1. Kossin, James P.; Herndon, Derrick C.; Wimmers, Anthony J.; Guo, Xi and Blake, Eric S. M-PERC: a new satellite microwave-based model to diagnose the onset of tropical cyclone eyewall replacement cycles. Weather and Forecasting, 2023. Reprint # 8938.
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2. Hoffman, Jay P.; Rahmnes, Timothy F.; Wimmers, Anthony J. and Feltz, Wayne F. The application of a convolutional neural network for the detection of contrails in satellite imagery. Remote Sensing, Volume 15, Issue 11, 2023, pp.2854. Reprint # 8942.
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3. Kossin, James P.; Herndon, Derrick C.; Wimmers, Anthony J.; Guo, Xi and Blake, Eric S. M-PERC: A New Satellite Microwave-Based Model to Diagnose the Onset of Tropical Cyclone Eyewall Replacement Cycles. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 38, Issue 8, 2023, pp.1405-1411. Reprint #8975.
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4. Griffin, Sarah M.; Wimmers, Anthony and Velden, Christopher S. Predicting rapid intensification in North Atlantic and eastern North Pacific tropical cyclones using a convolutional neural network. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 37, Issue 8, 2022, pp.1333-1355. Reprint # 8844.
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5. Olander, Timothy; Wimmers, Anthony; Velden, Christopher and Kossin, James P. Investigation of machine learning using satellite-based advanced Dvorak technique analysis parameters to estimate tropical cyclone intensity. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 36, Issue 6, 2021, 2161–2186. Reprint # 8748.
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6. Hristova-Veleva, Svetla M.; Li, P. Peggy; Knosp, Brian; Quoc Vu; Turk, F. Joseph; Poulsen, William L.; Haddad, Ziad; Lambrigtsen, Bjorn; Stiles, Bryan W.; Shen, Tsae-Pyng; Niamsuwan, Noppasin; Tanelli, Simone; Sy, Ousmane; Seo, Eun-Kyoung; Su, Hui; Vane, Deborah G.; Chao, Yi; Callahan, Philip S.; Dunbar, R. Scott; Montgomery, Michael; Boothe, Mark; Tallapragada, Vijay; Trahan, Samuel; Wimmers, Anthony J.; Holz, Robert; Reid, Jeffrey S.; Marks, Frank; Vukicevic, Tomislava; Bhalachandran, Saiprasanth; Leighton, Hua; Gopalakrishnan, Sundararaman; Navarro, Andres and Tapiador, Francisco J. An eye on the storm integrating a wealth of data for quickly advancing the physical understanding and forecasting of tropical cyclones. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 101, Issue 10, 2020, E1718-E1742. Reprint # 8609.
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7. Cintineo, John L.; Pavolonis, Michael J.; Sieglaff, Justin M.; Wimmers, Anthony; Brunner, Jason and Bellon, Willard. A Deep-Learning Model for Automated Detection of Intense Midlatitude Convection Using Geostationary Satellite Images. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 35, Issue 6, 2020, 2567–2588. Reprint # 8653.
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8. Wimmers, Anthony; Velden, Christopher and Cossuth, Joshua H. Using deep learning to estimate tropical cyclone intensity from satellite passive microwave imagery. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 147, Issue 6, 2019, pp.2261-2282. Reprint # 8393.
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9. Knapp, Kenneth R.; Velden, Christopher S. and Wimmers, Anthony J. A global climatology of tropical cyclone eyes. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 146, Issue 7, 2018, 2089–2101. Reprint # 8304.
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10. Mapes, Brian E.; Chung, Eui Seok; Hannah, Walter M.; Masunaga, Hirohiko; Wimmers, Anthony J. and Velden, Christopher S. The meandering margin of the meteorological moist tropics. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 45, Issue 2, 2018, pp.1177-1184. Reprint # 8240. |
11. Wimmers, Anthony; Griffin, Sarah; Gerth, Jordan; Bachmeier, Scott and Lindstrom, Scott. Observations of gravity waves with high-pass filtering in the new generation of geostationary imagers and their relation to aircraft turbulence. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 33, Issue 1, 2018, pp.139-144. Reprint # 8275.
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12. Wimmers, Anthony J. and Velden, Christopher S. Advancements in objective multisatellite tropical cyclone center fixing. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 55, Issue 1, 2016, 197–212. Reprint # 7537.
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13. Rozoff, Christopher M.; Velden, Christopher S.; Kaplan, John; Kossin, James P. and Wimmers, Anthony J. Improvements in the probabilistic prediction of tropical cyclone rapid intensification with passive microwave observations. Weather and Forecasting, Volume 30, Issue 4, 2015, pp.1016-1038. Reprint # 7449.
