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Results: Found 3271 records (displaying records 1026 through 1050)

1026. Jacobowitz, H. and Howell, H. B.. On the matrix method applied to the multiple scattering of polarized lightJournal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume: 28, Issue: 7, 1971, pp.1301-1303. Reprint # 4732. 
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1027. Jacobowitz, H.; Smith, W. L. and Drummond, A. J.. Satellite measurements of aerosol backscattered radiation from the Nimbus 7 ERB experiment. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society (AMS), 1971, pp.147-150. Reprint # 5943. 

1028. Jacobowitz, H.; Smith, W. L. and Drummond, A. J.. Satellite measurements of aerosol backscattered radiation from the Nimbus F Earth Radiation Budget Experiment. Washington, DC, US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Environmental Satellite Service (NESS), 1972. 9p. Call Number: C 55.13:NESS 60. 

1029. Jacobowitz, H.; Smith, W. L.; Howell, H. B.; Nagle, F. W. and Hickey, J. R.. The first eighteen months of planetary radiation budget measurements from the Nimbus-6 ERB Experiment. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1978, pp.164-166. Reprint # 2700. 

1030. Jacobowitz, H.; Smith, W. L.; Howell, H. B.; Nagle, F. W. and Hickey, J. R.. The first 18 months of planetary radiation budget measurements from the Nimbus 6 ERB experimentJournal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume: 36, Issue: 3, 1979, pp.501-507. Reprint # 382. 
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1031. Jacobowitz, Herbert; Stowe, Larry L.; Ohring, George; Heidinger, Andrew; Knapp, Kenneth and Nalli, Nicholas R.. The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer Pathfinder Atmosphere (PATMOS) climate dataset: A resource for climate researchBulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Volume: 84, Issue: 6, 2003, pp.785-793. Reprint # 3450. 
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1032. Jasmin, Tommy; Hiley, Mike; Foster, Mike and Heidinger, Andrew. CIMSS climate data portal. Darmstadt, Germany, European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), 2015, poster presentation. 

1033. Jedlovac, Gary J.; Menzel, W. Paul; Wilson, Gregory S. and Atkinson, Robert J.. Detection of mountain-induced mesoscale wave structures with high resolution moisture imagery. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 1986, pp.365-369. Reprint # 1792. 

1034. Jedlovec, Gary J.; Batson, K. Bryan; Atkinson, Robert J.; Moeller, Chris C.; Menzel, W. Paul and James, M.. Improved capabilities of the Multispectral Atmospheric Mapping Sensor (MAMS). Huntsville, AL, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, 1989. 72p. Call Number: NAS 1.15:100352. 

1035. Jedlovec, Gary J.; Menzel, W. P.; Atkinson, R.; Wilson, G. S. and Arvesen, J.. The Multispectral Atmospheric Mapping Sensor (MAMS): Instrument description, calibration, and data quality. Marshall Space Flight Center, AL, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, 1986. 37p. Call Number: NAS 1.15:86565. 

1036. Jedlovec, Gary J.; Menzel, W. Paul; Wilson, Gregory S. and Atkinson, Robert J.. Detection of mountin-induced mesoscale wave structure with high resolution moisture imagery. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), 1991, included in appendix A. Call Number: UW SSEC Publication No.91.12.M1. 
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1037. Jedlovec, Gary; DeMaria, Mark and Schmit, Tim. RGB activities for the GOES-R proving ground. US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2012, PowerPoint presentation. 

1038. Jelenak, Aleksander and Heidinger, Andrew K.. Validation of CLAVR-x cloud detection over ocean using AVHRR GAC sea surface temperature. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 2005, pp.292-298. Reprint # 4199. 

1039. Jenney, J. A.; Melton, D. L.; Howell, L. D. and Smith, W. L.. HIRS-hybrid - a high resolution sounder for the near term. Reading, UK, European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), 1995, pp.205-216. Reprint # 6486. 
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1040. Jenney, J. A.; Melton, D. L.; Howell, L. D. and Smith, W. L.. HIRS-hybrid - a high resolution sounder for the near term. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1996, pp.155-166. Reprint # 2719. 

1041. Jenney, J. A.; Melton, D. L.; Howell, L. D. and Smith, W. L.. HIRS-hybrid - a high resolution sounder for the near term. [Reading, UK], [European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)], 1995, pp.44. abstract. 
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1042. Jin, Xin; Li, J.; Schmit, T. J.; Goldberg, M.; Wolf, W.; Martin, G. D. and Sampson, S.. GOES-R legacy atmospheric profile retrieval algorithm for final delivery. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2010, Abstract P8.7. 

1043. Jin, Xin; Li, J.; Schmit, T. J.; Li, J.; Weisz, E. and Li, Z.. GOES-R/ABI legacy profile algorithm evaluation with MSG/SEVIRI. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society, 2008, Abstract P1.89. 

1044. Jin, Xin; Li, J.; Schmit, T. J.; Sampson, S.; Martin, G. D.; Wolf, W. and Goldberg, M. D.. Speeding up the GOES-R legacy atmospheric sounding algorithm: A blend of the CRTM forward model and the fast analytical Jacobian scheme. Boston, MA, American Meteorological Society (AMS), 2011, Abstract 657. 

1045. Jin, Xin; Li, Jun; Nelson, James; Schmidt, Christopher; Li, Zhenglong; Schmit, Timothy and Goldberg, Mitchell. An improved atmospheric profile retrieval system for GOES sounder and SEVIRI data. Bellingham, WA, SPIE-International Society for Optical Engineering, 2007, Paper 66840K. Reprint # 5782. 

1046. Jin, Xin; Li, Jun; Schmidt, Christopher C.; Schmit, Timothy J. and Li, Jinlong. Retrieval of total column ozone from imagers onboard geostationary satellitesIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume: 46, Issue: 2, 2008, pp.479-488. Reprint # 5661. 

1047. Jin, Xin; Li, Jun; Schmidt, Christopher C.; Schmit, Timothy J. and Li, Jinlong. Study of high temporal ozone product from imagers onboard geostationary satellite. Washington, DC, Optical Society of America, 2007, Paper JWA23. CD-ROM. Reprint # 5510. 

1048. Jin, Xin; Li, Jun; Schmit, Timothy J. and Goldberg, Mitchell D.. Evaluation of radiative transfer models in atmospheric profiling with broadband infrared radiance measurementsInternational Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume: 32, Issue: 3, 2011, pp.863-874. Reprint # 6618. 

1049. Jin, Xin; Li, Jun; Schmit, Timothy J. and Goldberg, Mitchell D.. Evaluation of the impact of radiative transfer models on SEVIRI/ABI profile retrieval. Washington, DC, Optical Society of America, 2009, Abstract HTuA5. 

1050. Jin, Xin; Li, Jun; Schmit, Timothy J.; Li, Jinlong; Goldberg, Mitchell D. and Gurka, James J.. Retrieving clear-sky atmospheric parameters from SEVIRI and ABI infrared radiancesJournal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 113, 2008, doi:10.1029/2008JD010040. Reprint # 5816.