Xuebao Wu

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Results: Found 64 records (displaying records 51 through 64)

51. Wu, Xiaohua; Diak, George R.; Hayden, Christopher M. and Young, John A. Short-range precipitation forecasts using assimilation of simulated satellite water vapor profiles and column cloud liquid water amounts. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 123, Issue 2, 1995, pp.347-365. Reprint # 1809.
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52. Schmetz, Johannes; Menzel, W. Paul; Velden, Christopher; Wu, Xiagqian; van de Berg, Leo; Nieman, Steve; Hayden, Christopher; Holmlund and Geijo, Carlos. Monthly mean large-scale analyses of upper-tropospheric humidity and wind field divergence derived from three geostationary satellites. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 76, Issue 9, 1995, pp.1578-1584. Reprint # 2039.
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53. Pauley, Patricia M. and Wu, Xiohua. Reply for comments on 'The theoretical, discrete and actual response of the Barnes objective analysis scheme for one- and two-dimensional fields'. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 122, Issue 2, 1994, pp.399-401. Reprint # 1832.
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54. Pauley, Patricia M. and Wu, Xiohua. Reply for comments on 'The theoretical, discrete and actual response of the Barnes objective analysis scheme for one- and two-dimensional fields'. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 122, Issue 2, 1994, pp.399-401. Reprint # 1832.
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55. Wu, Xianmian; Bates, John T. and Khalsa, Sirs Jodha Singh. A climatology of the water vapor band brightness temperatures from NOAA operational satellites. Journal of Climate, Volume 6, Issue 7, 1993, pp.1282-1300. Reprint # 1408.
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56. Wu, Xianmian; Bates, John T. and Khalsa, Sirs Jodha Singh. A climatology of the water vapor band brightness temperatures from NOAA operational satellites. Journal of Climate, Volume 6, Issue 7, 1993, pp.1282-1300. Reprint # 1408.
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57. Diak, George R.; Kim, Dongsoo; Whipple, Mark S. and Wu, Xiaohua. Preparing for the AMSU. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 73, Issue 12, 1992, pp.1971-1984. Reprint # 1316.
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58. Wu, Xiangqian and Smith, William L. Assimilation of ERBE data with a nonlinear programming technique to improve cloud-cover diagnosis. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 120, Issue 9, 1992, pp.2009-2024. Reprint # 1303.
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59. Diak, George R.; Kim, Dongsoo; Whipple, Mark S. and Wu, Xiaohua. Preparing for the AMSU. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume 73, Issue 12, 1992, pp.1971-1984. Reprint # 1316.
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60. Wu, Xiangqian and Smith, William L. Assimilation of ERBE data with a nonlinear programming technique to improve cloud-cover diagnosis. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 120, Issue 9, 1992, pp.2009-2024. Reprint # 1303.
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61. Green, Richard N.; House, Frederick B.; Stackhouse, Paul W.; Wu, Xiangqian; Ackerman, Steven A.; Smith, William L. and Johnson, Margaret J. Intercomparison of scanner and nonscanner measurements for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 95, 1990, pp.11785-11798. Reprint # 1743.
62. Green, Richard N.; House, Frederick B.; Stackhouse, Paul W.; Wu, Xiangqian; Ackerman, Steven A.; Smith, William L. and Johnson, Margaret J. Intercomparison of scanner and nonscanner measurements for the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume 95, 1990, pp.11785-11798. Reprint # 1743.
63. Pauley, Patricia M. and Wu, Xiaohua. The theoretical discrete, and actual response of the Barnes objective analysis scheme for one- and two-dimensional fields. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 118, Issue 5, 1990, pp.1145-1163. Reprint # 1144.
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64. Pauley, Patricia M. and Wu, Xiaohua. The theoretical discrete, and actual response of the Barnes objective analysis scheme for one- and two-dimensional fields. Monthly Weather Review, Volume 118, Issue 5, 1990, pp.1145-1163. Reprint # 1144.
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