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14. Moody, J. L.; Felker, J. L.; Wimmers, A. J.; Osterman, G.; Bowman, K.; Thompson, A. M. and Tarasick, D. W. A Multi-sensor Upper Tropospheric Ozone Product (MUTOP) based on TES ozone and GOES water vapor: Validation with ozonesondes. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 12, Issue 12, 2012, pp.5661-5676. Reprint # 7067.
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15. Felker, S. R.; Moody, J. L.; Wimmers, A. J.; Osterman, G. and Bowman, K. A Multi-sensor Upper Tropospheric Ozone Product (MUTOP) based on TES ozone and GOES water vapor: Derivation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 11, Issue 13, 2011, pp.6515-6527. Reprint # 6414.
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16. Wimmers, Anthony J. and Velden, Christopher S. Seamless advective blending of total precipitable water retrievals from polar-orbiting satellites. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 50, Issue 5, 2011, pp.1024-1036. Reprint # 6456.
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17. Wimmers, Anthony J. and Velden, Christopher S. Objectively determining the rotational center of tropical cyclones in passive microwave satellite imagery. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 49, Issue 9, 2010, pp.2013-2034. Reprint # 6349.
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18. Hoff, Raymond; Zhang, Hai; Jordan, Nikisa; Prados, Ana; Engle-Cox, Jill/Huff, Amy; Weber, Stephanie; Zell, Erica; Kondragunta, Shobha; Szykmna, James; Johns, Brad; Dimmick, Fred; Wimmers, Anthony; Al-Saadi, Jay and Kittaka, Chieko. Applications of the three-dimensional air quality system to western US air quality: IDEA, Smog Blog, Smog Stories, AirQuest, and the Remote Sensing Information Gateway. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, Volume 59, Issue 3, 2008, pp.980-989. Reprint # 6158. |
19. Mecikalski, John R.; Feltz, Wayne F.; Murray, John J.; Johnson, David B.; Bedka, Kristopher M.; Bedka, Sarah T.; Wimmers, Anthony J.; Pavolonis, Michael; Berendes, Todd A.; Haggerty, Julie; Minnis, Pat; Bernstein, Ben and Williams, Earle. Aviation applications for satellite-based observations of cloud properties, convection initiation, in-flight icing, turbulence, and volcanic ash. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 88, Issue 10, 2007, pp.1589-1607. Reprint # 5493.
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20. Wimmers, Anthony J. and Velden, Christopher S. MIMIC: A new approach to visualizing satellite microwave imagery of tropical cyclones. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 88, Issue 8, 2007, pp.1187-1196. Reprint # 5438.
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21. Wimmers, A. J. and Moody, J. L. Tropopause folding at satellite-observed spatial gradients: 1: Verification of an empirical relationship. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 109, 2004, doi:10.1029/2003JD004145. Reprint # 3935. |
22. Wimmers, A. J. and Moody, J. L. Tropopause folding at satellite-observed spatial gradients: 2: Development of an empirical model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 109, 2004, doi:10.1029/2003JD004146. Reprint # 3936. |
23. Cooper, O.; Forster, C.; Parrish, D.; Dunlea, E.; Hubler, G.; Fehsenfeld, F.; Holloway, J.; Oltmans, S.; Johnson, B.; Wimmers, A. and Horowitz, L. On the life cycle of a stratospheric intrusion and its dispersion into polluted warm conveyor belts. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 109, 2004, doi:10.1029/2003JD004006. Reprint # 3937. |
24. Ridley, B. A.; Atlas, E. L.; Montzka, D. D.; Browell, E. V.; Cantrell, C. A.; Blake, D. R.; Blake, N. J.; Cinquini, L.; Coffey, M. T.; Emmons, L. K.; Cohen, R. C.; DeYoung, R. J.; Dibb, J. E.; Eisele, F. L.; Flocke, F. M.; Fried, A.; Grahek, F. E.; Grant, W. B.; Hair, J. W.; Hanningan, J. W.; Heikes, B. J.; Lefer, B. L.; Mauldin, R. L.; Moody, J. L.; Shetter, R. E.; Snow, J. A.; Talbot, R. W.; Thornton, J. A.; Walega, J. G.; Winheimer, A. J.; Wert, B. P. and Wimmers, A. J. Ozone depletion events observed in the high latitude surface layer during the TOPSE aircraft program. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 108, 2003, doi:10.1029/2001JD001507. Reprint # 4768. |
25. Wang, Yuhang, Shim, Changsub; Blake,Nicola; Choi, Yunsoo; Ridley, Brian; Dibb, Jack; Wimmers, Anthony; Moody, Jennie; Flocke, Frank; Weinheimer, Andrew; Talbot, Robert and Atlas, Elliot. Intercontinental transport of pollution manifested in the variability and seasonal trend of springtime O3 at northern middle and high latitudes. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 108, 2003, doi:10.1029/2003JD003592. Reprint # 4769. |