Xuebao Wu

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26. Goldberg, M.; Ohring, G.; Butler, J.; Cao, C.; Datla, R.; Doelling, D.; Gartner, V.; Hewison, T.; Iacovazzi, B.; Kim, D.; Kurino, T.; Lafeuille, J.; Minnis, P.; Renaut, D.; Schmetz, J.; Tobin, D.; Wang, L.; Weng, F.; Wu, X.; Yu, F.; Zhang, P. and Zhu, T. The global space-based inter-calibration system. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 92, Issue 4, 2011, pp.467-475. Reprint # 6461.
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27. Molling, Christine C.; Heidinger, Andrew K.; Straka, William C. III and Wu, Xiangqian. Calibrations for AVHRR channels 1 and 2: Review and path towards consensus. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 31, Issue 24, 2010, pp.6519-6540. Reprint # 6392.
28. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Straka, William C. III; Molling, Christine C.; Sullivan, Jerry T. and Wu, Xiangqian. Deriving an inter-sensor consistent calibration for the AVHRR solar reflectance data record. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 31, Issue 24, 2010, pp.6493-6517. Reprint # 6393.
29. Molling, Christine C.; Heidinger, Andrew K.; Straka, William C. III and Wu, Xiangqian. Calibrations for AVHRR channels 1 and 2: Review and path towards consensus. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 31, Issue 24, 2010, pp.6519-6540. Reprint # 6392.
30. Heidinger, Andrew K.; Straka, William C. III; Molling, Christine C.; Sullivan, Jerry T. and Wu, Xiangqian. Deriving an inter-sensor consistent calibration for the AVHRR solar reflectance data record. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 31, Issue 24, 2010, pp.6493-6517. Reprint # 6393.
31. Wu, Xuebao; Li, Jun; Zhang, Wenjian and Wang, Fang. Atmospheric profile retrieval with AIRS data and validation at the ARM CART site. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 22, Issue 5, 2005, pp.647-654. Reprint # 5005.
32. Li, Jun; Liu, Chian-Yi; Huang, Hung-Lung; Schmit, Timothy J.; Wu, Xuebao; Menzel, W. Paul and Gurka, James J. Optimal cloud-clearing for AIRS radiances using MODIS. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 43, Issue 6, 2005, pp.1266-1278. Reprint # 4448.
33. Wu, Xuebao; Li, Jun; Menzel, W. Paul; Huang, Allen; Baggett, Kevin and Revercomb, Henry. Evaluation of AIRS cloud properties using MPACE data. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 32, Issue 24, 2005, doi:10.1029/2005GL024400. Reprint # 5006.
34. Wu, Xuebao; Li, Jun; Menzel, W. Paul; Huang, Allen; Baggett, Kevin and Revercomb, Henry. Evaluation of AIRS cloud properties using MPACE data. Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 32, Issue 24, 2005, doi:10.1029/2005GL024400. Reprint # 5006.
35. Wu, Xuebao; Li, Jun; Zhang, Wenjian and Wang, Fang. Atmospheric profile retrieval with AIRS data and validation at the ARM CART site. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 22, Issue 5, 2005, pp.647-654. Reprint # 5005.
36. Li, Jun; Liu, Chian-Yi; Huang, Hung-Lung; Schmit, Timothy J.; Wu, Xuebao; Menzel, W. Paul and Gurka, James J. Optimal cloud-clearing for AIRS radiances using MODIS. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 43, Issue 6, 2005, pp.1266-1278. Reprint # 4448.
37. Huang, Hung-Lung; Smith, William L.; Li, Jun; Antonelli, Paolo; Wu, Xiangqian; Knuteson, Robert O.; Huang, Bormin and Osborne, Brian J. Minimum local emissivity variance retrieval of cloud altitude and effective spectral emissivity - simulation and initial verification. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 43, Issue 5, 2004, pp.795-809. Reprint # 3753.
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38. Huang, Hung-Lung; Smith, William L.; Li, Jun; Antonelli, Paolo; Wu, Xiangqian; Knuteson, Robert O.; Huang, Bormin and Osborne, Brian J. Minimum local emissivity variance retrieval of cloud altitude and effective spectral emissivity - simulation and initial verification. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 43, Issue 5, 2004, pp.795-809. Reprint # 3753.
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39. Wu, Xiangqian; Menzel, W. Paul and Wade, Gary S. Estimation of sea surface temperatures using GOES-8/9 radiance measurements. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 80, Issue 6, 1999, pp.1127-1138. Reprint # 2601.
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40. Wu, Xiangqian; Menzel, W. Paul and Wade, Gary S. Estimation of sea surface temperatures using GOES-8/9 radiance measurements. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 80, Issue 6, 1999, pp.1127-1138. Reprint # 2601.
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41. Burns, Barbara A.; Wu, Xiangqian and Diak, George R. Effects of precipitation and cloud ice on brightness temperatures in AMSU moisture channels. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 35, Issue 6, 1997, pp.1429-1437. Reprint # 3155.
42. Wu, Xiangqian and Smith, William L. Emissivity of rough sea surface for 8-13 microns: Modeling and verification. Applied Optics, Volume 36, Issue 12, 1997, pp.2609-2619. Reprint # 2363.
43. Burns, Barbara A.; Wu, Xiangqian and Diak, George R. Effects of precipitation and cloud ice on brightness temperatures in AMSU moisture channels. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 35, Issue 6, 1997, pp.1429-1437. Reprint # 3155.
44. Wu, Xiangqian and Smith, William L. Emissivity of rough sea surface for 8-13 microns: Modeling and verification. Applied Optics, Volume 36, Issue 12, 1997, pp.2609-2619. Reprint # 2363.
45. Wu, Xiangqian and Smith, William L. Sensitivity of sea surface temperature retrieval to sea surface emissivity. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, Volume 10, Issue 3, 1996, pp.376-384. Reprint # 2279.
46. Wu, Xiangqian and Smith, William L. Sensitivity of sea surface temperature retrieval to sea surface emissivity. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, Volume 10, Issue 3, 1996, pp.376-384. Reprint # 2279.
47. Bates, John J.; Wu, X. and Jackson, D. L. Interannual variability of upper-troposphere water vapor band brightness temperature. Journal of Climate, Volume 9, Issue 2, 1996, pp.427-438. Reprint # 1661.
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48. Bates, John J.; Wu, X. and Jackson, D. L. Interannual variability of upper-troposphere water vapor band brightness temperature. Journal of Climate, Volume 9, Issue 2, 1996, pp.427-438. Reprint # 1661.
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49. Wu, Xiaohua; Diak, George R.; Hayden, Christopher M. and Young, John A. Short-range precipitation forecasts using assimilation of simulated satellite water vapor profiles and column cloud liquid water amounts. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 123, Issue 2, 1995, pp.347-365. Reprint # 1809.
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50. Schmetz, Johannes; Menzel, W. Paul; Velden, Christopher; Wu, Xiagqian; van de Berg, Leo; Nieman, Steve; Hayden, Christopher; Holmlund and Geijo, Carlos. Monthly mean large-scale analyses of upper-tropospheric humidity and wind field divergence derived from three geostationary satellites. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 76, Issue 9, 1995, pp.1578-1584. Reprint # 2039.
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