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Limaye, Sanjay S.. A planetary version of PC-McIDAS: Fourth quarterly progress report on NASA Contract NAS5-21247. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, July 1992. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.92.07.L1.
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Limaye, Sanjay S.. Venus atmospheric circulation: Observations and implications of the thermal structure. Advanced Space Research, Volume: 5, Issue: 9, 1985, pp.51-62. Reprint # 667.
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Limaye, Sanjay S.. A planetary version of PC-McIDAS: Third quarterly progress report on CESDIS Contract S.C. 550-80. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, April 1993. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.93.04.L1.
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Limaye, Sanjay S.. A planetary version of PC-McIDAS: First quarterly progress report on CESDIS Contract S.C.550-80. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 1992. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.92.10.L1.
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Limaye, Sanjay S. and Suomi, V. E.. A normalized view of Venus. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume: 34, Issue: 1, 1977, pp.205-215. Reprint # 70.
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Limaye, Sanjay S.; Krauss, R. J.; Wright, E.; Santek, D.; Gorski, S. and Saunders, R. S.. McIDAS-eXpolorer: A planetary version of PC-McIDAS. Annual report on CESDIS contract SL 550-80. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, July 1993. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.93.07.L1.
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233. Limaye, Sanjay S.; Martin, Mike; Saunders, R. S. and Sromovsky, L. A.. A planetary version of PC-McIDAS. s.l., [National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Office of Space Science and Applications], 1991, D78-D81. Reprint # 3583.
Limaye, Sanjay S.; Saunders, R. Stephen; Sromovsky, Lawrence A. and Martin, Michael. McIDAS-eXplorer - A version of McIDAS for planetary applications: Final report for work performed under USRA contract no.5555-08. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 1994. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.94.07.L1.
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235. Limaye, Sanjay S.; Sromovsky, L. A.; Saunders, R. S. and Martin, Michael. Planetary data analysis and display system: A version of PC-McIDAS. Washington, DC, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Office of Space Science and Applications, 1992, D-15. Reprint # 1890.
236. Limaye, Sanjay S.; Sromovsky, L. A.; Saunders, R. S. and Martin, Michael. Planetary data analysis and display system: A version of PC-McIDAS. [Washington, DC], National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Office of Space Science, Information Systems Branch, 1993, C-15. Reprint # 6633.
Limaye, Sanjay Shridhar. Atmospheric dynamics on Venus and Mars. Advances in Space Research, Volume: 7, Issue: 12, 1987, (12)39-(12)53. Reprint # 840.
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Limaye, Sanjay Shridhar and Suomi, Verner E.. Cloud motions on Venus: Global structure and organization. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume: 38, Issue: 6, 1981, pp.1220-1235. Reprint # 68.
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239. Limaye, Sanjay; Ackerman, Steven A.; Fry, Patrick M.; Isa, Majeed; Ali, Habib; Ali, Ghulam and Wright, Allan. Satellite monitoring of smoke from the Kuwait oil fires. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 97, 1992, pp.14551-14563. Reprint # 1305.
240. Limaye, Sanjay; Frey, Patrick M. and Ackerman, Steven A.. PC-McIDAS in satellite monitoring of oil-fires in Kuwait expedition (SMOKE). Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1992, J85-J86. Reprint # 1267.
Lindstrom, Scott. Background generation of DBCRAS output images using McIDAS. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2009, PowerPoint presentation.
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Lindstrom, Scott and Parker, Dave. GRIB2. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2005, PowerPoint presentation.
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Lindstrom, Scott; Parker, Dave and Baggett, Kevin. The ADDE GRIB server. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 2005, PowerPoint presentation.
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244. Liu, Gin-Rong. The use of visible data for improving VAS satellite soundings. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, 1986. Call Number: UW MET Publication No.86.08.L1.
Lo, Cecil S.; Barchet, Wm. R. and Martin, David W.. Vertical mass transport in cumulonimbus clouds on day 261 of GATE. Monthly Weather Review, Volume: 110, Issue: 12, 1982, pp.1994-2004. Reprint # 289.
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246. Lo, Cecil Sy-Sheau. Using satellite imagery to determine the mass transport of individual cells in a GATE cloud cluster. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Meteorology, 1976. Call Number: UW MET Publication No.76.12.L1.
247. Lynch, James S.; Rutledge, Glenn K. and Velden, Christopher S.. Applications of satellite-derived winds to the analysis of the tropical and subtropical synoptic environment. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1991, pp.158-161. Reprint # 1278.
Mack, Robert A. and Wylie, Donald P.. An estimation of the condensation rates in three severe storm systems from satellite observations of the convective mass flux. Monthly Weather Review, Volume: 110, Issue: 7, 1982, pp.725-744. Reprint # 254.
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Martin, David W.. Cloud top temperature in a large rainstorm. An interim report to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Contract #NA-84-DCG-00240, University of Wisconsin Account #144-W107 for the period of 28 September 1984 through 27 September 1985. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Space Science and Engineering Center, 1985. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.85.12.M1.
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250. Martin, David W.. Characteristics of West African and Atlantic cloud clusters. Geneva, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 1975, pp.183-190. Reprint # 1802.