Schmidt, Christopher C.; Li, Jun and Ridley, Brian A. Signatures of tropopause folding in satellite imagery. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 108, 2003, doi:10.1029/2001JD001358. Reprint # 3603. |
28. Browell, Edward V.; Hair, Johnathan W.; Butler, Carolyn F.; Grant, William B.; DeYoung, Russell J.; Fenn, Marta A.; Brackett, Vince G.; Clayton, Marian B.; Brasseur, Lorraine A.; Harper, David B.; Ridley, Brian A.; Klonecki, Andrzej A.; Hess, Peter G.; Emmons, Louisa K.; Tie, Xuexi; Atlas, Elliot L.; Cantrell, Christopher A.; Wimmers, Anthony J.; Blake, Donald R.; Coffey, Michael T.; Hannigan, James W.; Dibb, Jack E.; Talbot, Robert W.; Flocke, Frank; Weinheimer, Andrew J.; Fried, Alan; Wert, Bryan; Snow, Julie A. and Lefer, Barry L. Ozone, aerosol, potential vorticity, and trace gas trends observed at high-latitudes over North America from February to May 2000. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 108, 2003, doi:10.1029/2001JD001390. Reprint # 4531. |
29. Wimmers, A. J. and Moody, J. L. A fixed-layer estimation of upper tropospheric specific humidity from the GOES water vapor channel: Parameterization and validation of the altered brightness temperature product. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 106, 2001, 17,115-17,132. Reprint # 4771. |